Pizza Game Level Up (too high)



Hello my new little friend Ooni Koda 12!

I’ve been wanting one of these bad boys forever and now I got one as a very generous house warming gift, a complete surprise!

I think I make better pizza than in most restaurants, but it’s a bit of a hassle to do in a conventional oven with a pizza stone you have to heat for half an hour and then a bit more between every pizza. Ooni Koda does the same job in a fraction of a time.

When the post office dropped this off, I immediately made some dough. Pizza dough is at its best on the third day but I could not wait for more than one!


Like all success stories, I of course had to fail miserably at first try. I obviously cranked the heat all the way up first and after getting the pizza inside the Ooni with great difficulty because we don’t have a pizza peel yet, it took maybe three seconds for the pizza to caught on fire. Well at least it’s hot enough unlike a normal oven!

So I see this will take a bit of practise, like most things. Turn down the heat after getting the stone hot, use less flour (that caughts on fire easily) and keep turning the pizza every ten seconds. I’ll make more dough and wait for the pizza peel to help me out. It was quite difficult to try and get the pizza inside by sliding it on a plate from a narrow super hot opening, and then trying to turn it with one metal spatula and kitchen tongs but in the end I had a delicious pizza.



1.431 NEOXAG


I would have still eaten the burned one. I'm hard core like that. 🤣

0.000 NEOXAG

Who need a dog if you have a G-dog!

0.000 NEOXAG

Indeed, this is true.

0.000 NEOXAG

Sometimes to become a master, you have to fail quite a bit to get there.

And to me that looks like a delicious pizza anyway and I would happily Munch that even if I was hungry...

Awesome job thank you very much for your post today and have an amazing day.

0.000 NEOXAG

The first one was edible from the middle too but the edges are actually my favourite because I like bread 😁

Posting almost every day for 5 years strong 💪🏻 Thanks for stopping by!

0.000 NEOXAG

Yep we've been here a long time!!!

Have you gotten into the diesel pools yet?

0.000 NEOXAG

The what?

I do have a pair of Diesel jeans I think…

0.000 NEOXAG

We get paid all these different tokens and there are some good ways for you to use those tokens to make more funds. It's actually pretty cool did you not know about them yet?

Absolutely I have my weed cash in these pools. And other tokens like pob!!! And pizza!

0.000 NEOXAG

I'd send you my peel... but I think you'll be able to get a new one much faster.

If you can find a IR Thermometer that gets up to a little over 700 degrees, I find they save my crust quite often.

I'm sure once you get a feel for it, you'll be .... rolling in the dough.

0.000 NEOXAG

I have that kind of thermometer and I put the pizza in when it showed about 350C in the centre of the stone.

Haha yeah I think I’ll get the hang of it, the second pizza was already quite good :)

0.000 NEOXAG


do they not have Dominos in Finland?

0.000 NEOXAG

Oh no! Fire pizza! I hope you still tasted it though. The first pizza.

I'm predicting there will be many happy days in the future with Ooni.

0.000 NEOXAG

I did eat the middle of the fire pizza 😝

0.000 NEOXAG

Wow, I want this Ooni oven for quite some time now, but it’s too pricey and I don’t think the investment is reasonable for my income 😁

We are baking pizzas in our oven on a pizza stone, but the oven goes only up to 275 degrees which is far from the desired pizza cooking temperature. I mean this for Neapolitan style pizza.

I bet with time you’ll get used to the cooking time and the Ooni specifics. The pizza from the first photos looks perfect! Yum!

0.000 NEOXAG

I couldn’t justify that as an expence on my own either by my friends obviously want to ensure an endless pizza party at my place from now on 😅

Next time I’m making a bigger dough so I can practise properly. Now we definitely need to make pizza every few weeks so the Ooni is not left gathering dust.

0.000 NEOXAG