La mayor enseñanza de este camino / The major lesson of this path

Cuando me llegó el email con el título "su libro se ha publicado exitosamente" un nudo se deshizo en mi alma, mezclando la tensión acumulada con una emoción indescriptible. Era real.

El tímido anhelo que me acompañaba hacía años, estaba plasmado, había salido al mundo.

Escribir un libro y legar al mundo eso que había ido sistematizando, es una forma de agradecer todo lo que he recibido, siendo "Oratoria en 21 días" un dar. En cada página están aquellos que han apostado por este proyecto, aquellos que han dado sus orientaciones para que el material sea el adecuado, para que la belleza que él posee esté a la altura de quienes lo leen.

Este libro es un testimonio de que expresarnos no es un don, sino una conquista. Una victoria sobre nosotros mismos, una liberación que nos permite conectar, impactar y ser escuchados. Y esa, quizás, sea la mayor enseñanza de este camino: que el poder de la palabra está al alcance de todos, solo hay que atreverse a hablar y eso incluye escribir.

The major lesson of this path
When I got the email with the title "your book has been successfully published" a knot unraveled in my soul, mixing the accumulated tension with an indescribable emotion. It was real.

The shy yearning that had been with me for years, was embodied, it had come out into the world.

Writing a book and bequeathing to the world what I had been systematizing, is a way of being grateful for everything I have received, being "Oratory in 21 days" a way of giving. On each page there are those who have bet on this project, those who have given their guidance so that the material is adequate, so that the beauty it possesses is at the height of those who read it.

This book is a testimony that expressing ourselves is not a gift, but a conquest. A victory over ourselves, a liberation that allows us to connect, to impact and to be heard. And that, perhaps, is the greatest teaching of this path: that the power of the word is within everyone's reach, we only have to dare to speak, and that includes writing.

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