Fiery plays Mass Effect 3 part 3: Reunion at Academy.

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In this game our main mission is to unite humanity and aliens of the galaxy in order to stop the reapers( godlike machines that come every 50000 years and wipe out all intelligent civilizations.)

In the last part we met with turian Primarch Victus. He promised to help us defend Earth but first he asked us to lessen danger to turian homeworld Palaven. To do that we will need to get the krogans join us as well. Also our good friend Garrus joined our crew again. And our ship's AI EDI took over Cerberus agent's robot body.

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In this part we traveled to Grissom Academy and found out that it is under attack by Cerberus. Director of the Academy asked us to save her students. After defeating some Cerberus troops we met biotic students and their teacher... our crewmate and lover Jack. Her appearance changed a bit she is still a crazy badass as always. But now she cares about more than just killing and surviving to kill again. She got protective of her students and is ready to mess up anyone who hurts them. After we defended Jack and her students director came up with idea how to escape the Academy. To do we had to take over Cerberus shuttle. Cerberus tried to convince students to give up and were lying that they will not be harmed. We told students to not believe this BS. After that Cerberus used giant robots and many troops to try and kill us. But we despatched them all to the underworld. A long the way to Cerberus shuttle we met a few more students among them was David Archer(who we saved in previous game). We took over the shuttle and escaped from the Academy. Along the way Jack thanked us for the rescue.

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After that we spoke with our shuttle pilot who was mourning his husband's death. After that we spoke with Garrus. He told us that he enjoys painting walls with Reaper blood. After we went to the hospital and visited Ashley again. She spoke with politician Udina who asked her to became a spectre. Ashley said that she still has to think about it. After that we met with another of our former crewmates-the drell Thane. He told us that he doesn't have much time left due to his illness. We asked him to join us but he refused saying that he is no longer at his best and would only hinder our mission. Then we spoke with James Vega. He introduced us to some of his soldier friends who basically considered us to be a god. So we had a few drinks together to show that we are human just like them. Then we went to see crime boss/ruler of Omega-Aria. Some woman wanted to take Aria to fill immigration documents. Aria proved that she has politicians on short leash. She called asari councilor and ordered her to take her of her immigration process. It seems that instead of trying to convince council to help against the Reapers we should have just talked with Aria who is the real boss(unlike politicians who are all talk and no bite). Aria told us that Illusive Man(leader of Cerberus) and his agent took Omega from her so Aria is plotting her revenge. She also came up with an interesting offer-we have to unite three mercenary groups and put them under her rule and she will send them to fight in our war against the Reapers. We started working towards this goal immediately and already managed to get first mercenary group under Aria command.



I love how all that intergalactic drama is unfolding. What happened in Grissom Academy was like a movie. I can imagine the adrenaline rush when they were fighting Cerberus and saving the students, another thing I like about the game is the quality of the images you are showing.
