
Lucia was jarred into consciousness by the not-so-soft, constant chiming of her alarm clock. She sat up groggily, and silenced the alarm with a groan. She rubbed her eyes, trying to chase away the dregs of sleep that still clung to her eyelids. Even though her eyelids fluttered lazily, her mind was wide awake, her body buzzing with excitement. Today was the day. Finally. She had been preparing for this day for months, and it was here, at last. The United Nations Environment Programme had decided to sponsor her trip to the International Climate and Policy Symposium, a big step forward in her career, and today, she would be flying to Geneva, where the event would be happening.

She stretched, stumbling around her small, one-bedroom London apartment, her suitcase and her outfit already sitting on the couch. She stifled a squeak of excitement, and hurried to the bathroom to get ready.

The conference promised to be prestigious and insightful, with world leaders, renowned researchers and international organizations to be in attendance. She was to be making a presentation on the importance of eco-friendly buildings in battling climate change. This was one of the most important endeavors she had ever taken up, and she was both excited and terrified.

She wolfed down a quick, little breakfast of toast and scrambled eggs with some coffee, threw on her blazer, and grabbed her suitcase. She rushed down the stairs, and once in front of the door, could already hear the sound of her taxi pulling up in front of her building. She breathed deeply, and opened the door, stepping out into the cool morning breeze, her heart pounding.

It seemed like they spent only a few minutes on the road; in the blink of an eye, they were at the airport. All the checks and formalities at the airport seemed to go along even faster, and before she knew it, she was on the plane to Switzerland.

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In about two hours, an announcement came, advising all passengers to fasten their seatbelts in preparation for landing. At this point, it felt like her heart was about to leave her chest. Geneva, at last.

She stepped into the terminal, luggage in tow, and made for the exit. She waved down a taxi, and got in. The driver, a cheerful middle-aged man with a thick mustache and sideburns, greeted her with a smile.
“Good morning, miss! Welcome to Geneva!" he said, in English tinged with a slight French accent.
“Thank you very much,"she said, with a polite smile.“Take me to the Ibis Geneve hotel, please."
“Right away, ma'am."

About an hour later, she had checked in, showered, and was now settling into her hotel room. She rang for room service, ordering a fruit platter. The food was delivered by a pretty lady with a nice smile. Lucia thanked her, and received the platter. The fruits were fresh and delicious, and she enjoyed them quite a lot. Tomorrow would be the first day of the conference, and she couldn't wait. For now, however, a quick nap was in order.

When she woke up, it was already evening. She decided to take some time to go through her presentation. As she did, she began to envision herself on the stage, in front of so many people she didn't know............ She heaved a shaky sigh. It would be well....... She hoped.

At around 7:30pm, she decided to order dinner. She went through the hotel's menu and settled on a small, three-course supper of some onion soup, followed by a hearty main course of grilled salmon and roasted potatoes, and ended the meal with a good slice of cheesecake. After dinner, she was drowsy, which was for the better, since she had to be up early tomorrow for the conference. She slipped out of her clothes, and into a light, comfortable pair of pajamas, turned off the lights, and went straight to bed, thoughts of anticipation swriling lazily in her head.

By 6:00am the next morning, Lucia was up. She went straight into the bathroom, brushed her teeth and had a bath. She used the shower standing, but made a mental note to herself to enjoy the big tub later. After she had dried her hair, she put on a royal blue dressing gown, ordered breakfast, and sat in front of her mirror to do her makeup. Some foundation, mascara, eyeshadow, blush and lip gloss.......... Nothing too heavy, she hoped. By then, her breakfast of a baguette BLT and some coffee, had arrived. She ate, then put on her fit for the day- navy blue blazer over a black jumpsuit and a pair of kitten heels. She let her hair, which was naturally very wavy, fall down a good deal past her shoulders. She completed the look with a simple silver pendant and a matching bracelet. Admiring herself in the mirror, she smiled, then grabbed her purse and made for the door.

