Being a true disciple of our lord Jesus Christ
Disciples are group of people who obey and abide by laid down rules and regulations by their leader. To be a disciple of a person, you must be ready to obey the person laid down principles. This pertains to being a disciple of Jesus, that means you must obey him snd restrict yourself from all forms of sins. The 12 disciples of Jesus in the bible are not only the disciples of Jesus. We can also become onyof hos disciples if we serve God in the right way.
To be a true disciple of Jesus, you must consider certain things and meet certain requirements like being a born again and this pertains to repenting from your sins by asking Hod to forgive you, praying without ceasing and committing your life to God's hands because he is the one that can handle us and keep us till the last day and with all have said above i think you are qualified to become a true disciple of The Lord Jesus Christ.
0.000 NEOXAG
Good day brethren, we have notice you are new comer here in our community and we love to see new faces and people who loves searching and listening to the words of God but we need to verify our identity if we are real person by verifying our well established social media accounts linking it here on Hive to confirm this.
If you have facebook, instagram, youtube, tiktok or any other well established social media account please make a post there and mention that you are posting on Hive too.
In this way we can verify that we are the one unique person that using and posting on Hive.
Please reply the link of the post on this comment, hope we understand our predicament to fight the abusive that is practice by some people.
May God bless us all