Get to know a cafe in Tehran.
A few months ago, I went to my husband's place of work.The weather was a little cold. I think it was autumn or early winter.At lunch time, my husband took me to a small restaurant.
Tea and coffee as well as fast food were served there.
The walls and ceiling of this cafe restaurant were very beautiful. The walls were decorated with Persian poems and important words.
The restaurant was not a restaurant, it was more of a cafe.
We ordered a potato dish with cheese. My husband and I ate delicious potatoes together.
(Of course, I must say that it had a lot of cheese and we didn't eat the cheese)
My husband ordered pasta for himself and I ordered a hamburger.
After eating fried potatoes, we ate pasta together.
It was then that I realized that I was full and there was no room for hamburger in my stomach.
We told the young guy who was working there to put our sandwich in a container to take with us. We go to a restaurant every time to eat, my husband orders several types of food.Most of the time, our food is left over. Of course, we take any amount of food left over with us to bring home. We know that if we have extra food left on our table, they will throw it in the trash. That's why we always take extra food with us. If we see someone who needs this food on our way home, we will definitely give it to him so that he can eat it too.
Most of the time, when we go to a restaurant at night, on the way back, we see mostly addicted men on the street, and of course, it doesn't matter if we meet an addicted person or any other person, the important thing is to share someone with our dinner.