UNDEAD PRIEST | splinterlands

Hello guyz.....i hope u all are fit and fine.
Yesterday i was not feeling well. Because of fever and cough. But now i am better than yesterday. I thought something while resting that being free from every disease is such a big blessing which everone not have. This is God's blessing and we should have to thanks to god that he blessed us with healthy body. Otherwise there are so many people suffering from severe diseases.
So if we are free from ghose disease we must have to be grateful of god.
This beautiful thing i realizes whenever i got ill.
Today i am feeling better so thought make post for splinterlands community.
I choose a character named UNDEAD PRIEST. it took me 2 hours to make this character and now i am going to u all that how i made it.

So let's start the procedure:
In first step i draw the face his face along with eyes, mouth and grey strips.

In the second step i start drawing his shoulders stuff.

In the third step i draw his hands along with sticks.

In the fourth step i start making his upeer body with so amny strips.

Then i draw his lower body.

Then i draw his feet.

Then i filled the colors. And here are rendering results.

Thanks for being here! See you next time!
I hope u all will enoy , like and appreciate it.
God bless each and everyone of you....goodbye😊
