RE: Wow... Corona update from Kirkland cluster...

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Oh there is a jail that has it. And with the unrest... It's a matter of time until it does.

Jails? Worst part is the recycling of air. Yep. Just spreads any infection across the jail instantly.

Same thing for the inmates. You have to have contact and the transmission rate? High.

Healthcare is going down. Then police. Then the rest.

Expect a flood of looting and crime. The police have decades of resentment built up. So they will be the second to fall behind nurses and doctors.

Better clean those guns lock the gate and just sit back. Might want to grab a PlayStation and handful of games. Expect a while wait until this passes.

Oh and we are crashing healthcare on wave one. There is usually 3 waves. The second and third are going to be even harder.

After that? Hang on and buy low. You will do great in the stock market.

And steem? Rose ! Didn't fall..... Awesome! Calm I'm the storm

Posted via | The City of Neoxian



Howdy today sir ganjafarmer! Yeah they are saying to be prepared with 2 months supplies now, before they said a couple of weeks. lol.

You mean people have such resentment against the police that they will go down fast? That sounds about right, especially in the larger cities.


The cities will be war zones.

Yes the cops have targeted themselves. And are on the Frontline of contact so just like Wuhan they will sicken first. And also play a large part in spreading the virus.

Jails... Those are going to be Savage.

3-6 months! Get those plant starts going NOW! Early harvesting varieties. Plant that garden...

Oh... Today...



Howdy today sir ganjafarmer! I agree. I was hoping that cryptos would soar in price but it looks like all investments are taking a beating.
