The big Face-Off.

The shoreline peoples were not just leaving us be and they kept hunting us everywhere we were going. And at last we got a face off after fighting Nadine for a cool trio. Nathan tried peace in them which made them fall in more problem.

Then without stopping, we kept running and we were about to enter in a room and that's when someone threw a grenade on us and Nathan got separated from Sam from the grenade explosion and I had to jump to another building from a big slide.

I was climbing fast while I noticed Sam was fighting the enemies up there but the building was collapsing and taking me below and then I jumped in a room through a window.

That's where I met Nadine who got me surprisingly, made me loose my gun and she got me in gun point. Nathan was trying to take time and was trying to manipulate Nadine but the lady was well trained for such situations though she confirmed it that the Drake brothers have proven themselves the more capable treasure hunters on the island.

Now Sam was fighting the shoreline peoples and Nathan was in the gun point, what can be happened then?

Sam jumped on Nadine and proven him as the savior for his brother again and Nadine then jumped taking Nathan to a downward floor where Sam reached as well and Nathan was trying to describe to Nadine that she's alone against the two of them.

But it looked like Nadine alone was much better than the two of them in fighting. I was trying to get her when Sam tried his best but he lady was way faster and better than the two of us so she kept beating us up and at a point, she threw Nathan out of that room.

I had to climb and jump around to get to them as fast as I could when I heard them fighting hard inside and it seemed like Nadine was killing Sam over and over, lol.

Then I did a jump punch on Nadine and all of us fell down to the hard rocks below and then Nathan was trying to get to a gun when Nadine kicked him away but Sam got the gun and got Nadine at gun point.

There came Rafe along with some of his men and was pointing their gun on us when Sam cleverly took Nadine on his gunpoint and then all of them came to an understanding that they won't kill each other for the moment.

Nathan took the gun from Sam when he was about to shoot Nadine and left it on the ground foolishly cause he didn't want more trouble but Nadine took the gun and they became stronger again and now Rafe punched Samuel to the ground and the Drake brothers fell in gunpoint again.

The next post will be coming soon. Screenshots are my take from the game and I took the game logo that I used on the thumbnail picture from online.



Apparently things started to get even more complicated, that woman was strong enough to give a beating to these men, of course her agility helped her a lot.

Written by lionsaturbix


Yeah, that woman, Nadine seems like a good fighter.


Nadine looked like a good fighter with some skills that she made you lose your gun. Also you spent a good time capturing some cool shots. Good job

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Nadine is strong enough to beat the Drake brothers at once. I guess she was in military or something like that. Thank you for the curation and for the compliment about the shots.


Two men against a woman and yet you failed? I can't imagine how strong that woman is. @tipu curate 8


Thank you. Nadine is well trained though the Drake brothers are not normal fighters as well but the lady looked stronger than both of them at once.
