My Kind of Environment #196


I believe our environment significantly impacts our well-being. People living in mountainous regions have their unique lifestyle, just as those living by the water do.

In this post, I'll explore the type of environment I prefer and why I love such places.

Firstly, I prefer a flat environment without mountains or large bodies of water.

My love for water is limited to cups or plastic bottles. Beyond that, I have a strong phobia of large bodies of water, so I avoid living near oceans or even rivers. Let me share a story that made me develop this fears to water bodies environments.

When I was a teenager, I went with friends to a nearby stream in my state to have some fun swimming. Little did I know, that day would shape my aversion to water bodies forever.

While swimming with my friends, I decided to explore different parts of the river. I didn't realize when the water carried me to the other side.

Thankfully, a friend rescued me as I was about to get drowned. I couldn't imagine the quantity of water I drank from the river that day or I might not be here writing this post. If not for people who saved me.

Since that incident, I've developed a strong dislike for water bodies. Even if traveling means crossing water, I'd rather not travel at all. This experience has deepened my fears for living near water.

As for mountains, I am not scared of heights. So, I would prefer the mountains over the ocean. However, before deciding to live there, I would conduct an intensive study of the area. Some regions are prone to volcanic eruptions, making them risky places to reside.

I find mountain residences very appealing. The sights from ground level can be stunning, especially when stepping out onto the veranda to watch cars, passersby, or events. This can be quite intriguing and offer a beautiful blend of scenery.

If I were to choose between living near mountains or oceans, I would opt for the mountains if those were my only two options. The view from the top, watching events downstairs below, would be an amazing experience, creating wonderful sight memories.

However, if I were to choose something different, I would go for a house on flat ground. Living near water bodies is a definite no for me, unless the house is located very far from the water.

Another reason I dislike areas near water bodies is the risk of flooding. When the ocean level rises, it can affect nearby houses. For someone like me, who gets scared just by seeing the large expanse of water, this is a major concern.

Thank you for reading about the kind of environment I would love to live in. Enjoy the new week! Much love.


So sorry to read about your scary experience with water, as fun as being at the sea and having fun inside a big body of water can be it's also very dangerous if care is not taken.
Thank God someone was there at the right time to rescue you❣️

I love the beauty of oceans but if I were to choose among the two as well, I would choose to live on a mountainside simply due to the beautiful view from the top level to the ground.


That's just the advantage of living in mountains region. You will be able to see and take pictures of scenes on the ground. Thanks for reading.


Very specific place to live it would be difficult to find, mountains where streams start run into large bodies of water. Really easier to overcome the phobia starting out enjoying small streams to start.



That was quite the experience, and it is dangerous to swim to far if there are Strong under streams. Flat enviroments are a good choice and for all reasons you mention here. If you live to close to the ocean it can be flooded 🌊 but for me who grew up near the ocean it is my favorite place.

Thank you for sharing and telling us your experience and thoughts 😊
Have a wonderful week. 🌷
