Comfortable and cool long sleeve top style sweater to protect me from the sun

Saludos mi querida comunidad @nedleworkmonday, feliz inicio de semana mis amigos amantes de la costura y lunes de aguja. Hoy les muestro un diseño del cual estoy elaborando de varios colores y no es mas que un sueter estilo top en una tela de algodón demasiado suave y fresca, especialmente para usar en esas horas que tenemos que salir y exponernos al sol, cuando este esta demasiado intenso y que además corremos el riesgo de sufrir quemaduras que dañan nuestra piel. Este modelo que les comparto fue el primero que confeccione en color azul bebe, pues resulta que ha gustado mucho en mi lugar de trabajo ya que la mayoría de mis compañeras sentían la misma necesidad que yo, debido a que nuestra hora de salida del colegio es a las 12 del mediodía y debemos caminar aproximadamente dos cuadras para poder tomar el bus, sin imaginan que es casi una tortura.

El primer día que me lo puse para ir al colegio de inmediato comenzaron los encargos en diferentes colores, creo que he realizado mas de 10 y lo mas importantes es que todas mis compañeras han quedado encantadas y satisfecha con mi trabajo, incluso me han comentado que quieren tener de varios colores, como tambien me propusieron agregarle una capucha, así que ya estoy manos a la hora para complacerlas. Sin mas propagandas jajaja comenzamos con nuestro paso a paso

Greetings my dear community @nedleworkmonday, happy start of the week my sewing and needlework monday friends. Today I show you a design of which I am making in various colors and is nothing more than a sweater style top in a cotton fabric too soft and cool, especially for use in those hours that we have to go out and expose ourselves to the sun, when this is too intense and also run the risk of getting burns that damage our skin. This model that I share with you was the first one I made in baby blue color, as it turns out that it has been very popular in my workplace since most of my colleagues felt the same need as me, because our time of departure from school is at 12 noon and we must walk about two blocks to take the bus, without imagining that it is almost a torture.

The first day I wore it to go to school immediately began the orders in different colors, I think I've done more than 10 and the most important thing is that all my classmates have been delighted and satisfied with my work, they have even told me that they want to have several colors, as they also proposed me to add a hood, so I'm already hands on time to please them. Without further advertisements hahaha we start with our step by step

  • Microdurazno havy
  • Rib
  • Hilo
  • Alfileres
  • Tijera
  • Havy microdurazno
  • Rib
  • Thread
  • Pins
  • Scissors

Primeramente para comenzar corte todas las piezas necesarias para confeccionar este diseño, entre ellas están la parte delantera y trasera, mangas que en este caso son largas, como tambien unas tiras en tela de rib de diferentes anchos para elaborar el cuello, los puños y la cintura

First of all I cut all the necessary pieces to make this design, among them are the front and back, sleeves that in this case are long, as well as some strips of rib fabric of different widths to make the neck, cuffs and waist.

El siguiente paso es comenzar a unir nuestras piezas, muchos les gusta bastear para tener mejor seguridad al momento de llevar a la maquina, en mi caso yo sujeto la tela con alfileres. Empezamos uniendo por la parte de los hombros

The next step is to start joining our pieces, many like to baste to have better security when taking to the machine, in my case I hold the fabric with pins. We start by joining the shoulder part of the fabric

Luego vamos a colocar las mangas en la parte de la sisa, siempre partiendo de la mitad de la pieza de la manga y como guía utilizamos la costura de los hombros. ahora simplemente cerramos ambos costados

Then we are going to place the sleeves on the armhole part, always starting from the middle of the sleeve piece and as a guide we use the shoulder seam. now we simply close both sides

Por ultimo colocamos las tiras que cortamos en diferentes anchos en tela de rib, para el cuello es de 3 centímetros, para la cintura para los puños fue de 7 centímetros. Coloque cada una en su lugar correspondiente, tomando en cuenta que esta deben ser de menor medida que el contorno de ambas piezas, me refiero al cuello, manga y cintura

Finally we place the strips that we cut in different widths in rib fabric, for the neck it is 3 centimeters, for the waist for the cuffs it was 7 centimeters. Place each one in its corresponding place, taking into account that this should be smaller than the contour of both pieces, I mean the neck, sleeve and waist.

Listo de esta manera terminamos con este proyecto que para mi ha sido bastante productivo y lo importante es que tambien pude solventar la incomodidad que tenia al salir del colegio y protegerme del sol, además todas mis amigas están muy contentas con esta excelente idea, porque la contradicción de usar este tipo de prendas para protegerte del sol a esta hora es ver la otra cara de la moneda como es el calor, sin embargo este material es super fresco que bien lo puedes llevar a cualquier hora sin ningún tipo de problema. Espero les haya gustado y sea de mucho provecho para ustedes. Saludos y bendiciones

Ready in this way we finish with this project that for me has been quite productive and the important thing is that I could also solve the discomfort I had when leaving school and protect myself from the sun, plus all my friends are very happy with this excellent idea, because the contradiction of using this type of garments to protect you from the sun at this time is to see the other side of the coin as is the heat, however this material is super cool that you can wear it at any time without any problem. I hope you liked it and that it will be very useful for you. Greetings and blessings

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Las fotos y el contenido son de mi autoria

Imágenes editadas en PowerPoint Canva y PicMonkey
Para la traducción usé el traductor: DeepL

The photos and content are my own.

Images edited in PowerPoint Canva and PicMonkey

For the translation, I used the translator: DeepL


This is nice and useful for the harsh weather and it is really good that you got more orders after making this lovely one.


Hello friend I'm glad you liked it, actually the idea was initially looking for a personal solution, but when I wore it at work my colleagues liked it so much that without knowing it they had the same need as me for a soft and fresh garment to protect their body from the sun especially shoulders and arms, the orders began. Generating extra income that helps me for the welfare of the family through an art that is my passion is my greatest satisfaction. Thank you friend greetings 😘


Oh this is nice. I can imagine it in more colours too. I’m sure the fabric is breathable enough to not make you feel hot whiles protecting you from the sun. Great job


Hello friend if you knew that you read my mind, since I plan to show you the collection of colors that I have made for sale. Soon I will make one with a hood, that is to say more complete and thus cover part of the head and face from the sun. Greetings and I'm glad you liked it.😘


Oh nice
Can’t wait to see that
