POBphotocontest New Round: WATER - Shoreline of Fredrikstad, Norway


Hello everyone...
Hope this entry finds you well...

I would like to share with you today a challenge posted @friendlymoose via Proof of Brain Community where the week's featured topic is WATER.

Since I graduated some years ago, I have been working onboardship and that enabled me to go to different parts of the world. I have seen different shorelines... beautiful shorelines of different countries our ship are visiting.
For today, we are berthed here in Fredrikstad, Norway and I can say I have truly fallen in love with the scenery

This is the shoreline here in Fredrikstad, Norway.

The picture was taken yesterday early morning... The weather is so fine... The water is flowing very silent and calm and the nearby city is so peaceful and quiet. All this made me sigh and wondered how nice it would be if I can live in a place like this...😅😅😅

That is our ship currently berthed and discharging our cargo soya beans.
