Fiery plays Mass Effect part 1: New story begins.

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It is time to start a new let's play series. Mass effect series. Normally I prefer magic and sword to the science fiction. I think that Dragon age origins and Inquisition at their highest points are better than mass effect. But I think that mass effect trilogy is more consistent with it's quality. It doesn't have that many low points. I am quite surprised that I have not seen let's play of mass effect on Hive because those games are really good. This time I created another character inspired by Berserk manga- Guts. A struggler who keeps on fighhting against all odds and defying the gods themselves.

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Game begins with Guts Shepard on a ship called Normandy flying to a human colony Eden Prime. First we talked with our crew. Pilot Joker, navigator Pressly and Corporal Jenkins. All of them were suspicious about our mission because an alien turian spectre Nihlus was comming with us. Jenkins seemed to be a fanboy of Guts Shepard. He thought that we would make a good spectre agent.

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After speaking with our crewmates we went to talk with our captain Anderson and turian spectre Nihlus. They told us that on Eden Prime colony was found a beacon of protheans( civilization that egisted thousands of years ago.) This discovery could greatly advance our technology. So we had to bring it to the Citadel space station. Also Nihlus was here to see if Guts Shepard could be made a spectre. While we were talking our pilot Joker informed us about situation on Eden Prime. Apparently it is under attack. Once we arrived to Eden Prime Jenkins was soon killed. Guts and Kaidan(another member of our crew) marched forward. We met with local survivor soldier- Ashley. She told us that Eden Prime was attacked by robotic creatures called the geth. Geth were seen last time a few hundred years ago. We also encountered husks- humans who were turned to monsters by the geth. In the same time Nihlus met with another turian spectre named Saren. Saren shot and killed Nihlus.

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We met with witness who told us about Nihlus death and that Saren led the Geth. Saren ordered his minions to prepare bombs and destroy the colony. After that he used the beacon. After that we fought with thr Geth and dealt with the bombs. After that we used the beacon and saw the vision of synthetics killing humans. Then Captain Anderson warned us about Saren. As a spectre he is basically untouchable. So we will have to find some way to remove his spectre status.

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There we met with Ambassador Udina who was talking with alien leaders known as The Council. They agreed to discuss Saren situation once we will come to see the Council.
