Fiery plays Mass Effect 3 part 5: A first step towards the Cure.
In this game our main mission is to unite humanity and aliens of the galaxy in order to stop the reapers( godlike machines that come every 50000 years and wipe out all intelligent civilizations.)
In last part we traveled Eden Prime, beat an army of Cerberus(pro human terrorist group) troops and found the last living Prothean. After that we met with our friend Wrex at the war summit. If we want an alliance with krogans we have to do a favor for him as well- cure the Genophage(a biological weapon created by salarians and deployed against the krogans by the turians. It made most krogans infertile).
In this part we continued mission or Sur'Kesh(the salarian homeworld). Our goal was to recover krogan females. We used an elevator and met with our friend salarian scientist Mordin Solus. He was the one who informed Wrex about krogan females. Sadly a few of the females died. But one was still alive and cured from Genophage. Keeping her alive was very important because without her we could not create the cure for Genophage. While we were talking with Mordin Wrex called us and said that the base is under attack by Cerberus. Mordin therorized that Cerberus agents may be indoctrinated(brainwashed) and are trying to stop turian-krogan alliance from happening. Either way those Cerberus bastards a really becoming an annoying nuisance. We really don't have time or power to fight two enemies at the same time. Reapers threat demands our full attention. So we will have to teach Cerberus a sharp lesson sooner or later. Wrex told us bring a remaining female outside. One salarian tried to argue that this is against protocol but Mordin electrified him. Mordin went with an krogan female and we had to clear a passage for them. We met at a few checkpoints to see if they are fine. In the end we had to defeat a giant robot. After that we tried to question one Cerberus agent but he died before he could tell us anything.
After that we spoke with admiral Hackett and he told us about the progress building Prothean weapon. Then we spoke with Primarch Victus and Wrex. Both of them wanted our help again. Victus told us that some of his man led by his son are one Krogan homeworld Tuchamka and need to be rescued. Wrex informed us that his best troops are investigating possible appearance of Rachni(insect-like species) and need our help.
After that we spoke with Mordin and Eve(krogan female). Wrex came in and threatened Mordin to better take good care of Eve. Mordin told him that he won't let anyone bother his patient. Mordin also told us that he is getting old and won't live much longer. After that we traveled to the Citadel and spoke with Commander Bailey. He let us speak with an imprisoned leader of mercenary group. She thought that threatening us was a good idea.And also was an unstable maniac. So we convinced her second in command to kill her as soon as she will be free and take over the gang. Then we went to the hospital and spoke with Ashley. She took Udina's offer and decided to become a Spectre but still would want to serve in our ship. After that we spoke with crime boss Aria. She told us all three mercenary groups are now united under her control.
ahhh a good army of mercenaries now!
thank you.
This episode is a storm of emotion and action! Mordin's sacrifice, Wrex's determination, and Cerberus' increasing threats, every moment is full of excitement. Especially the process of solving the Genophage issue is a truly epic story. Not to mention the battle with the giant robot! It is really difficult to continue all these struggles in the shadow of the Reapers, but it is also interesting. This is a great summary, thank you! 👏🎮✨✨
thank you very much.
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