Why Some People Lack Religion part 2: Topic Review



This is the second part of the YouTube video teaching on the reasons why people live without religion by Brother Eli Sariano.

As Brother Eli Sariano continues teaching on this subject, there are valid reasons why people choose to not practice religion. For instance, some people are turned away due to their own frustrations with religion itself.

Religion implies something good to us, as it refers to reconciling with God. Yet for many, religious practices are a burden because they have a lot of problems within the religious system. But we need to be aware that what religion is all about is going back into connection with our maker.

The Bible speaks of our separation from God due to sin in 2 Corinthians 5:19. Religion provides the path for our reconciliation .However, modern practices have led some to reject this purpose.

Brother Eli revealed to us the beginning of multi-facet religion in the world. He stated that Martin Luther, a priest in the Catholic Church, was pained by the Catholic Church’s wrongdoings such as indulgence selling till he decided to lead the protestant movement. As such there was an explosion of different denominations developing each preaching its doctrines and interpretation.

Religions’ failure to recognize key biblical truths such as the coming of Christ has led them astray from their original purposes. This has resulted in confusion and disorganization among believers.

Some now shun organized religious settings altogether for they look at only the fallibility of human beings and fail to consider that religion was primarily designed to bring man back to God.

Others, however, rejected religions mainly because they don’t believe in God at all. It robs believers and unbelievers alike of faith when religious systems deviate from their founding ideals, doctrines and scriptures.

Brother Eli in this video teaching spoke about what true religion is supposed to be like according to the bible. In his own words, The first religion that existed was Judaism established by God through Moses for the Israelites.

They lived together obeying God’s commands and worshiping Him. Moses himself also prophesied about Jesus Christ while teaching on Judaism which also implied that a messiah would come one day.

People may understandably turn away from divisions or frustrations but by doing this they are refusing God’s reconciliation.
Instead of deserting religion, we should return back to its roots in biblical times where everything began. We can distinguish between true teachings and those that people have made up or interpreted. Instead of getting caught up in any religious system let us focus more on trying to bridge our relationship with our maker directly.

God created religion to get us back in line with Him. You will realize its true objective of healing souls’ relationship with the Almighty through scriptural wisdom that overcomes frustration.

In this teaching, Brother Eli Sariano wisely reminds us that when practiced as intended by God, religion can attain its divine purpose. Shortcomings from some religious groups should not be a case for throwing away everything.

The Bible is a firm foundation upon which we must reconstruct our knowledge. It demonstrates that acceptance of faith in Christ Jesus is the core of authentic religion.

When biblical principles like love, unity and spiritual growth are followed by religions, people naturally move towards light. Nonetheless, human traditions contrary to scripture only serve to drive souls further from God.

By allowing room for religious freedom even as they point out doctrinal errors, believers can show how beautiful their faith is without friction or force. Simply returning mankind’s bond to the Almighty through religion alone will make non-believers realize what it can achieve.

Eventually, everyone has his or her own choices regarding whether or not to accept the redemptive hand of God. However, rejecting religion as a whole means no other way for humankind reunion. I pray that more people open their hearts to experience the blessings of religion when focused on Christ.


wow. i like how you write this post.

i dont see me in a position to be judgemental, but i believe that the catholics did a wring thing by selling things in the house of God


Standing by bible truth is not judgemental, we must continue to upbraid wrong religion teachings to prevent people from being deceived.

I believe that the protestant movement was a good thing, otherwise we may not have known the truth of the bible.


correctly said.
the truth we know today has helped us in the service of God
