Fiery plays The Witcher 3 part 83: stealing from the rich.
Last time we went to an auction house with our friend dwarf Vivaldi. He introduced us to his associates. After that we met the owner of the auction- Horst Borsodi. He was a complete swine and kicked us out without listening to what we want. Then we met with a Stranger who invited us to join a heist. He told us to recruit two more people and convince the cook to foodpoison guards at the auction.
In this part we began the heist of the auction house. And as soon as we went downstairs our plan started falling apart. There were some auction workers(according to the Stranger auction house was supposed to be empty). Workers saw us and started calling the guards. Horst Borsodi entered the room and after seeing us ran and locked himself in the vault. Meanwhile the guards came and we started negotiating releasing of the hostages. At the same time our safecracker Quinto went to unlock the vault. After that the guards rushed in and we beat them. During that fight our circus acrobat ran away. Finally Quinto opened the vault. Then we found out that Stranger really is Ewald Borsodi- Horst missing brother. He organized this heist as revenge because Ewald was the one who was suppose to inherit his fathers wealth but Horst cheated him and he was left in poverty. Horst tried to bribe us. We sided with Ewald but Quinto took his offer. Soon we beat Horst and his men. Horst then begged his brother to spare his life. Ewald agreed to let Horst live- as long as he signs everything to Ewald. Horst then pushed his luck and asked to let him take something with him. After that Ewald beat his brother to death with golden item. After that Ewald tried to cheat us and keep the Maximilian Borsodi's house to himself. He thought that he has a good chance of beating us because we are tired. It seems that both Borsodi brothers were not too smart. We slew Ewald, took Maximilian Borsodi's house and escaped by using a secret passage.
Then we went to see Olgierd. At first we exchanged a small talk, played gwent and complimented his saber after that we gave him Maximilian Borsodi's house. We told him that we killed both Horst and Ewald. Olgierd said that Borsodis got what they deserved. He then told us why he hated the Borsodis. They evicted him from his home. Olgierd's family took on some debt. Borsodis got hold of that debt and sold many of Olgierd's family mementos. After that Olgierd's parents in law learned about his family's misfortune and canceled betrothal between Olgierd and their daughter Iris. They also found her a new suitor. So Olgierd was pleased that both Borsodis are dead.
Here in Venezuela, that business of robbing the rich has always been a topic of conversation. I know that comment has nothing to do with the game because it's a reality in my country, but reading the story of Ewald and Horst is full of revenge, deceit, and rough justice. That's a mess worthy of a telenovela.
thank you.
The scene looks scary though, I've heard alot of stories about this game from this side, maybe I'll check it out to see why its trending so much
It is an awesome game.
Hmmm it seems
@fieryfootprints, I paid out 0.061 HIVE and 0.022 HBD to reward 2 comments in this discussion thread.