State of Computer literacy in my City Aba. The way forward and Hive!


I am really delighted to write my first post in this community. I would like to talk about computer literacy and how I intend making a positive impact in this sector through Hive. For the sake of comprehensive reading, these are the things I would cover in this article:

  • Computer education in Aba - the reality on ground
  • Government role in improving Computer Education
  • The Role of Private Sector in Computer Education

Alright without wasting much time, I would like to start with the very first item on this list.

IT education in Aba - the reality on ground

I live in Aba, a city in Southeastern part of Nigeria. Let me give you a little background information about the city. Aba is a popular commercial center and home to the mostly the Igbo tribe. They are known for entrepreneurship and trading. The city is home to Ariaria international market, one of the largest markets in West Africa. The above gives you a quick overview of this city.

Computer literacy in Aba is not at its best to say the list. Of course, it is not just peculiar to this city. The situation is no better in other cities in Nigeria. Generally. Computer education need proper boost from all stakeholders in order to reach the acceptable level obtainable elsewhere. Breaking it down properly would not be complete if we do not start from our educational institutions. So lets look at the following:

  • Computer literacy in Primary Schools: In this part of the world, Primary schools provide the basic education a child needs from a tender age. Children are enrolled into Primary 1 (Basic 1) generally from 6 years of age. Having passed through the system and lived in it a long time now, there are generally no practical computer lessons for most students at this level. That is particularly as a result of general infrastructural decay that we have seen over the years.

While computer is taught as a subject in many public schools, there are rarely computer any computer facilities where students can obtain practical Computer knowledge. This does not just happen at the basic level, but throughout the basic education levels (basic 1 - 6). As a result, public schools offer nearly zero practical computer education. Most children therefore miss practical computer knowledge which they should receive at that early age.

The little efforts at practical computer education in my city, is made by few private schools. Private schools are owned and operated by individuals. These individuals raise the standard of education basically. Some of the private schools have a high standard. That high standard also includes practical computer literacy. They have computer laboratories where students can do computer practicals. Again, it is not all private schools. I am talking about standard private schools. They are usually few and attended by students of the wealthy class.

From the above, its obvious that apart from teaching computer a subject, primary schools in my city do not offer practical computer education. As such, a large population of students graduate from basic education with zero practical knowledge of computers. Taking it further, lets look at the next level - Secondary education.

  • Computer literacy in Secondary Schools: After Primary (Basic) education, students graduate into Secondary (High) Schools. In Aba, more than 50% of students are in Public secondary schools (Government school). The story is the same here as in Primary School. Public schools are ill-equipped with computer and IT facilities. Majority of students in these schools lack any practical knowledge of computers because it does not exist there.

Private secondary schools of the wealthy make effort in this regard. Parents there can pay to obtain quality education. So students in these schools are exposed not just to computer as a subject, but they are trained in computer practicals. They learn how to use various computer software. So generally, computer education at the secondary school level is below the level it should be.

In recent years, education authorities in my country switched tertiary metriculation exam (JAMB) from a paper-based test to computer test. So in the very last year of secondary education, students in both public and private schools look for a Computer Training facility, where they will enroll and learn how to use a computer. They basically focus on the CBT (Computer Based Test) software which prepares them for their metriculation examination. However, this is too little, too late. So generally, students are forced so to speak, to obtain computer training in the 18th year of their life - so sad.

  • Computer literacy in Tertiary Institutions: I did computer Science as a course In Abia State Polytechnic, Aba. During my years 2009 - 2014, we had two computer labs. Each had about 30 computers. But we had close to 1000 students admitted in my section. So its practically impossible to have a lot of chances to practice with the computers at the lab. My experience is almost the same in most tertiary institutions around the country.

So computer literacy is not doing well even at the tertiary level of education. Even most students in the Computer Science departments continue to study without having their own laptops, or any Computer labs to practice. The next thing here is the way forward.

Government role in improving Computer Education

I believe all stakeholders can put hands together to improve the level of computer literacy in my City Aba, State Abia, and Country in general Nigeria.

The first thing they have to do is look into the education sector and equip the educational institutions with skilled instructors and Computer facilities at all levels. Each public school should have a computer laboratory or two where students can go and do computer practice. If this is done at the primary, Secondary and Tertiary level, we will have more graduates that are not just computer literate, but also IT professionals.

There should be legislation guiding the establishment of Private schools. These legislation must require proprietors of private schools to set up Computer facilities in their schools for practical computer training. In this way, students in private and public schools will have standard computer education through these institutions.

The Role of Private Sector in Computer Education

The private sector has been the major stakeholder in Computer education in my city. Computer Triaining facilities owned and operated by individuals continue to provide computer trainingand education in Aba. They are where students go for CBT training or to learn how to use other software. I encourage the existing Computer training facilities to upgrade and expand their services to operate at a higher level.

I also urge investors and stakeholders in the IT sector to consider joining the Computer training sector, so that everyone in the city could have a place where they can go and obtain computer education in a standard way. This is where I come in recently.

My new Computer Literacy facility and Hive

I recently got close to fulfilling a career dream. I had always planned to establish an ultra-modern IT facility as this is a way to not only give back to society, but improve computer education in Aba.

