Methods to add philosophy to our lives.

Greetings to all my colleagues, today I want to share the methods with which we can add philosophy to our lives. It should be noted that philosophy is one of the subjects that intrigues me quite a bit.



  1. Read philosophy books: An effective way to incorporate philosophy into our lives is to read philosophy books by classic and contemporary authors. This will help us understand different philosophical currents and reflect on fundamental issues of existence.

  2. Reflect on philosophical questions: Taking the time to reflect on philosophical questions such as ethics, morality, politics or metaphysics allows us to deepen our knowledge of ourselves and the world around us.

  3. Practice philosophy in everyday life: Applying philosophical principles to our daily decisions and behavior can help us live more consciously and ethically. For example, Stoic philosophy invites us to cultivate virtue and accept the things we cannot change.

  4. Participate in philosophical debates: Participating in philosophical debates with friends, family or in discussion groups can be an enriching way to explore different points of view and to broaden our understanding of the world.

  5. Study philosophy in a course or seminar: Enroll in a philosophy course at a university or in a specialized seminar to deepen your philosophical knowledge and discuss ideas with other philosophy enthusiasts.

In conclusion, we can say that adding philosophy to our lives involves devoting time and effort to studying and reflecting on fundamental questions of existence, as well as applying philosophical principles in our daily lives.
