Ladies of Hive Community Contest #194 The great risk of losing everything, whether it is physical assets or the loss of a loved one.


Un saludo mi querida comunidad @ladiesofhive hoy con una pregunta propuesta por la amiga @joanstewart que toca un lado muy sensible en mi, en especial cuando hablamos de perderlo todo, de inmediato mi mente descarta lo que se refiere a lo material ya que esto de alguna manera a largo o corto plazo se puede recuperar o reponer, sin embargo no podemos devolverle la vida a un ser querido. De esta manera este tema del concurso comunitario semanal #194 realmente si forman parte de esos pensamientos internos y miedos que llevamos en nuestro corazón.

Greetings my dear community @ladiesofhive today with a question proposed by friend @joanstewart that touches a very sensitive side in me, especially when we talk about losing everything, immediately my mind discards what refers to the material as this somehow in the long or short term can be recovered or replaced, however we can not give life back to a loved one. So this theme of the weekly community contest #194 is really part of those inner thoughts and fears that we carry in our hearts.

¿Qué es para ti un gran riesgo en la vida en este momento, y cuál es el menor riesgo que sientes a tu alrededor? Imagina un gran riesgo como perderlo todo, ya sean bienes físicos o la pérdida de un ser querido, lo que te coloca en una situación de riesgo. El menor riesgo podría ser aprender algo nuevo que podría reforzarte para seguir adelante en la vida, el arte, la fotografía, la música, con lo que te sentirías cómodo.

What is a big risk in life for you right now, and what is the least risk you feel around you? Imagine a big risk as losing everything, be it physical assets or the loss of a loved one, which puts you in a risky situation. The least risk could be learning something new that could strengthen you to move forward in life, art, photography, music, that you would feel comfortable with.

Primeramente comienzo por compartir con ustedes una noticia que enluto nuestro estado Sucre hace pocos días a consecuencia del paso de la tormenta Beryl, en el municipio Montes especialmente en Cumanacoa el desastre natural por la crecida del rio fue devastador, la gran mayoría de sus habitantes lo perdieron todo sus bienes físico, sin embargo esto nunca se comparar con aquellos que perdieron algún miembro de su familia arrastrado por la corriente del rio y algo mas fuerte que hay personas desaparecidas

First of all I would like to share with you the news that mourned our state of Sucre a few days ago as a result of the Beryl storm, in the municipality of Montes especially in Cumanacoa the natural disaster caused by the flooding of the river was devastating, the vast majority of its inhabitants lost all their physical goods, however this will never be compared to those who lost a family member swept away by the current of the river and something stronger that there are missing persons.


Quise comenzar respondiendo la pregunta con esta breve reseña de lo que fue esta tragedia muy reciente, a penas tiene algunos días, donde hay una gran cantidad de personas damnificadas, algo que llego cuando nadie se lo imaginaba, la naturaleza es impredecible. Cuando sucede este tipo de cosas de inmediato me coloco en el lugar de esas personas que perdieron todo, quedar prácticamente en la calle y para rematar un ser querido, nadie escapa de esto, todos somos vulnerables, claro en este caso las personas que están cerca de los ríos y quebradas fueron las afectadas. Pero cambiando a otro catástrofe que tambien recuerdo como si fuera ayer, fue el terremoto de 1996, este hecho tambien fue bastante lamentable en nuestro estado y al igual que este hubieron perdidas materiales y humanas. Sin embargo al pasar de los años muchos pudieron reconstruir sus viviendas y recuperar los bienes que habían perdido, pero las vidas de sus seres queridos no, solo los mantienen vivos en sus recuerdos. Pienso que vivimos en un constante riego para el que nadie esta preparado, solo tomamos ciertas medidas preventivas para salvaguardar nuestras vidas en caso de que sucediera cualquier fenómeno natural, pero todos en cualquier momento estamos en situación de riesgo, como siempre digo no temo a perder lo material, no quiere decir que no tenga ningún valor, me aferro mas a la vida.

I wanted to start answering the question with this brief review of what was this very recent tragedy, just a few days old, where there are a lot of people affected, something that came when no one imagined it, nature is unpredictable. When this kind of thing happens I immediately put myself in the place of those people who lost everything, being practically in the street and to finish off a loved one, no one escapes from this, we are all vulnerable, of course in this case the people who are near the rivers and streams were affected. But changing to another catastrophe that I also remember as if it were yesterday, was the earthquake of 1996, this event was also quite unfortunate in our state and like this there were material and human losses. However, as the years went by, many were able to rebuild their homes and recover the property they had lost, but not the lives of their loved ones, they only keep them alive in their memories. I think that we live in a constant risk for which no one is prepared, we only take certain preventive measures to safeguard our lives in case any natural phenomenon happens, but we are all at risk at any time, as I always say I am not afraid of losing the material, it does not mean that it has no value, I cling more to life.

Con respecto al otro tema sobre aprender algo nuevo siempre ando en un constante aprendizaje, en estos días estoy realizando un curso de corte y confección, aprendiendo nuevas técnicas de costura, aunque e horario es un poco agotador ya que salgo del trabajo al curso, muchas veces no tengo tiempo de almorzar, pero el esfuerzo de esos dos días a la semana valen la pena, ya que es algo que me encanta hacer y lo disfruto mucho

With respect to the other topic about learning something new, I am always in a constant learning process, these days I am taking a sewing course, learning new sewing techniques, although the schedule is a bit exhausting since I leave work for the course, many times I don't have time to have lunch, but the effort of those two days a week is worth it, since it is something I love to do and I enjoy it very much.

Nos vemos en otra oportunidad para seguir conversando y compartiendo mas sobre todas esas cosas que forman parte de estilo de vida. Saludos y bendiciones¡
Cuídense amigos y será hasta la próxima para compartirles mucho mas!

See you another time to continue talking and sharing more about all those things that are part of our lifestyle. Greetings and blessings!
Take care friends and I will see you next time to share much more!

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Las fotos y el contenido son de mi autoria tomadas con mi teléfono POCO M3
Para la traducción usé el traductor: DeepL

The photos and content are my own.
For the translation, I used the translator: DeepL


Floods or fires are devastating when loss of life happens, you are right possessions can be obtained mean nothing compared to life.

Enjoy your time learning to sewing in new techniques it will be rewarding when completed.



Hello my friend, without a doubt this catastrophe in Cumanacoa has been devastating, we must be grateful every day for life.

It's good that you are spending your time learning new things, as you say, you will soon see its fruits.
Thanks for participating, hugs.


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We must all be grateful for life, disaster is a very big threat to life and properties.

For your sewing class, don't worry you will soon be a professional that will sew master piece very soon. Best wishes lady!


I have only experienced a few mild earthquakes living on the south coast of Canada, I am prepared whether I still have a home after a great earthquake or not as long as my family is okay. It may be old yet built well compared to most current construction. I may likely take in friends and family who are not as fortunate. We can only do the best we can no matter the circumstances.
