[ESP-ENG] Matías y el inframundo capitulo 28 "Me nombran noble honorario" / Matías and the Underworld chapter 28 "I am named honorary nobleman"
Hello my friends readers of "Hive" my name is: Mitsu, and today I want to bring you chapter #28 of my series titled "Matias and the underworld" today we will see what happened after the out of control that Matias had and the secrets that came to light.
Skull estaba viendo las condiciones en las que quedo la academia luego de la lucha que tuvo Matías con los nobles, en la lejanía solo había un solo lugar que había sobrevivido a tal destrucción y resulta que era muy conocido para Skull.
Skull: Esos nobles no eran tan sencillos de derrotar eh, y ¿Por qué solo ese negocio sobrevivió?
Al acercarse puede observar que Matías se encontraba inconsciente y recostado en dos mesas dentro del local, Ruby, Rumia, la dueña y la trabajadora se encontraban a su lado.
Skull: – Entrando en el negocio – Hola, ¿Todavía existe este vejestorio?
Lucy: ¿Tú todavía estas vivo? Pensé que te habían desmembrado en las guerras.
Skull: Pero, que graciosa vieja, y ¿Cómo esta Matías?
Lucy: Me sorprende que conozcas al muchacho, normalmente tú no reconoces ni a tu propia sombra.
Skull: ¿Cómo se te ocurre que no voy a conocer a mi propio alumno? Y peor aún, a mi hija.
Lucy: Sabia que conocía ese cabello escarlata y esos ojos, ella es tu hija – Señalando a Ruby – Es idéntica a esa mujer, pero, lo que mas me sorprende es que Matías sea tu alumno.
Skull: ¿Por qué lo dices? Yo lo veo normal, le enseño como son las cosas en el inframundo.
Lucy: Porque es casi igual de fuerte que tu y no tiene tu misma actitud, el es mas amable y atento a las personas que lo rodean.
Skull: Un defecto mas a la lista, pero, precisamente esos defectos son los que lo hacen fuerte, bien, ¿Qué paso aquí exactamente?
Ruby: Matías perdió el control de sus poderes al enfrentarse con los nobles y luego de dejarlos inconscientes a todos, empezó a destruir todo a su paso, solo destruyo un edificio antes de que lo contuviera.
Skull: ¿Lo contuvieras? ¿A que te refieres? Y, no es la primera vez que pierde el control de sus poderes, cuando su cabello pasa a blanco tienes que procurar no ser su objetivo, porque si lo eres, te despides de tu vida.
Ruby: Logre hacer que escuchara mi voz y detenerlo, antes de que ocurriera un desastre mayor.
Skull: Bien hecho, esa es mi hija, anciana ¿Por qué defiendes tanto a Matías?
Lucy: Es el protector de mi tienda y el único estudiante al que aprecio de este instituto, junto con tu hija y estas chicas que siempre me ayudan.
Skull: Al parecer, les esta yendo bien en el negocio, ha cambiado bastante desde que deje la academia.
Ruby: Padre, ¿A que te refieres con que no es la primera vez que pierde el control?
Skull: No te lo había contado antes, pero, durante nuestro entrenamiento ocurrió un pequeño caso de ira intensa con Matías que lo llevo a perder el control, cuando lo vi de nuevo, tenia el cabello de color blanco y yo era su objetivo. Era increíblemente fuerte, ojalá lo hubieras visto, por un instante me supero, pero, pude derrotarlo a duras penas y cuando lo noquee su poder desapareció. Bueno, me tengo que llevar a Matías, tiene una reunión importante a la que no puede faltar – Subiendo a Matías en su hombro –
Ruby: Yo voy contigo padre, por si Matías vuelve a perder el control.
Skull miro a su hija y asintió con la cabeza, tomo a su hija de la mano y desapareció del local despidiéndose de Lucy, Ruby abrió los ojos y vio que estaban en el salón del rey demonio, al escuchar la voz del rey hizo una reverencia inmediatamente.
Rey demonio: Veo que lo trajiste y a tu hija también – Observa como Ruby esta haciéndole una reverencia – ¿Por qué no puedes ser como tu hija? Ella si respeta mi presencia.
