The rise of heat in our economy

For some time now, Ghana, as a country has received its share of deep heat on the side of our current leadership. The citizenry has for some time blasted the current government over how hard the current economy have being over these times. The young are crying, the old is crying, the poor are crying and the rich are also crying about the current situations evolved in the country.



The nation has made its waves to bring the economy of this country into crisis. And as such the standard of living here is so high that almost everyone is complaining here concerning how things have been. Prices of commodities keep increasing so much that no soul could ever determine what to expect each second time.

The current government for a week now have being mocked, after declaring its intention of going to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for help. The whole nation sees this move by the government as a deadly path to thread on since our country’s last visit with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) made the country freeze employment in the public sector for ten years.



After the government’s move to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), citizens think that we might face the same or similar problem this time around. However, the economy here now have being so bad that no soul seems to be safe around here anymore. We are facing challenging times at the moment and nothing seems to add up.

But the worry now is the conditions which might come with it. Everyone seems not to be safe at all with the current happenings. All we hear around are rumours and the possible threats which may be associated with the bringing in of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Should the worst happen we will have a possible worst turn out in our situation.

I remain your humble servant

Posted using Neoxian City
