

Once upon a time there were giants in the forest. His name was Thorn and his skin was like tree bark. But his eyes shone with an unknown light, as if they contained ancient secrets.

Thorne is not like those giants. This does not mean destroying homes or terrorizing people. Instead, he spent his time wandering the dark side of the forest, searching for answers to questions that no one dared to ask.

One day, Monga was walking by the river when she saw a strange stone. She seemed normal at first glance, but when she held it, she felt an electric current run through her body. This stone is full of energy and mystery.

She decided to take it off and put it in her cave. At night, the stone glows in the dim light, illuminating the cave walls and ancient symbols. Thorne studied it for hours, trying to understand its meaning.

After a while, strange things began to happen in the forest. The trees move on their own, the birds sing different songs, the stars come closer. The villagers talked about a strange giant who lived in the forest, but no one dared go there.

One day, a girl named Elena went to the forest to look for herbs. When she met Monga, she did not run away, but rather she stayed and talked to him. Elena was curious and asked him about the stone and the cave sign.

Monga was surprised to see that someone was not afraid of her and she told him her story. She explains that the stone is an ancient treasure containing the knowledge of great men of the past. The symbols were a secret language that only he knew.

Elena becomes friends with Thorne. Together they decipher the symbols and discover that the stone has the power to open doors to other worlds. Thorne visited these lands in search of answers, but now he has someone with whom he can share his findings.

This is the beginning of friendship between giants and humans. Together they go through the doors and encounter problems and mysteries. When Thorne finds in Elena the company he didn't know he needed, Elena learns to see the world differently.

But the biggest mystery remains unsolved: Why did the stone reach the forest? Who left it there? Thorne and Elena are determined to uncover the truth no matter the consequences.

And so their journey continues, taking them to places beyond imagination, where the mysteries of the past connect with the past and the future. The forest is no longer what it was before and the villagers begin to tell stories about the giant and the girl who broke the laws of time and space.

Thorn and Elena's story will be passed down from generation to generation. Although no one knows what happened to the stone, if Thorn and Elena can solve the mystery, one thing is certain: their friends have crossed the limits of what is possible and will leave an unforgettable mark in the heart of the forest.

On the darkest nights, when the moon shone eerily, Thorn and Elena were said to laugh as they explored unknown lands, searching for answers and creating new myths.
