Picture of a Thousand Words: Karma Is a Realer

Car Broken Down.jpegSource

What I See
A car broken down which surprised many people because it is the most reliable and efficient first ever built car during that history.

What I feel
The car was built by the world best mechanical and electrical engineers and each time it would be used on transit, there is usually is a thorough inspection to ensure it goes with the most expensive wheels. But when it broke down, it got many people surprised.

A Story about What I Feel Is Going On
There once lived president in the 40’s who fought his way into power, his name was “The Beast”. Almost all the citizens of his country complained of the harsh economic conditions they encountered but he was never moved by their complaints. He had the intentions with the world powers then to build mansions in Mars so most of his activities were in Planet Mars.

Citizens of his country were so poor that some families couldn’t afford to eat one square meal for a week. There were lack of basic amenities and shortage of food and water. Neighboring countries thought of better ways to help the country’s citizens by capturing the hardship people are going through to spread the news on global news platforms such as BBC because then the internet technology was yet to arrive.

Mr Beast had connection with all the global news agencies that they wouldn’t permit broadcasting the news of how his citizens are living and their economic condition. Some of the citizens thought of migrating from their country to another country but all borders were closed during his rule.

Mr Beast would rather go to another country with good vegetation, basic amenities and climatic conditions and send his team to take aerial photographs of them to broadcast it that his country is doing well economically. But when people came into the country to invest they discovered they were all lies and wouldn’t be permitted to go back to their home country.

The people seeked for a solution and couldn’t find one, they thought of what to do but there was no idea on a better solution, During his rule people died of hunger and starvation but he wasn’t concern. He was solely interested in the buildings and properties he had in Mars because the world powers told him the world will end in 2001. The earth will be made useless and burnt up to flames according to the Bible in the Book of Revelation and all he had as properties in his country wouldn’t exist anymore.

He thought the only way for him was to start planning on how they could utilize planet Mars when this is about to happen. Six months to 2001 he should be on his space shuttle to mars and for him to do well in that planet he needs to start thinking on how he can become a Land lord by building numerous estates, firms and schools in Mars.

He thought this would be a very good idea and he started diverting funds meant for national development of his country to build houses in Mars. It cost half of the country’s internal generated revenue to transport to Mars per week and he goes there every day so he can meet his target of owning 766 estates in Mars.

To Cut the Long Story Short
It was time for a national event in his country and such event was known as “Democracy Day”. He would be taken in his car round the event to celebrate the day with the world powers invited to participate in his country. Then something of no expectation happened.

While he was with his vice president driving, his car broke down with the back tire pulling out as well as the front, he was lucky that the car didn’t somersaulted. Immediately due to fear of been stoned to death by citizens, he was picked up by a chopper. When the people saw his car has broken down, they were mobilizing themselves to get stones they could throw at him.

With the world powers seeing this, they picked him quickly only leaving on site the engineers who serviced the car. The engineers were absolutely surprised because before the car was used, there was thorough inspection and change of wheels, gear box and other parts replacement just to make sure there would be no disruption and they were very sure of that although the narratives changed when Karma visited him.

When Mr Beast was taken out of the venue, his heart was fast beating unto death and he realized he was luckily spared from death because the people planned to kill him. That was when he understood the grievances of the masses. And realized Karma to be real, because of the way he cared less about the masses, they got into an opportunity to stone him to death but he narrowly escaped and was spared.

Thanks for reading my story. Do have a lovely day.



I truly hope Mr Beast will not return!
Thank you for joining pic1000 👍


I think the threat alone will make him think twice. Thanks for reading
