Floki partners Nottingham Forest - another win for crypto



The crypto industry is making one giant leap after another as it beads to go mainstream. Each person or organization that joins the space represents another step closer to the goal. Floki inu, the popular meme coin that saw a huge growth in price recently have partnered Nottingham Forest football club.

This partnership like many others in recent times will ensure a mutual gain by other parties. The football club would be integrating digital assets and crypto payments into its platform, ensuring the fans have access to blockchain features to greatly enhance their digital experience.

For the Floki team, it is all about venturing into a new market. Nottingham Forest FC which plays in the popular English Premier League has millions of supporters from around the club. These people represent a huge market for Floki to tap into. The benefits of these fans adopting floki as a native cryptocurrency, plus other digital assets services by the team is huge for the crypto platform.

Details about the partnership

The English premier league for 2024/2025 season in which the deal was signed will have Nottingham Forest feature in 19 different fixtures. There are many other domestic games that will bring more clubs to the home ground of Nottingham Forest. Floki will benefit from the large audience that would be attending these games in person and those that would watch on TV. Thus, electronic boards around the ground would be utilized to promote content related to Floki during live premier league matches.

Beyond just showing Floki content on the home ground of Nottingham Forest, the crypto platform would also be given more visibility on the sports giant social media handles, including getting a space in its matchday programs, club brochures, Jerseys and media banners. Floki will also get a space in the club's broadcasting channels such as its TV channels. This way, Floki will be given the biggest opportunity to access Nottingham Forest audience across all channels.

A representative from the football club expressed so much optimism about the potential for growth from the partnership. Below is how Nottingham Forest COO feels about this partnership with Floki:

We are delighted to welcome Floki as official partner and look forward to working closely with them as we head into the 2024/25 season. As one of the most innovative companies within this sector, we're excited to work collaboratively with the Floki community source

Crypto need traditional institutions

It is important to appreciate the significance of crypto partnerships with various institutions like this one. Many people in the crypto community strongly believe that sooner or later, crypto will go mainstream. This drive for mass adoption continues to be pushed from all fronts - both in making crypto platforms prepared to sustain the masses, and efforts in getting the mass to join. For the later, the institutions are going to push a very vital role in making it happen.

Each traditional institution or organization no matter their size or scope represents a very large crowd. Whether it is a business that sells product to end users, a sporting organization or even a religious institution. These institutions serve a lot of people who have developed some form of loyalty, support or confidence in them. Thus when such an institution endorses a blockchain product or partners with a crypto project, they have given a vote of confidence to the masses that follow them. Just take the above partnership as an example.

Nottingham Forest Football club is one of the teams in the English Premier league. There are 19 other teams in the competition. The EPL is perhaps one of the most watched football competition across the globe. Some sources suggest that the EPL has a combined global followership or close to 3 billion. That is some really large number. Now let us imagine that just like Nottingham Forest did, each of the remaining 19 EPL clubs also embraced one crypto project or another. It simply means that crypto would be exploring a new market - a massive number of almost 3 billion people. That is really some big exposure, isn't it?

Still on the significant role that traditional institutions could place in crypto mass adoption, every individual have some affiliation with one institution or more. This is almost a fact. It is hard to see a person that does not have a favorite institution like bank, shopping mall, hospital, insurance, school or other traditional institutions. If that is the case, then the crypto community could achieve mass adoption faster if they go down this lane of partnerships with traditional institutions.

One interesting aspect of partnerships with traditional institutions is that it is not a one-sided deal. These partnerships would also benefit businesses that join it. So as crypto is already trying to gain new audiences from such partnerships, the institutions will also benefit from having their goods or services introduced to the crypto community. It is a win win for everyone at the end of the day.

Looking into the future

The future of crypto mass adoption is bright and a big possibility. Mobile gaming is really driving a large crowd to crypto with the popularity of Telegram tap-to-earn games. While this is happening, institutional adoption would be another huge driver of adoption. Other channels of getting the masses into crypto could be explored so that at the end of it all, we will have crypto go mainstream and become a technology of our time.

With regards to the above partnership, more info is found below

Thumbnail is mine

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everyone or organization that joins crypto world has a plan on how to achieve their set goals that is why they bring progress and success to the crypto world, A large crowd love mobile games and this is bringing massive adoption of cryptocurrency.


I guess crypto is revolutionizing itself into different fields, I really didnt notice even football is becoming involved in crypto project
