Leofinance, Can Artificial Intelligence AI destroy our genius?



Ever since the release of ChatGPT, the internet has been bamboozled with products created on top of the technology, so much so that now, even Google and other major internet giants are considering adopting the technology. However, there is a consensus that AI will retire humans from their jobs, especially content writers.

Nevertheless, I still feel that AI cannot be able to destroy human genius for several reasons.

Firstly, AI is still in its infancy and it has a long way to go before it can match the level of human genius.

Second, AI cannot think outside the box as humans do. It is programmed to work within certain parameters and if those parameters are not met it will fail. That's why you keep seeing repetition in AI written content.

Thirdly, AI cannot create something out of nothing like humans can. It is limited to the data it has been fed and if that data is not enough then it will fail. AI cannot understand the nuances of human language like humans can. It's limited to what it has been programmed and the limit of such programming is the limit it can perform.

Fourthly, AI cannot understand emotions or feelings which are essential for creativity and innovation. Humans have an innate ability to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions to problems.

Finally, AI cannot replace the human touch which is essential for any kind of work. Humans have an innate ability to connect with people and understand their needs better than machines can ever do. This is why humans are still superior when it comes to customer service or any kind of work that requires a human touch.

In conclusion, AI may be able to do certain tasks better and faster than humans but it cannot replace the genius in us. We still have an edge over machines when it comes to creativity and innovation. So, while AI can help us automate certain processes, it cannot replace the genius in us.
