The T-1000's Screeches Based on a Property of Tin?


Been looking for some door handles to buy, and was looking to buy some made of antique bronze.

During my search, and out of curiosity, i googled what bronze is made of. Turns out it is made of tin and copper. Then i went down that oh so delicious rabbit hole of random, interesting information..

Turns out, bronze is difficult to make because tin in a relatively scarce element on Earth. In fact, it's calculated that, at the current rate of consumption, we'll run out of mineable tin in the next 40 years.

That in itself is a bit of a reality check; as to how finite resources are (no wonder there's a push for mining asteroids).

But i'm sure we'll be fine. Many synthetic elements are made, which can probably replace tin.

For now, a fact about tin is that it is incredibly soft and you can bend a bar of tin with your hands. What's interesting about that, is that the bar of tin makes a sound when we bend it, and the sound is referred to as "tin cry".

Which got me thinking about the T-1000, in the Terminator movie, specifically that scene where it gets shot by the T-101 and sounds like it's crying.

Also, during the dying scene, with the screams and screeches and cries. And i wonder if all these "cries" where influenced by the fact that the sound of tin bending is called a "cry".

Granted, the T-1000 is not made of tin, but there's always some creative liberty in movies, when they make stuff up. Plus, the T-1000 has a silvery color. The same color as how the color of tin is described.."silvery".

So i'd bet you that someone, related to the movie read about metals and came upon the "tin cry" fact, and thought it would be cool to incorporate those cries into the movie.

Most definitely!

Anyways, back to my bronze door-handle searching!
Thanks for reading!

0.504 NEOXAG


What an interesting find in your searches. I knew that most metals make a noise when heated but I did not know that Tin made a noise just by bending.

It must be extremely distinct to recognize and compare it to the T-1000 noises when it is defeated. Thank you for sharing your findings!

0.004 NEOXAG

uh-huh - see, i didn't know metals made noise when heated up. But i've always found the sound the t-1000 makes, especially when he gets shot, very much sounding like he's crying.

the sound tin makes when bending does not sound like crying, at all, though - i connected the two just because the bending noise is referred to as a "cry".

who knows, maybe there was some influence from the "tin cry" reference there, maybe not - i like to think there was.

now, where's my tin foil hat? 😄

thanks for reading and commenting, @asynckronism

0.000 NEOXAG