Visiting the veterinarian / Visitando al veterinario (ESP-ENG)


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¡Hola hivers!💜

Espero que se encuentren bien y felices. Tengo una perrita llamada Buda y estaba presentando vómitos, así que tuve que llevarla al veterinario. Honestamente ambas estábamos nerviosas de la consulta, yo por el diagnóstico que podían dar y Buda porque le tiene miedo a la asistente del doctor.

Eso sí, ama a su veterinario. Se deja revisar por el doctor Daniel, aunque esté nerviosa. En la sala de espera se hizo amiga de un señor que empezó a hacerle cariño, algo que le fascina: que la gente la acaricie.

Ya en consulta la pesaron, midieron su temperatura, revisaron la cicatriz de su esterilización y le hicieron un eco para ver su estómago. Debo admitir que Buda se comportó a la altura. Se portó genial y el doctor pudo diagnosticarla: gastritis. Su estómago estaba irritado, así que le enviaron medicamentos y dieta, aunque no podía pasar mucho tiempo sin comer.

Al final de la consulta no se quería ir. No lograba sacarla del consultorio para que vieran al siguiente paciente. Gracias a Dios ya está bien y está tranquila, sin vómitos, siendo un dinoperro feliz.

Gracias por leerme
Con cariño, G.


Hi hivers! 💜

I hope you are well and happy. I have a little dog named Buda and she was vomiting, so I had to take her to the vet. Honestly we were both nervous about the appointment, me because of the diagnosis they might give and Buda because she is afraid of the doctor's assistant.

Mind you, she loves her vet. She lets herself be checked by Dr. Daniel, even if she is nervous. In the waiting room she made friends with a man who started to pet her, something that fascinates her: people petting her.

She was weighed, her temperature was measured, her sterilization scar was checked and an echo was done to see her stomach. I must admit that Buda behaved up to par. She was great and the doctor was able to diagnose her: gastritis. Her stomach was irritated, so they sent her on medication and diet, although she couldn't go long without eating.

At the end of the consultation she didn't want to leave. I couldn't get her out of the office to see the next patient. Thank God she is doing well now and is calm, not vomiting, being a happy dog.

Thank you for reading me
With love, G.

Fotos: tomadas por mi desde mi redmi 10
Traducción: Deepl

Photos: taken by me from my redmi 10
Translation: Deepl

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