Una pequeña y encantadora ave rosada (Pintura en acuarela) / A lovely little pink bird (Watercolor painting)
Hello hivers. I love birds, along with fish and insects they are some of the most colorful animals that exist. A few months ago I was looking at birds on the internet and there was one that caught my attention, not only because of how small and cute it is but because of the beautiful colors it has, it only has two colors but one of them isn't very common to see in an animal and perhaps that's why I became obsessed with painting it one day hehehe.
Esta pequeño pajarito se llama Petroica encarnada (Petroica rodinogaster), es nativa de Tasmania y el sureste de Australia y lo que atrajo mi atención es ese espectacular color de tonos rosa y fucsia que tiene en su pecho 💗. Estuve buscando fotos en internet para conocerlo mejor y así poder hacer una buena pintura para compartirla con ustedes.
This little bird is called Petroica incarnate (Petroica rodinogaster), it is native to Tasmania and southeastern Australia and what caught my attention is that spectacular color of pink and fuchsia tones that it has on its chest 💗. I was looking for photos on the internet to get to know it better and thus be able to make a good painting to share with you.
Los materiales que utilicé fueron: cartulina reciclada de una caja de chocolate, acuarelas, agua, pinceles, lápiz, borra y un poquito de pintura blanca. Les muestro el proceso artístico para darle vida a este lindo pajarito 🐦🎨🖌️.
The materials I used were: recycled cardboard from a chocolate box, watercolors, water, brushes, pencil, eraser and a little bit of white paint. I show you the artistic process to bring this cute little bird to life 🐦🎨🖌️.
El primer paso, hacer el boceto con lápiz.
The first step, make the sketch with a pencil.

Seguidamente, pinté el cuerpo del pajarito. Usé rosado como color base en el cuerpo y para la cabeza, azul indigo. También pinté las patas con marrón, y negro para las uñas.
Next, I painted the body of the bird. I used pink as the base color on the body and indigo blue for the head. I also painted the legs with brown, and black for the nails.

Ahora con azul celeste pinté el fondo, y luego mezclé azul rey con un poquito de violeta para darle más profundidad. También usé violeta en el cuerpo del pajarito.
Now I painted the background with light blue, and then I mixed royal blue with a little bit of violet to give it more depth. I also used purple on the bird's body.

Para dar la apariencia de la esponjosidad de las plumas usé dos mezclas, una fué rosado con rojo para el cuerpo, y la otra, violeta con azul y un poquito de negro para las plumas de la cabeza, ambos colores los fuí aplicando delicadamente en forma de finas pinceladas.
To give the appearance of the fluffiness of the feathers I used two mixtures, one was pink with red for the body, and the other, violet with blue and a little bit of black for the head feathers, I applied both colors delicately in the form of fine brush strokes.

Llegó el momento de darle vida a la expresión de mi amiguito emplumado así que pinté de negro su ojo, el pico lo pinté de negro en la parte inferior y de azul oscuro en la parte superior, y puse un poquito de pintura blanca debajo del ojo y en el pico para darle un toque de luz.
Time to give life to the expression of my little feathered friend so I painted his eye black, I painted the beak black on the bottom and with dark blue on the top and I put a little white paint under the eye and on the beak to give it a touch of light.

Por último, pinté la tierra con toques de verde y marrón. Y este es el resultado final.
Lastly, I painted the ground with touches of green and brown. And this is the final result.

La Petroica encarnada vive muy lejos de mi país, Venezuela, pero ahora, gracias a esta pintura puedo disfrutar de verla todos los días 😃🐦💗. ¿Qué les pareció? ¿Conocían a esta hermosa ave?
The Petroica incarnate lives very far from my country, Venezuela, but now, thanks to this painting I can enjoy seeing her every day 😃🐦💗. What did you think? Did you know this beautiful bird?
Bueno amigos, ha sido un verdadero placer hacer esta pintura, espero que les haya gustado. Muchísimas gracias por su tiempo. Salud y felicidad infinitas para todos 🌞🍀.
Well friends, it has been a real pleasure to make this painting, I hope you liked it. Thank you very much for your time. Infinite health and happiness for everyone 🌞🍀.
Gracias por leer, compartir, apoyar, votar y comentar.
Hasta la próxima.
Thanks for read, share, vote and comment.
Until next post.
Muy lindo este pajarito rechonchito ❤️ 😄
Jajaja, gracias ☺️, oye, respeta a mi esponjoso amiguito 😘🐦💗
Beautiful painting :) The birdie reminds me of this little fella that I met on the Azores :)
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Thank you very much dear @phortun, I'm happy you liked it, how are you and your beautiful family? 🤗
Oh, that's a Robin, so cute ❤️. It really looks like my little pink bird, they are both fluffy and tender ☺️ . Maybe they are distant relatives but from different continents 😉.