Doge Content
Trying to take pictures of a dog be like this…
Her smudgy grunge eyeliner is on point though so maybe she just wanted to give me a better look.
My phones camera roll is starting to be filled with random ass doge pictures. These ones are rare almost posed looking ones though, which is very hard to do with a dog that does not give a shit and is not trained to hold still.
I am convinced she is a cat inside a dog suit. Always climbing to the highest spot when ever possible. Once she jumped on top of a terrace railing only to realise she done fucked up. I kinda wanna build a ramp to the playhouse rooftop so the doge could surveil from there, it would be hilarious.
Look, a squirrel!
Ps. give many likes, stepmom needs to buy doge more treats.
1.738 NEOXAG
I love the long tether!!! Lots of space to roam, butlittle chance of running after a scent.
Seems to be working well for us all. Though she has a habit of leaning on the leash by her neck and jumping against it which looks like it should hurt but she does not care.
Doge needs dogecoin.
Jörö, one of my cats is like this also. He always wants to smell my fingers, the ones that are holding the camera or phone so the photos of him are more or less like the first photo you have.
Such an adorable doge. :)
It could be that there is always a bit of leftover food under the nails that interests the four legged ones 😝
Totta muuten. Ja ne kaikki ihanat hajut mitä me ihmiset ei haisteta. Jörön kakkosnimi on nakkikissa. Ja nakkisormet on tietty erityisen kiinnostavia silloin jos ne vielä haisee nakille. Vähän niinkuin tuplanakit on saatavilla. 😁
Enemmän on enemmän 😂