Fiery plays Mass Effect 3 part 4: A guest from the past.


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In this game our main mission is to unite humanity and aliens of the galaxy in order to stop the reapers( godlike machines that come every 50000 years and wipe out all intelligent civilizations.)

In last part we traveled to a Grissom Academy and saved the students and our lover Jack from Cerberus(pro human terrorist group) attack.

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In this part we traveled to Eden Prime. A place where we began fighting against Reapers and their minions. This colony once again became battleground. This time we fought with Cerberus there. They came looking for the same Prothean (alien race that was wiped out by Reapers) artifact that we wanted. So our interest collided. But we were in for a surprise because what we found was not a Prothean was the last living Prothean who was frozen for 50000 years. Liara told us that we can't break the pod open. It would kill the Prothean. So we had to find a signal that ends the stasis mode. A long the way we defeated many more Cerberus agents. Finally we found the signal. Our character was able to understand it while our companions could not. After we released the Prothean he proved to be quite an interesting specimen of his species. He was also a complete jerk. So I really liked him. I miss the days than bioware made evil/ morally ambiguous characters...

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After recruiting the Prothean we and Liara went to speak with him on the Normandy(our ship). He told us that his name is Javik. Liara hoped that Javik would be able to help us build Prothean weapon. But Javik told us that he is only good at killing. He also explained how Prothean empire worked. Apparently they used slavery and ruled the lesser species with an iron fist. Javik also had a strange sensory ability. By touching us he immediately learned our language. He also found out about our previous crewmember krogan Grunt who lived in the same Normandy room as Javik.

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After that we went to a war summit and met another of our best friends krogan king Wrex. He was talking with turian Primarch Victus and salarian dalatrass (salarian leader). Victus asked Wrex what he wants. Wrex answered what he needs- a cure for the genophage ( a biological weapon created by salarians and deployed against the krogans by the turians. It made most krogans infertile). Wrex found out that a salarian named Maelon was trying to cure the genophage in second game. Also a few of the female krogan survived Maelon's experiments. And dalatrass took them prisoners. We ordered dalatrass to release krogan females so that genophage could be cured. She told us that we can find krogan females on Sur'Kesh(the salarian homeworld). She also tried to threaten us. We put dalatrass in her place and traveled to Sur'Kesh with Wrex. We asked Wrex to act angry. He jumped from a shuttle and intimidated the salarians. He also had a funny exchange with Javik about eating salarian livers. After that we met with our friend Major Kirrahe from the first game. He promised to help us defend Earth from Reapers regardless what politicians will decide.

3.829 NEOXAG


I like how vivid your description is here, makes me want to play! I've been away from my home country with a limited access to technology for months now... reading this made me realize how much I miss getting lost in a game!

0.020 NEOXAG

Both games I am replaying right now (Witcher 3 and Mass effect 3) are great. I highly recommend them.

0.000 NEOXAG

I had to go back to read the previous part before this one. Your explanation makes it easy to imagine each scene. Looking forward to the next part

0.019 NEOXAG