A walk with my pet Toby


Un saludo mi querida comunidad @hivepets y a todos lo que hacen vida en esta linda plataforma y ademas amamos a nuestras mascotas. El domingo me anime a salir con querido Toby a dar un paseo por un boulevar que esta bordeado por la playa y ademas es muy concurrido en especial en horas de la tarde, tanto por personas que van a ejercitarte como cambien es ideal para realizar una buena caminata con mi mascota

Greetings my dear community @hivepets and to all who make life in this beautiful platform and also love our pets. On Sunday I decided to go out with my dear Toby for a walk along a boulevard that is bordered by the beach and is also very busy especially in the afternoon, both for people who go to exercise and change is ideal for a good walk with my pet.

En realidad tenia bastante días planificando esta salida y por diferentes razones siempre la posponía, pero este domingo el calor me obligo prácticamente a salir de casa, el primero que se monto el carro fue Toby pues ya el sabe que cuando le colocamos su collar es que va de paseo y se pone demasiado contento se le nota en su cola, ya que no para de moverla

Actually I had been planning this outing for several days and for different reasons I always postponed it, but this Sunday the heat practically forced me to leave the house, the first one to get in the car was Toby because he already knows that when we put his collar it means that he is going for a walk and he is very happy, you can see it in his tail, as he does not stop wagging it.

Al llegar habian otras personas con sus mascota y me dio un poco de miedo porque perros de raza grande, sin embargo camino muy tranquilo, sin mostrar ninguna actitud rara hacia ellos, simplemente nos reímos mucho de el porque parece una fuente en todas se detiene parte levanta su patita para orinar

When we arrived there were other people with their pets and I was a little scared because they were large breed dogs, however he walked very calm, without showing any strange attitude towards them, we just laughed a lot at him because he looks like a fountain in every part he stops and lifts his paw to urinate.

Este tipo de paseo tanto para el como para mi son muy saludables ya que me relaja mucho ademas me divierte todas sus ocurrencias, aunque no le gusta estar mucho tiempo en la calle, llega un momento en que llora para montarse nuevamente en el carro

This kind of walks are very healthy for him and for me because it relaxes me a lot and I am amused by all of his ideas, although he doesn't like to be in the street for a long time, there comes a time when he cries to get back in the car.

Nos vemos en otra oportunidad para seguir conversando y compartiendo mas sobre nuestras mascotas. Saludos y bendiciones¡
Cuídense amigos y será hasta la próxima para compartirles mucho mas!

See you another time to continue talking and sharing more about our pets. Greetings and blessings!
Take care friends and see you next time to share much more!

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Las fotos y el contenido son de mi autoria tomadas con mi teléfono POCO M3
Para la traducción usé el traductor: DeepL

The photos and content are my own.
For the translation, I used the translator: DeepL

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Manually curated by Blessed-girl


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