Judging a Stream By Its Content (Creators)


cropped-DALL·E 2024-07-30 12.58.04 - A person sitting at a computer desk, reflecting thoughtfully on their League of Legends stream. The room has an anime style, with vibrant colors and d.webp
Image created with DALL·E

Hey all,

It's amazing to see https://dagamers.xyz slowly growing, we're still small but taken that the streaming community on Hive/Steem/Blurt is always been marginally small we are still beating my expectations.

But now that we've gotten to the point I'm starting to reflect upon how to encourage user behaviour. Okay we got streamers but how do they behave? Are they just streaming AFK and let their stream be auto generated? Do they visit each others stream? Do they reward each other stream? And if not, why not?

Your stream is your content

Let me start by saying that if you're just streaming everyday and "AFK" posting through Dagamers that is, by all accounts, completely fine! Yeah seriously it is. Your stream itself is the content and despite that your posts' body don't reflect it, you're definitely putting in the hours.

Hive is meant to share your unique content, which can be text but is not limited to it. The fact that it's difficult to judge a post that just shares the livestream is by definition a shortcoming of the blockchain itself as we're not able to save streams directly on the chain . Now before I get called out for criticizing something that would be technologically near impossible to achieve, or at least not without bankrupting the witnesses, let me just say that I know. And if you want a to have a debate about decentralizing live streams on Hive, maybe with a second type of peer nodes/miners that share streams and how to do that without quality loss, lag etc I'm all for it. But that's not what this post is about.

Let The Apps Take The Responsibility

So sharing your stream on Hive whenever you go live is perfectly fine. But what about the streamers that go the extra mile? That tune into other Hive streamers content, talk in their chat, upvote their content on Hive and form new connections? Don't they deserve credit for going the extra distance?

Yeah, they absolutely do. And while Hive can't measure if someone is tuning in someone else's Twitch stream and is chatting, dagamers can implement logic that looks into that.

For example we could start logging things like:

  • Does the streamer watch other people's stream
  • Do they chat in other people's stream
  • Do they upvote other people's stream
  • Do they comment on other people's stream
  • What's the weight and HP with which they vote
  • Do they grow their HP over time or just power down

You might argue that the upvote weight and value don't matter but pragmatically speaking it does. I've stated multiple times that we have to grow together and I don't want to avoid a situation where only a few do the heavy lifting.

If we use these metrics and finetune them over time to give every streamer a "quality" score we can start rewarding them accordingly using things like upvote weight, beneficiary percentage decreases and maybe other things like web3 gaming nfts if we get some partnership.

Just Reflecting

These are just my morning thoughts speaking and whether or not we even grow enough to a point where this becomes a significant matter is to be seen. But it's something that I'm thinking about lately nonetheless. Anyway, breakfast is devoured so I'm back to diaper changing duties. Happy streaming everyone


Maybee u can also count in delegate 2 dagamers 😉


Absolutely, there are so many metrics that I didn't even consider, delegation is one of them