From her hotel to the international conference centre was a surprisingly short distance by taxi, and Lucia turned out to be quite early. The event wouldn't start for another thirty minutes. She went into the conference hall, and was amazed at how beautiful it looked. The stage had been beautifully decorated, and many different flags hung from the wall. The hall was filled with many round tables, each with three chairs around it, and the whole place smelled of vanilla and lavender. It was perfect.

By now, people had started to arrive, and the place had taken on a more bustling, animated vibe. She was scanning the hall for anyone she knew, and was so engrossed that she didn't hear him call her name the first two times.
“Lucia?"he called, again. This time, it caught her attention. She turned to look at the person standing a few feet from her. She froze, her brain trying to process the familiar face she hadn't seen in a decade.
“Ben? Ben Collins?"
He walked towards. He still walked the same way, even after 10 years. His calm, self-assured gait hadn't changed. His shiny blond hair bounced ever so slightly as he took each step. He stopped in front of her, and smiled, his vivid, dazzling blue eyes shining.
“Ben?" she repeated, moving forward to shake the hand he offered. Her surprise had turned into a smile. “Lucia Moretti. What a pleasant surprise." His smile still lingered. The same, easy smile since high school. She returned his smile. “What are you doing here, Ben?"
“Same as you, I suppose. I'm here for the international Climate and Policy Symposium. This is where the event is taking place, right?" He chuckled, and she did, too.
“I'm here for work, actually. The construction firm where I work wants to improve its building practices, so I was chosen as a delegate."
“That's quite cool. So, what exactly do you do?"
“Oh, I'm a structural engineer. What about you?"
“I'm an architect, with a focus on sustainable architecture. Actually, I have a presentation to give on day 3."
“Really? That's awesome. You'll kill it, I'm sure."
“I hope I do,"she said, with a nervous sigh.
“You will, I know it. Let's go grab a table."

The event started a few minutes later, with a welcome address by the chairman of the United Nations Environment Programme. After that, some dignitaries were called up to speak on Climate change and it's effect on countries' economies. The next, and last event for the day, was a small cocktail event meant as an opportunity for attendees to connect with one another. Lucia spent the whole time talking with Ben.
“So, structural engineering, huh?"
Ben laughed, his voice resonating. He reached out to a passing waiter, grabbed two drinks, and handed one to Lucia.
“How did you end up as a structural engineer? I thought the dream was ‘Calvin Klein model' ?"
Ben smiled. “When we finished high school, I was leaning towards the arts, but I changed my mind after I went on a tour of the St. Peter's basilica. From then on, I was hooked. I applied for a Bachelor's in the University of Washington, and continued into my Master's Programme in Structural engineering. I worked with a firm in California for about a year, then received a better offer from a British firm, so I moved. Fast forward about two years, and here I am. But enough about me. What's your story?"
“Well, after high school, I took a gap year, then got into MIT to study architecture. I graduated near the top of my class, and took up an internship with an international architecture firm. I worked in their Boston branch for a year, then decided to travel for my Master's degree. I was accepted into the University of Nottingham, completed the MArch Programme, then applied to work in the London branch of the same firm I had worked in before. Been working for about two years now."
By the time Lucia was done, she could see that Ben was clearly impressed.
“That's......... Quite amazing."
“Thank you,"she said with a smile. She took a sip of the drink in her hand. It was fruity, and a bit tangy, with a hint of rum that you only got when it was at the back of your throat. She took another sip, then reached for a small plate of hors d‘oeuvres on a passing waiter's tray.
“You know, I really didn't expect to see anyone from high school here, much less you."
At that, Ben gave a hearty laugh. Over the next two hours, they chatted, settling into the ease of familiar memories. Back then, Lucia had been the serious student, even graduating as the salutatorian of their class, while Ben, though quite smart and clever, had been the laid-back easy-going guy who knew how to talk with everyone. Though they were never close friends, they had shared classes and exchanged casual conversations. Then life had sent them on different paths, and now, here they were.
“You're even prettier than you used to be in high school, Lucia."
She blushed. “Thank you. You....... You've always looked good, Ben."
Her eyes traced the curve of his lips as he smiled, the way his sharp jaw moved as he talked, the outline of his narrow, slightly upturned nose, the way his thick, shiny hair seemed to catch the light. And his eyes....... The most beautiful pair of eyes she has never seen. Blue, deep, like pools of clear water. He had been handsome when they were in high school, but ten years later, he had evolved into a Greek god.

