The Extraterrestrial Village
So far so good!
Everything seemed normal till then. We had been on the island for a couple of days and everything was turning out, more or less, as anticipated. When you have seen so many Greek islands as we have, it is hard to be surprised. All of them have some unique characteristics that differentiates them from the others but the similarities are very obvious too.
Until we reached a small plateau near the town of Tinos, that seemed to belong in another world. Countless boulders of various shapes and sizes, were scattered all over the landscape. Some of them reminded me human figures or animal shapes, although most of them look like huge marbles.
Even in the settlement, which looked like a typical village, you could see the boulders peek out of the walls. At the simple question
When was this village built?
no-one can give a definite answer. Everyone agrees that it is old, most probably the older on the island but other than that, a fog of uncertainty covers its history.
The village is as lovely as every other little village I have seen in the islands of the Aegean sea but the extremely unusual scenery has triggered many scientific quests as well as numerous myths!
The local tradition has the most "logical" explanation. The boulders are the remains of a big battle between Giants and Titans (supernatural creatures of ancient's Greece mythology with great size and strength).
The scientists on the other hand, have more dull explanations, like volcanic eruption or the fall of a meteorite :)
Whatever the truth of their origin is, the boulders at the village "Volax" have make it known as
The Extraterrestrial Village of Tinos!
The few people that live there don't care much about the true origin of their village, though. The boulders and the alien scenery are part of their daily lives and they hardly notice them anymore.
Weaving baskets is a craft very old in this place too and we were lucky enough to find a gentleman who still practices it. It is always a pleasure to see crafts of the old school in real life and not as an exhibit in a folklore museum, like in the pictures below!
I took those pictures on 11/07/2012, when I was working as a photographer for a travel magazine. A job that allowed me to travel all over Greece and see all the places I ever wanted to see and some more that I never imagined I would be interested in (but I enjoyed them anyway).
All the pictures and the words are mine.
Thank you for reading and if you want to know more about me you can check out my introduction post.
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Beautiful view of the building in the valley,seen up close it is very impressive. Thank you.
I am glad you liked it!
Thank you for stopping by :)
Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk :)
Have a great day :)
Have a great day too :)
Wow what a beautiful place!
How much stillness in it can be noticed through your images, I guess it is a place with few inhabitants.
Great pictures!
Oh yes, just a bunch of inhabitants. Last time they were counted, they were 54!
Thank you very much :)
I really love everything on that place :) I love to stroll in this kind of place.
It is a wonderful place indeed!
Thank you for stopping by @teacherlynlyn :)
😳 εξωγήινοι; 👽 Ααα, πρέπει να πάω κάποια μέρα σε αυτό το Volax, άμα το έχτισαν η όχι εξωγήινοι, ποιός νοιάζεται; Είναι τόσο όμορφο που δεν με νοιάζει χαχαχα
Αλήθεια, εσύ που λες ότι τα γνωρίζεις όλα τα νησιά της Ελλάδας, πιό σου αρέσει πιό πολύ; Μόνο ένα μπορείς να διαλέξεις 🤔
Ωχ, δύσκολη ερώτηση!
Και άδικη, όλα έχουν την ομορφιά τους :)
Αλλά αφού θες να κάνεις τέτοιες ερωτήσεις, το πρώτο που μου έρχεται στο μυαλό είναι το Κουφονήσι.
😲 😲😲😲😻
Μα πώς να μην σου έρθει πρώτο πρώτο στο μυαλό αυτό το μέρος 😻 χαχαχα, σχετος παράδεισος είναι ρε παιδί μου, πάρα πολύ ωραίο νησί 🏝️. Μοιάζει Καραϊβική θάλασσα χεχεχε.
In love with that alien village, although I really like the War of the Titans version better.
Hey, how wonderful and those white houses are always in my dreams.
(I'm coming late to the publications, but that doesn't mean I haven't read them)
I like the Giants vs Titans saga too :)