Stepping Out Of My Comfort Zone

For such an easy-going and quiet personality kind of person that I'm, when I found myself diving into campus politics many years ago, the situation I found myself in wasn't short of a fish being out of the water.

I had just returned from a class one day, lying on my bed to take a nap before my evening study.

Just before my eyelids closed, I heard a knock on my door. Grumpily, I dragged myself to open the door, and it turned out to be Kareem. "Oh, Kareem, it is you." "Good afternoon and how are you?"

"I'm fine. I was just about to take my afternoon nap when I heard a knock on the door. Please come inside, and what brings you over?

Kareem took a seat on my study chair while I offered him drinking water to help him cool down from the effects of the scrunching sun. After that, we began to discuss while he was in my place.

So, he began, "I have something very interesting for you; you may not like it at first, but I want you to try it anyway."

"You knew I would not like something, but you still want me to try it, and what are you proposing?"

"I want you to run for the student union government's (SUG) treasurer. You remember my friend Abdulrahaman who is into one of the parties on campus; he had told me to convince you to run for this year's student union government treasurer"

"Are you kidding right now, me, SUG treasurer? Please tell me you are joking."

"Yes, you are in a great position to run; you have always had the best interests of a lot of students on our campus at heart; you have helped a lot of them countless times. Just like when you helped me get admission to this school. Or when you helped Shade and countless others secure their accommodations.

"You are a lot of students' favorites; they will love to see you run, and considering no one has ever come out of your department to run for any SUG position in the past, this could be ground-breaking for you and your department."

"If you love this position this much, why don't you go for it yourself? Why me?

"Well, it is for a female candidate, and I couldn't think of anyone else suitable for it than you."

"Maybe, you have a point. "All I'm saying," Kareem cut in before I could say anything further. Think about this for one or two days, try to consider it, and remember that I'm going to be behind you at every single step along the way. Also remember, the election is just two weeks away; the party has done the hard part of the campaign; all you have to do is present yourself to them and have a few meetings and outreach here and there before the election day."

"Okay, since I can at least think about your new bogus ambition, give me a day to think and, as well, consult my parents and friends."

"Okay, then, that is great to hear; just think about this and remember that I believe in you."

A few minutes later, I was left in deep thoughts after Kareem had left my place, thinking about the great decision on my table and how to go about it. Kareem has become like a big brother to me; he is my elder sister's brother-in-law. We met at my sister's place after my national diploma program while I was preparing for my higher national program.

On getting to know each other, I found out he was also looking for admission into a higher national program but did not want to go back to his former school for the program.

Along the way, I helped him through the admissions process at my school, and ever since, he has been very grateful for my help. Within a few months of starting our higher national diploma, our relationship has evolved and grown stronger. He was in the accounting department while I was studying statistics.

He would always seek my help with his math-related courses since he seemed weak in the area, and helping him do better in math has brought us very close, like siblings.

That night I called my parents and a few close friends of mine on campus to hear their opinions, and they all seemed to agree with Kareem; they believed I could do it and I should step out of my comfort zone to try a new thing out. They gave me the go-ahead and their maximum support.

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Two days later, Kareem and I met at one of our school cafes to talk about my decision. "So, have you made up your mind yet?" He begins. "If I'm going to do this, this is going to be a case of a fish out of the water for me."

"And what do you mean by that?" Kareem interrupted, "What I mean is, you know I do not like crowds or being in the spotlight, so you must promise to always give me your maximum support throughout this journey."

"Awe, I promise you that. I'm so happy we are doing this; it is going to be thrilling. I know it will be a bit challenging, but don't worry, we can do this together. Remember, we always make a great team."

Later that day, I was introduced to Abdulrahaman and most of his party's key members, along with my fellow contestants. We obtained my contest form, and so the campaign began.

That was the most rigorous two weeks of my life. The campaign was such a tough one, from one meeting to another, visiting some local traditional and government-elected members in the town, and holding meetings within the school premises.

Doing consultations and seeking the votes of the students was such a tough time, and I had to balance things up with my studies.

There were times I wished I could just drop from the race and rest, but I kept on going, with the help of the likes of Kareem and some of my good friends on campus, I couldn't bear to let them or myself down. Above all, it was such a great opportunity to be in such a position to effect some positive changes on campus. The election came, and my party won the majority of all the positions, including mine. We not only won the election, but our tenure was one of the best my school ever had.

The End✍️❣️


Is best that you emerge even though it was not on your agenda. It's also nice that everyone supported you to the fullest


Yeah, without the support of those around me it won't have been possible.


This must have been a very interesting time for you, @funshee. Student politics sounds pretty demanding! I would have loved to seen more of how the experience impacted you - your perspectives, personal growth, and insights ie: show us the human story and the character arc. I would also have liked to have seen more focus on conflict and resolution ie: a story arc. Even with Creative non-fiction, the reader wants to be drawn in, to relate to the main character, and to cheer them on to succeed. To do this, we need to feel invested. This is achieved best with more show than tell - we need the experience to be shared through the senses otherwise the piece tends more towards non-fiction than creative non-fiction. Another little aside is that although your dialogue is good, it is sometimes a little confusing to work out at first read who is talking. You tend to make it clear when Kareem is speaking but not so much when you are speaking. Just an observation :-)

Thank you for sharing a story from your life with The Ink Well.


School politics is a tough one. Good a thing you won the seat.


It wasn't easy at all, but I'm glad we won.


School Politics isn't for the faint-hearted but it's good you took that bold step and won.



It indeed pushed me out of my comfort zone and I'm glad we won, thank Sis have a lovely weekend ❣️
