Animate 3D: AI to generate 3D animations from video



The world of AI keeps on evolving with with many different language models creating solutions to admire. Today, I bring you another innovative use of AI technology - using it to build animations quickly from videos. The tool that you can use to do this is called Animate 3D. This tool was made DeepMotion, a big name in the AI industry.

In this presentation, we take a good look at Animate 3D and explore some of the capabilities built in it. If you are into 3D animation projects, then this tool would be something interesting to look at. Maybe it could become useful and make your work easier.

Video to 3D in a matter of seconds

So this tool called Animate 3D helps you create complex 3D animations from a video. It simply captures the motion patterns of objects in the video and instantly translate the movement into 3D object movements. Interestingly, The AI picks up most of the movements, even ones that may be considered insignificant like facial expressions.

Animate 3D does not just capture movements from one object. It is able to track movements from multiple objects in the video at the same time. It is worthy to note that up to 8 objects could be captured simultaneously by the AI. Users of Animate 3D do not need any special hardware and are not required to install any software to use the program. It works directly from any modern browser, making it lightweight and mobile.

Deepmotion has this to say about 3D animate:

DeepMotion's Motion Capture AI technology, specifically our flagship software Animate 3D, is transforming the animation industry by making advanced motion capture capabilities accessible to both general and technical users. With Animate 3D, you can convert ordinary videos into captivating 3D animations that exhibit natural and lifelike movements. source

Animate 3D special features

Animate 3D boasts a number of features which gives the tool a seamless motion capture capability. Consider the following

  • Complete body motion tracking: The AI is able to see any object in its entire form as it makes moves in a video. This is done in real time. Being able to capture full-body movements, Animate 3D is able to instantly render the same movements in 3D format, creating the video in real time.

  • Face tracking: In addition to capturing the entire movement of a person in the video, Animate 3D has extra capability to capture the movements exhibited by the face of a person in an object. Thus, it is able to render the correct and corresponding facial expressions in the 3D object. So for someone that is excited or happy dancing in the video, the corresponding 3D would also match the happiness captured. Being able to capture the countenance and accurately translate it to the 3D object really makes this AI software special.

  • Hand tracking: Animate 3D also has the the capability to capture hand movements. Again this is done in real-time. The hand usually make lots of movements in a video. The AI tool follows the movements completely and replicates it in the 3D clone. This is really significant especially when the signs being made communicates some important information.

So whether a hand is demonstrating happiness, using a tool, or just commanding attention, Animate 3D is able to capture it and duplicate the movement in the 3D rendering. Imagine a sign language interpreter making some signs on a video, Animate 3D is able to capture the signs and recreate it in a 3D video. These are motion details that make the AI tool a wonder to try out.

  • Capturing many objects: The tool can be said to have many eyes. So it is able to capture more than one object simultaneously. Think of a video of 4 persons running across the screen or just jumping up. Animate 3D will be able to capture it. The tool is able to capture up to 8 persons at the same time. So if a 3D programmer is working on a video with several people shown, Animate 3D would have no challenge in simulation the movements of all.

What else

Beyond just capturing complex movements in a video, the tool has other features designed to make your work super easy especially for professionals. For example, creators may choose to make capture a video of them performing the action. Animate 3D also allows you to choose any video from the internet to use for your project. If you also decide to get creative by yourself, then its possible with in-built tools.

There is a tool called Avaturn character creator. This tool allows the animator to design their own characters. If you wish to use your original characters for the 3D animation, then you can create it and then allow the AI tool to animate it based on the source video you used.

Maybe you wish to be more thorough with the work, it is possible to trace the movements by yourself. So the tool allows you to place the 3D on top of the original video and personally trace or copy the movements. That way, nothing is left out. If this is what you wish to do, then Animate 3D has a tracing tool for that.

Once your 3D animation video is ready, the AI tool allows and supports exporting in any format of choice. All major industry-standard video formats are supported such as MP4 and BVH formats.


Animate 3D is one of those AI tools that will let anyone make professional-looking 3D animations from a live video. Its a versatile tool no matter the level of your expertise. Both ordinary users and professionals could get creative. If you wish to master Animate 3D like the back of your hand, why not check out this documentation from the team. And if you finish making your first video, why not share your experience with us in the comment section.

Note: thumbnail is mine

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


This is a very good information
Thanks for sharing with us


This is really incredible, Ai is advancing every single day, we still have a lot to explore in the tech world 🌎.


Yes the progress made is really exciting to see. AI will bring more innovation in our world today
