Gender as an Advantage or Disadvantage
Hello Hive users, it’s a great privilege to be part of today’s May Inleo Prompt. No one has ever been given the opportunity to choose their gender, but I believe that if God had given many people the opportunity to do so at birth, many would have opted for the opposite of their gender for reasons best known to them.
For me, I have been a man all my life, and if I was given the opportunity by my creator to decide on which human form to take at birth, I would never have gone for the opposite of what I am.
For all these years that I have lived my life as a man, I do not have any regret being what I am because there are many advantages that I enjoy as a result of being a man. So, from my perspective, being a man is a great advantage. Here are a few of those advantages that are peculiar to the male gender:
Being a man Places Me in a Position of Power and Authority. There is a sense of pride that I have as a result of being a man. There is power and an authority that are peculiar to the male gender that even God recognizes. As a matter of fact, it was God himself who conferred these power and authority upon man when he created man and commanded him to have dominion over the earth.
As at the time God made this statement, the female gender was not in the picture, it was the man that God empowered to have dominion over the earth. In essence, being a man means being in a position of power and authority.
Secondly, the male gender is an advantage because it is a stature of strength: When I was a child and even up till now, there were some places that my parents did not allow my sisters to go or visit and there were equally some places that they would not send them to on errands if they don’t ask us to be in the company.
They always believed that our presence alone in that company will keep them from danger, or if anybody had the intention of harming them, the person will abort that plan once he or she sees that those ladies were in the company of men.
In addition, the physical strength that a man possesses can never be compared to that of a woman, that is why a woman cannot do many of the things that a man can do. I know women oftentimes do boast that ‘what a man can do, a woman can do even more better’ but this can never be true because there are many tasks that a man can perform whereas a woman cannot.
_I also consider being a man as an advantage because men are not victims of gender-biased discrimination. There are many jobs that men are considered me fit for than women. For example, in Nigeria, a woman is not allowed to work as a marine engineer, few of them that are allowed into that profession went in there based on the relationship they have with an influential person.
Also, in many countries in Africa and even in the western world, it is very difficult to see a female president ( I am not saying there has never been any female president in the world, of course we had one in Africa, Liberia precisely. I am only saying that it is not so common to see, especially now that the world is becoming more patriarchal than how it used to be). But it is not so for the male gender because being a man places you as the head, not only in the family but in the society at large.
However, inspite of the numerous advantage that comes with being a man, the disadvantages too are unimaginably numerous, for example, so much is expected from man in the society and this has made life very difficult for men.
Again, the man as the head of the family is the bread winner. One who works tirelessly to ensure that his children, his wife and his entire household are cared for. But inspite, of these huge sacrifices of man, the male gender hardly receives the celebration he deserves as a hero, that is why we usually have the mothers celebrated for up to ten times in a year whereas fathers’ day only comes once in a year.
Moreover, another disadvantage that the male gender cannot escape from is that women are preferred above them when favour is shown. Even from their fellow men too, a man will prefer to show kindness to a woman he has never known than show a fellow man. I remember sometime ago when I was going to school while it was still drizzling. A female student was walking just one step ahead of me.
Suddenly, a man in a private car pulled over and asked a young lady he never knew to hop in, because according to him ‘it was unfair for a beautiful lady like her to walk under the rain’. You see the point now? I was also walking under that rain but that guy never saw me.
It is also a disadvantage to be a man because women do not go to fight during war, and it was so even in the bible.
Regardless of these disadvantages, I make bold to say that I am proud to be a man.
This is my response to #mayinleo prompt. You can be part of this contest by clicking here.
Posted Using InLeo Alpha
It's nice to see someone so proud of their gender👍
Oh, come on! It's one of the human rights to do so.
And regarding the gender-biased discrimination, your post empowers it...