Skull: Basta de cháchara – Despierta a Matías de una descargar eléctrica – Buenas tardes dormilón, estas frente al Rey demonio, te mando a llamar porque tiene algo importante que decirte.
Matías: ¿Y la guerra?
Skull: La guerra ya no va, solo tenías una misión y la cumpliste, era deshacerte de esos nobles, aunque no la completaste en su totalidad, se te agradece que los hayas dejado inconscientes.
Rey demonio: Matías, el día de hoy te he mandado a llamar para nombrarte noble honorario de este reino, y por ende te otorgo un apellido junto con una ciudad y sus respectivos poblados para que puedas gobernar a tu gusto.
Hasta aquí la publicación de hoy amigos, espero que les haya gustado. Mitsu se despide de ustedes enviándoles un fuerte abrazo y cuídense mucho.
Skull was looking at the conditions in which the academy was left after the fight that Matias had with the nobles, in the distance there was only one place that had survived such destruction and it happened to be very well known to Skull.
Skull: Those nobles were not so easy to defeat eh, and why only that business survived?
As he approached he could see that Matias was unconscious and lying on two tables inside the shop, Ruby, Rumia, the owner and the worker were next to him.
Skull: - Entering the store - Hello, does this old man still exist?
Lucy: Are you still alive? I thought you were dismembered in the wars.
Skull: But, what a funny old woman, and how is Matias?
Lucy: I'm surprised that you know the boy, normally you don't even recognize your own shadow.
Skull: How can it occur to you that I am not going to meet my own student? And even worse, my daughter.
Lucy: I knew I knew that scarlet hair and those eyes, she is your daughter - Pointing to Ruby - She is identical to that woman, but, what surprises me the most is that Matias is your student.
Skull: Why do you say that? I see it as normal, I teach him how things are in the underworld.
Lucy: Because he's almost as strong as you and doesn't have the same attitude as you, he's kinder and more attentive to the people around him.
Skull: One more flaw to the list, but, precisely those flaws are what make him strong, well, what exactly happened here?
Ruby: Matias lost control of his powers when he confronted the nobles and after knocking them all unconscious, he began to destroy everything in his path, he only destroyed one building before I restrained him.
Skull: Did you contain it? What do you mean? And, it's not the first time he loses control of his powers, when his hair turns white you have to try not to be his target, because if you are, you say goodbye to your life.
Ruby: I managed to make him listen to my voice and stop him before a major disaster happened.
Skull: Well done, that's my daughter, old lady. Why are you defending Matias so much?
Lucy: He is the protector of my store and the only student I appreciate in this institute, along with your daughter and these girls who always help me.
Skull: Apparently, they are doing well in business, he has changed a lot since I left the academy.
Ruby: Father, what do you mean it's not the first time he's lost control?
Skull: I haven't told you this before, but, during our training there was a small case of intense anger with Matias that led him to lose control, when I saw him again, he had white hair and I was his target. He was incredibly strong, I wish you could have seen him, for an instant he overpowered me, but, I was able to defeat him barely and when I knocked him out his power disappeared. Well, I have to take Matias with me, he has an important meeting that he can't miss.
Ruby: I'll go with you father, in case Matias loses control again.
Skull looked at his daughter and nodded his head, he took his daughter by the hand and disappeared from the room saying goodbye to Lucy, Ruby opened her eyes and saw that they were in the demon king's hall, when she heard the king's voice she bowed immediately.
Demon King: I see that you brought him and your daughter too - She observes how Ruby is bowing to him - Why can't you be like your daughter? She does respect my presence.
Skull: Enough chitchat - He wakes Matias up with an electric shock - Good afternoon sleepyhead, you are in front of the Demon King, he sent for you because he has something important to tell you.
Matias: What about the war?
Skull: The war is over, you only had one mission and you accomplished it, it was to get rid of those nobles, although you didn't complete it in its totality, we thank you for leaving them unconscious.
Demon King: Matias, today I have sent for you to be named honorary noble of this kingdom, and therefore I give you a surname along with a city and its respective villages so you can rule as you wish.
So far today's publication friends, I hope you liked it. Mitsu says goodbye to you sending you a big hug and take care of yourselves.