Splinterlands ~ Community Engagement Challenge ~ Your Strategy Needs A Strategy

Holla splinterfans!

Hope you all are having a fabulous week, this weeks Engagement challenge is all about using one of the promo cards and study its performance, with that in mind i couldn't think of any other card than the one in my collection, ,,"Elenor Bravefoot" lets see how she performed.


The ruleset given was "Fabfour" Which means up to four unit can be use. But the ruleset doesnt matter the strategy does.

I was faced with a very low mana cost 13 precisely. So picking a team shouldn't be all about filling in those mana space. If the mana cost is this low, then a strategic team is required.

Apparently the only strategy i could think about is in the death splinter, i picked four death splinter then added a little sauce using the neutral splinter.
My opponent however picked 5 earth splinter.

My Team

Summoner/ Monster
Thaddius Brood+1 health -1 speed
Moxian RebelMonster training
Carrion shade
Elenor BravefootWeary

My Opponents

Summoner/ Monster
Mycelic Morphoid
Regal Peryton
Chaos Agent
Xenith Archer


Watch full battle on splinterlands

ROUND 1: Weary!!

This is a very short battle which consist of three rounds. Every one of my team, knows their place and performance.

I was supposed to put Elenor bravefoot in the tank position since she is the star of the show, but on second thought it will be a waste putting her up there, if she goes down that is it. Her perfornance and view matters alot in this battle.

One thing i love about Thaddius brood is him getting to minus 1 health and magic from hus enemy.

Putting Riftwing in the tankers position wasnt really a choice since i had to put Moxian rebel to lend him an attack, Since Riftwing has 3% speed thats just enough to be the second in command.

Riftwing striked first taking out my opponents tanker Mycelic Morphoid. Regal peryton got into the tankers position but thats not a big deal since there both posses the flying ability and can only take each other down without wasting time.

Round 2...3

One funny thing about Elenor is instead of having a positive ability, she has a negative one which does not affect any one else but her performance, With the Weary abilty she tend to have a 10% chance to become exausted especially at the beggining of round 1 and the worst part is the chance increaces by 10% at every round up to 80% and once she is exausted she skip her turn and cant retaliate to attacks

Good thing the mana cost was 13 and i predicted since the mana cost is 13, the round will be very short as well and it wont really affect Elenor performance so much since the battle will be a short one

When Elenor gets exausted with 10%chance at the beginning of every round she also get to lay down the first attack during every round. With this she took out Chaos agent in the ending of round 2

While Riftwing took out Regal peryton, Elenor took out both Chaos agent and Xenith archer laying down the first attack..

My Strategy

Am not gonna lie i really havent used a 0 mana cost card before in battles and I've got Elenor in my collection since decards. Howeverthe splinterlands Community Engagement challenge became an oppotunity

With Elenor having the weary thats the only obstacle i see using her. She has an average speed and 1 range attack which i find quite manageble on the battle feild, plus since she lay down the first attack she can take out does enemy with just 1 life, for me she would perform better in a low mana cost battle instead of a high one. But who knows, your strategy might be different from mine

Till we read again, Kudos!


If you feel like joining X contest for a chance to win some Rebellion and chaos legion packs check it out here.

Splinterland X Contest
Bdcommunity X Contest

*The title image was created in Canva by me, with the image from Splinterland

Screenshot and characters was taken in splinterlands During me playing the game with my Samsung Galaxy.

Do you feel like writing your own Splinterlands Community Engagement Challenge? more details about it found Here

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Original content by the author.

Resources: App: Canva / Splinterland

📷 Samsung Galaxy

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