Fiery plays Mass Effect part 4: Plant problem.

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In this part Guts Shepard and his crew arrived to Zhu's Hope colony. The colonist had many problems: No water, energy, people were starving. And a legion of geth. We managed to solve all those issues. Leader of colonists sugguested that we should look in corporation ExoGeni headquaters if we want to find why geth are attacking the colony. We also met a colonist who seemed a bit crazy. Along the way to ExoGeni base we picked a few more quest. A woman was worried about her missing daughter and some guy asked us to recover his data. In the ExiGeni quaters we found the missing girl. She told us part of the truth. ExoGeni was studying some plant life-form. After that we defeated a krogan commander and questioned some VI. It told us that this plant brainwashes and controls people is located beneath Zhu's Hope colony. It is called Thorian.

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After that we traveled back to Zhu's Hope colony. There we encountered plant like zombies and colonist who now were under mind control of the Thorian. We cured and saved 8 colonist with special grenades. After that we met colony leader and he shot himself. Then we went beneath Zhu's Hope and found the Thorian. It was a monstrous plant like creature. It vomited(?) a green asari clone. We had to fight that clone and Thorian zombies a few times and after that Thorian was killed. Then real asari was freed and helped us understand our vision from the Beacon better. After that she decided to stay and help the colonists.

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After that we returned to the Normandy and spoke with our crew. Liara suggested that we would join our minds and that would help understand our vision even better. The results were disappointing. Garrus told us a story about a salarian doctor who was growing spare organs inside of his employees. Garrus wanted our help in tracking that bastard down. Wrex also needed our help recovering his lost family armor. And the Council called us and gave us another job- to investigate planet Virmire. Apparently there we could find some information about Saren. But we will do that another time. We concluded this part by helping Garrus and Wrex with their problems.
