Trabajar desde casa o trabajo tradicional/Work from home or traditional work


Based on your own job search and work experiences, which do you prefer, working from home as a freelancer or working away from home where you receive a steady monthly salary? Why?

Yo Preferiría trabajar un cien por ciento desde casa, para qué voy a mentir, porque tendría más tiempo para mí para compartir con mi familia, pero para eso tendría que tener un buen ingreso mensual. No he tenido tanta suerte como otras personas que viven de las redes, y soy un poco bruta para la tecnología. y la verdad es que ser freelance no es nada facil y yo Aprendo lento, pero aprendo. Incluso cuando empecé en Hive. Estaba muy asustada y duré hasta una semana viendo vídeos y aprendiendo un curso de Hive desde cero. Siempre escuchaba hablar de las criptodivisas y del Bitcoin y pensaba que eran una estafa, pero con el tiempo fui aprendiendo y me di cuenta de que era una realidad, que era una nueva forma de pago digital. Tengo mi trabajo tradicional como profesora desde hace años, aunque el sueldo no es muy bueno, Me ha tocado trabajar doble turno y con él he conseguido salir adelante.

I would prefer to work one hundred percent from home, what am I going to lie, because I would have more time for myself to share with my family, but for that I would have to have a good monthly income. I haven't been as lucky as other people who live off the networks, and I'm a bit raw when it comes to technology. I'm a slow learner, but I learn. Even when I started at Hive. I was really scared and lasted up to a week watching videos and learning a Hive course from scratch. I always heard about cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin and thought they were a scam, but over time I learned and realized that it was a reality, that it was a new form of digital payment. I have had my traditional job as a teacher for years, although the salary is not very good, I have had to work double shifts and with it I have managed to get ahead.

En esta era digital algunas personas, en especial los jóvenes, trabaja por el internet y viven al 100% de él, ya sea de freelance o de múltiples formas. Tengo conocidos que viven de la venta de productos digitales y ganan buenas comisiones por las ventas, otras que viven comprar y venta de dólares, otros tradean con criptomonedas y obtienen sus ganancias. De verdad que me he sorprendido porque el internet hay muchas oportunidades, antes lo veía solo como entretenimiento y eso de ganar dinero era cuentos, pero tampoco es como muchos vende humos que dicen que es tan fácil. Ganar dinero por internet que cualquiera lo puede hacer, yo intente fue vender productos digitales en mi tiempo libre, pero apenas logre vender 2 productos en 3 meses. En mi experiencia: hay que invertir mucho tiempo y aplicar diferentes estrategias para vender. Hay muchas personas venden productos digitales que son asistentes virtuales que crean videos en diferentes redes, pero la gran verdad que nadie cuenta es que son pocos son los que logran triunfar y vivir netamente de su creación o desempeño..

In this digital era some people, especially young people, work for the internet and live 100 percent from it, either freelance or in multiple ways.I have acquaintances who live from the sale of digital products and earn good commissions for sales, others who live buying and selling dollars, others trade with cryptocurrencies and get their profits.I really have been surprised because the internet has many opportunities, before I saw it only as entertainment and that to earn money was a story, but it is not like many sellers who say it is so easy.I tried to sell digital products in my free time, but I barely managed to sell 2 products in 3 months.My experience: you have to invest a lot of time and apply different strategies to sellThere are many people who sell digital products that are virtual assistants that create videos in different networks, but the great truth that no one tells is that few are those who manage to succeed and live purely from their creation or performance..


las fotos publicadas en este blog son de mi propiedad.

the photos published in this blog are my own property.


Many people nowadays are doing affiliates and getting high commissions from products they promote and sell online.. some focus on producing quality contents for social media, some do businesses. While some do freelancing. There are a lot of options to do just to get close to the family and not to leave home. Online jobs are not for everyone, though. Only for the tech-savvy..

But, just like working outside the home, it takes effort and perseverance to get the results you are aiming for. I believe consistency and patience are keys to success in whatever you want to achieve,



Well, yes you are right you can earn, but you also have to have a lot of time and skill to manage the networks and generate income, enough to make a living from it is not as easy as many people make it out to be.


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Hive has been the my closest experience to freelancing. Thought this represents a small 'income' in my financial picture I enjoy the freedom and flexibility. I used to do some 'Moon-lighting' work to get ahead of bills. When I retire I'd like to do more on this platform.


The truth is that nothing is easy and what they sell you as quick and easy ends up being a total scam, if I understand you it is nice to be rewarded for doing what you like, maybe with time things will improve, especially in the bull market, I wish you great success and blessings.


Pues eso es cierto, vivir del internet no es fácil, ni se da de la noche a la mañana, hay que dedicarle tiempo y ser constantes, todo eso toma mucho tiempo, pero si se puede, solo hay que tener paciencia, algunos han corrido con suerte, y les ha ido muy bien, otros no tanto, pero lo seguimos intentando, que más nos queda., saludos.


Very correct, freelancing gives room for self development and learning at one's pace..
Very interesting..