My facility is at 208 Azikiwe road Aba. I have 20 computers to begin. I intend increase the number of computers as time goes on. We have other equipment to enhance the learning process such as projector machine, a 6.5KVA power generating set and 2 instructors. We hope to kick off anytime soon. I would like to share a few images of my facility with you.

The main aim here is to contribute positively to Computer education in Aba, and in Nigeria generally. Bringing in Hive into the whole picture, I hope to run some courses free of charge and sponsored by the Hive Community. This will be my way of making Hive real to people in Aba.

Beginners courses like Typing and how to use Windows can be offered free in the name of Hive Ecosystem. Other bigger courses that will definitely require longer training period, would require reasonable tuition from the students. Generally, Hive and my IT facility hopes to make a positive Impact in the Computer Education sector in my city and Country.

What does computer Literacy look like in your city?

What is the state of computer literacy in your city?. How much of the population can you say are computer literate? How will you rate Computer and IT facilities in public and private schools in your city? When was the first time you were exposed to any computer literacy class? Share with us in this discussion. Lets Talk in the comment section!

756.883 NEOXAG


Computer literacy in Aba is not at its best to say the list. Of course, it is not just peculiar to this city. The situation is no better in other cities in Nigeria. Generally. Computer education need proper boost from all stakeholders in order to reach the acceptable level obtainable elsewhere.

Yes you are really correct, our city Aba need a little boost in becoming computer literate and its actually require both the government and individual to do more about its especially our school directors in Aba.

Its was nice reading your article @fokusnow

0.000 NEOXAG

@bakinba. You are right. You live in the same city with me and you can see that a lot can be improved upon. Thank you so much. I want to ask which side of the coin are you. Maybe you can come some day to refresh your skills

0.000 NEOXAG

What is the state of computer literacy in your city?. How much of the population can you say are computer literate? How will you rate Computer and IT facilities in public and private schools in your city? When was the first time you were exposed to any computer literacy class?

Lagos state is a well developed city so I can say that all private schools are equiped with computers and good tutors. But the few who can't afford those private schools can also become computer literate by enrolling in some private computer centers (IT centers) like yours.

I will say that Lagos state is 8/10 when it comes to private schools facilities but public schools I don't think they have access to that if they have it will be just 3/10 .

I don't know the first time i was exposed to computer literacy class lol

0.000 NEOXAG

Lagos state is a well developed city so I can say that all private schools are equiped with computers and good tutors.

I will say that Lagos is the IT capital of Nigeria. So its far more tech-savvy than Aba. I wish we can get to that level someday. Many standard IT facilities are there, but my city Aba is a commercial center. But with more commitment, we can improve

0.000 NEOXAG

Sure Aba can improve big time

0.000 NEOXAG

I think the idea of more practical work than theory will really help students in our various schools. Back in my secondary school days we were only taught the concept of technology and computers with little or no practice at all. I really appreciate your aim of helping more people especially youths who are willing to become computer literates. More strength to you

0.000 NEOXAG

Sure. We need more practical work. You know that theory cannot replace skills and that is what computer knowledge is all about. I hope you will attend the classes someday. @empressjay

0.000 NEOXAG

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0.000 NEOXAG

This is a good start @fokusnow. It is line with the type of empowerment we have here. Many will love to blog with us but don't know how to do it. With this free computer training, there will be no excuse for those who don't like missing opportunities. Thank you for taking hive so far in your city.

0.000 NEOXAG

Sure. Free skill acquisition is what we all need to improve. Many are eager to learn, but sometimes the cost keeps them away. So the free training will be a welcome development for many.

0.000 NEOXAG

Even though we did not get free, we choose to give out free in imitation of platform like hive blockchain who is giving out a lot of things for free.. your good work has good reward.

0.000 NEOXAG

I think now some private schools are trying to teach computer in their school. It is better now than our own time. But they need to try more I mean put More practical than theory.

0.000 NEOXAG

Wow,this is really a nice post,been a computer literate has really helped in promoting hive in our city of aba.

Your IT center really looks good and fancy,I will like to come and learn about computer over there.

0.000 NEOXAG

@ogwo. That would be nice. I will soon launch a free training program for some days so everyone can have the opportunity to learn and get acquainted with computers.

0.000 NEOXAG

Wow,if so I will like to be there and learn at least small thing about computer.

Please notify me when the time comes 🙏🙏.

0.000 NEOXAG

What a magnificent edifice, you have. A best place to get computer knowledge. Our Nigerian society needs such knowledge and skills, which is vital for human development but we are lagging behind because of several challenges facing us here.

Here, only few are learned and can impact such knowledge while millions of kids and adults does not know anything about it and it's importance. A vital needs to be fulfilled.

Our government and it's agencies can solve this challenge facing impacting computer literacy, but appear as their campaign promises but very far to be implemented.

0.000 NEOXAG

@sammyhive. Thank you so much for loving my article. I really hope the level of computer literacy in our city is improved vastly. Am sure everyone has a role to play here. We can do more

0.000 NEOXAG

That's right. You have set the pace for development and computer education. With more efforts and resources, many people will learn about computer and it's importance

0.000 NEOXAG

Voted on behalf of the Neoxian city paper.

0.000 NEOXAG

I appreciate your support and this nice, warm welcome. Will do my best to support the growth of this community. @sayee

0.000 NEOXAG