They talked about their school days, the awkward years, life after high school, their careers. Lucia listened with much interest, and was impressed with how passionate he was about his work. The same could be said of Ben, whose blue eyes shone with admiration as he listened to her.
“So, what's this presentation you're going to give all about?"
“It's about the importance of eco-friendly buildings in battling climate change. I can't say more than that. You'll have to wait till the day after tomorrow to hear the juicy details."
Ben winced. “Hey, no fair!"
She shrugged, smiling. “My presentation, my rules."
By now, the event was ending for the day, and announcements were being made for everyone to wrap up.
“You know, it's been very nice talking to you, Lucia."
“Same here, Ben."
“Wanna hang out later. We can, you know, talk about some of your designs, or something." He blushed, scratching the back of his neck .
She nodded. “Or something."
He heaved an inaudible sigh of relief. “Dinner tomorrow? 8pm?"
She nodded again. “Sure. See you tomorrow. My taxi's here."
“Let me walk you to it."
On the way, they exchanged numbers, smiling.
“Call me when you get home."
“Bye, Ben."
He waved, and stood, watching the car zoom off.

By the time she got into her hotel room, Lucia found herself looking forward to the rest of the conference. It wasn't just because of the novelty of meeting an old acquaintance; she felt excited about what lay in store.

The next day, Lucia was too consumed by the conference to allow herself dwell too much on Ben. Discussions were dove into, panel upon panel was attended, and she had to prepare for her own presentation. When the day was over, she was so tired, and plopped down onto her bed the moment she got to it. Three hours later, she woke up. It was a little after 6pm. She checked her phone. A text. From Ben. It read: “Don't forget about our date tonight. Get ready. Send me your address, I'll pick you up at 8. Ben." With a heart at the end. A red heart. Lucia twirled a lock of her hair absently. What was she going to wear? She got up from her bed, went to freshen up, dried her hair and straightened it, did her makeup, then spent the next thirty minutes wondering what to wear. She had only just gotten dressed, and was appraising herself in front of the mirror, when her phone rang. It was Ben. She picked up the phone and answered.
“Hey, darling. How are you?"
“I'm good. You?"
“I'm alright. I'm right outside your hotel. Ibis Geneve, right?"
“Yes..... I'll be down in a moment."
She hung up, applied some finishing touches of lipstick, and opened the door, heart thumping.
When she got to the entrance of the hotel, she saw Ben standing beside a black Mercedes. Did he rent it just for the dinner?
He caught her silhouette out of the corner of the eye, and looked in her direction. As she walked up to him, the awe on his face became clearer. He stared at her, his lovely blue eyes glinting with a hint of something she knew very well.
“You look ravishing, Lucia."
The words were little more than a whisper.
“Thank you." She smiled shyly.
He ran his eyes over her again. She wore a little, basic black dress that stopped a couple of inches short of her knees, with a pair of black stiletto heels that accentuated her toned legs. Her hair ran down her back, glossy and black. Her olive skin popped against the dark fabric of her gown. Most of all, his eyes were drawn to her lips, to which she had applied bright red lipstick. She smiled, then cleared her throat.
“Right, then. In you go."
Ben held the door open for her as she entered in, then he went over to the other side and got into the driver's seat. He started the engine, and they zoomed off.

