We are all creative
🌞I started writing out of pure creative impulse, in my past I was very trapped with a lot of emotions and situations that I was trying to express and didn't know how to handle and I found in writing a way to express how I felt, sharing my poetry, my thoughts and ideas I found a healthy way to vent and drain all those emotions that I was repressing before. I can assure you that this has given me a lot of mental clarity. Many times, when we have a very loaded mind, we don't know how to process all that information and even more being a shy girl, and because of that same mental tangle, things that could have been solved in a much faster and healthier way end up becoming huge things that overtake us.
🌞By writing about our worries, problems, thoughts and feelings, we can give them a space outside our mind and thus reduce the emotional burden. Giving a physical place to all those bad concepts, prejudices and mental clutter makes us have much more control over our mind. Removing all that baggage allows us to process our emotions much better and to reflect carefully on our experiences and how they really affect us. Only in this way can we develop a deeper understanding of ourselves.
🌞By putting written awareness about ourselves and our lives, we can identify mental and behavioral patterns that shape our reality and the way we relate to the world around us. This gives us the ability to be able to determine what changes or adjustments we could make to lead a life more aligned with our beliefs and values, and to have a more authentic life.
🌞In our society, there is a widespread limiting belief about creativity. On many occasions I have heard people say that I am not creative. In my opinion, I think we are all creative. It is often thought that creative things are all those things that are related to art, but creativity encompasses much more. Human beings' need to adapt throughout our evolution has made us, by nature, creative beings. In addition, we can all imagine things that do not exist in the real world, which leads us to solve problems or invent things that did not exist before.
🌞We are also social beings, we need to communicate and express ourselves, and these expressions and languages we use are creative. Creativity has been fundamental in all our development and the fact of writing allows us to explore our imagination to discover new ideas and perspectives. Being creative does not mean being artists, being creative means creating ideas, solutions, perspectives... creating with words, with sounds, with hands, creating questions, creating answers... creating is everything.
🌞 Creativity is the art of connecting with the simple and the unknown.
the photos published in this blog are my own property.