Stoicism can improve our lives

Greetings comrades, today I share this reflection with the purpose of letting you know a few privileges that you can obtain by knowing about stoicism and its arguments about life, the reasons for it and how to live it in a peaceful way.



This reflection is about Alexander who lived a life that was too disastrous until he came to know stoicism and learned from it.

Alexander spent much of his time studying the teachings of the ancient Stoics, such as Marcus Aurelius, Epictetus and Seneca. For him, it was not just a philosophical theory, but a method of life that he wanted to apply in his daily life.

One of the first lessons he learned was the importance of accepting things as they are, without being carried away by negative emotions. Thus, when he faced difficulties or setbacks, he remembered the words of Epictetus: It is not events that disturb us, but our interpretations of them. This reflection helped him to remain calm and to find practical solutions to his problems.

Another fundamental aspect of stoicism was self-control. Alexander practiced self-discipline in all areas of his life, from his diet and physical exercise to his personal relationships and work. He rose early each morning to meditate and exercise, thus cultivating the inner strength necessary to meet the challenges of the day.

Moreover, he followed Marcus Aurelius' advice to live in harmony with nature and to accept the impermanence of all things. This idea allowed him to fully enjoy happy moments without being attached to them, knowing that everything in life is ephemeral and changing.

At night, before going to sleep, Alexander practiced introspection and self-evaluation, as recommended by Seneca. He would review his actions and thoughts of the day, identifying his mistakes and looking for ways to improve. This practice helped him grow as a person and stay true to his values and principles.

Over time, Alexander noticed how stoicism had completely transformed his life. He had learned to be more patient, compassionate and balanced, facing the ups and downs with serenity and strength. His friends and family commented on how positive he looked and how he radiated a sense of peace and self-confidence.

One day, while walking in the forest, Alexander met a wise old man who seemed to know his innermost thoughts. The old man said to him: You have courageously embraced the Stoic philosophy and have found in it the key to true happiness. But remember that the path of the wise man never ends, there is always more to learn and improve.

These words resonated in the heart of Alexander, who understood that the practice of stoicism was an ongoing process of self-discovery and personal growth. He decided to continue on his path, facing each new challenge with courage and determination, and sharing his wisdom with those who were willing to listen.

And so Alexander became a living example of Stoic principles, inspiring others to follow his example and seek true happiness in virtue and self-discipline. His story became a legend throughout the kingdom, reminding everyone that the path to wisdom and inner peace begins with a simple act of reflection and self-improvement every day.