The restaurant they had dinner at was clearly a classy one. Quiet, dimly lit with scented candles, it had an air of elegance that Lucia liked. They sat at a table that Ben had reserved for them, and waited to be served.
“Lucia, you look wonderful. I really can't take my eyes off you. You're so pretty."
“Thanks, you're not bad yourself."
Not bad yourself? Who was she kidding? Ben looked more handsome, if that was even possible. His hair was well-cut, and a s few strands hung over his forehead. His beautiful eyes stared into hers, communicating as clearly as ever without words. They were attended to by a waiter in a three-piece suit. Ben ordered a bottle of an Italian red wine, and then the food started coming. They had an exquisite soup, caviar and pate, lobster risotto, and finally a near-perfect tiramisu. Of course, the rich red wine flowed in between the courses.
As they ate, they shared thoughts on policies, innovations, and various areas in both construction and architecture. From time to time, Ben would laugh, and his hair would swish, and his eyes would twinkle, and Lucia's heart would skip a beat. Before they knew it, they had exhausted two bottles of wine, and it was past ten.
“I really do have to be going. I wish I didn't, but I do. The presentation tomorrow, and-"
“I understand, Lucia. I had the most fun in one evening than I've had in months, and I have you to thank for that."
“I feel the same way. Thank you, Ben, for the wonderful dinner."
He paid, then helped her up, and held her hand as they walked to his car.

When they reached Lucia's hotel, Ben got out and opened the door for her. She came out, and stood in front of him.
“Thank you for the night, Lucia."
“No, thank you, Ben."
“You'll devour that presentation tomorrow. I'm sure of it."
He drew her in for a hug, and just before he let go, he planted a soft kiss on her lips, his stubble tickling her chin.
“Goodnight, Lucia."
“Goodnight, Ben."
As she went up, she felt giddy, but not from the wine.

The next few days were a daze to Lucia. She did actually devour the presentation, at least the deafening applause from the audience told her that much, but the thumbs-up and warm smile from Ben said even more. He had been smiling at her all through the presentation, a reminder that she was not alone. She and Ben fell into a rhythm; attending panels and discussion, listening to speeches, sharing meals, going on evening walks beside the lake, even going jogging together. Lucia was attracted to Ben in ways she hadn't expected; it was like they never parted ways.

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On the last night of the conference, Ben took Lucia on a boat ride on Lake Geneva. As they floated along on the water, the city lights flickering on the surface, Lucia felt a quiet anticipation. Ben took her hand, and they enjoyed the ride, huddled together.
“Lucia," he finally said. “I never thought we would cross paths like this again. It's something I don't want to let go of."
She turned to him, her heart racing.
“I feel the same way," she whispered, gazing into his deep eyes, allowing herself get lost in that ocean.
He drew her closer, and she felt at peace. This feeling, this connection, it felt natural, like they were made for this.

Back in England, they kept in close touch: checking in on each other and chatting everyday, video calls, visits to each other's cities when work permitted, spending available weekends together. As months went by, Lucia found herself falling deeper and deeper in love, day by day.
One evening, strolling in London by the Thames, Ben suddenly stopped and turned to her, quite serious.
“Lucia, finding you again was the best thing ever. You are the best gift God gave me, and I can't imagine a life without you in it."
Her heart hammered violently in her chest. His voice went low.
“What we have, it's something I want to keep forever."
“Me too, Ben. I love you. So much. More than you can ever imagine."
“I love you, too."
As she drew closer to him, as their lips touched, as his eyes caught hers, their worlds joined, her mind drowning in those deep blue pools........


He stood in front of her, hands outstretched. She placed her gloved hands in his, and he held them tenderly. They looked into each other's eyes, and understood the silent communication there. At that moment, they were all that mattered. Ben squeezed her hands lightly. She nodded.
“.......... In sickness and in health, till death do you part?"
She stared into those beautiful eyes. They were pregnant with emotion, and shone with the hope of their new future.
“I do." The words flowed straight from her heart to her lips, and tumbled into the air between them. He bent his head to hers, held her face in his hands and kissed her. He was hers, and she was his. She closed her eyes, and surrendered.

She opened her eyes. The world floated around her. Everywhere was sore, yet she felt lighter than ever. Her heart fluttered with joy, as his image solidified in front of her. He was sat beside her hospital bed, cradling their baby in his arms. He smiled at her, and she smiled back. She looked at the beautiful wonder in his arms.


“She has your hair."
“She has your eyes. Those beautiful eyes."
She looked up at him, into his eyes. There were tears there.
“I love you, Ben."
“I love you, Lucia."

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