Picture Worth a thousand Words: The Angels’ Flight Over the Castle

Good day to the members of the Freewrite community!
This week’s contest is about a picture that speaks a thousand words. But honestly, it seems like this one could say a million! Still, I’ll try to keep it within a thousand words. Haha!


I’ll be responding to the contest based on the following prompts:

What I See

I see a castle where people come at night to pray, and their prayers are answered because the castle is in a place where angels visit.

What I Think Is Going On

It seems that because of the many problems people face, they decided to visit this castle, which they heard is a place where angels of God come to listen to prayers. So this time, the people were prepared. Even influential people came to the castle to seek God’s help. They also arranged for security outside the castle, you can even see men carrying crested vest with cross.

A Story About What I Think Is Going On

History has often guided us in solving human problems. Sometimes, what our ancestors did to seek God’s help is what we need to do. In a town called Lehki, there’s a castle known for its spiritual importance. People believe that on certain nights, on a specific day and month, angels visit this place to hear the prayers of people and answer them.

One night, some of the town’s inhabitants decided to visit the castle. Even wealthy and influential people joined them. They brought along strong security to protect the area. If you look closely at the picture, you’ll see a man looking up at the windows, he heard it was almost time, and the angels were already descending to answer prayers.

This young man was very curious and wanted to see what angels looked like, so he kept staring at the window. There was a rule, though: when it’s time for the angels to descend, everyone must close their eyes. You can pray with your partner, but all eyes should stay shut at that moment.

Because the young man innocently broke the rule, the angels didn’t come down to where the people were. Instead, they were seen flying over the sky near the castle, collecting prayers to answer from above.

The security guards were surprised because when the angels come, there’s always a strong wind, and everyone feels the impact. They were all wearing their special cross uniforms, ready for the angels, but didn’t realize that the young man’s innocent mistake meant the angels wouldn’t come down that day.

Lessons from This Story:

1.You don’t need a special place to pray**
There are places like the castle today, but you don’t have to go there for your prayers to be answered. Everything has been made simple, you just need to acknowledge Jesus and pray, especially during midnight.

2.Give your full attention when praying**
When talking to the Creator, He requires your focus. If the young man had focused on his prayers, he wouldn’t have been distracted by trying to see angels. It's important to speak your prayers and trust that they will be answered, rather than trying to see how it happens. God’s ways are beyond our understanding, and He doesn’t need us to see Him unless He allows it.

Thanks for reading my story about a picture worth a thousand words! Until next time.


These are good lessons. I agree if it comes to praying no special place is needed.
