Working Title 2


I'm just a couple of days away from my 6th-year anniversary on Steemit/Hive, and had a little content creation window to make use of. Boy, time really does fly by doesn't it?

I still marvel at how seamless the transition from Steemit went, and still wonder if it was a secret skunkworks project being worked on for awhile, or a fast reaction to the shenanigans of one Mr. Sun.

I normally give my posts a temporary name and only during or after its written do I then create a permanent one. I named this one 'Working Title' then said "fuck it, I'm gonna keep that." As i tend to be so particular, that I could honestly spend an hour just sorting through names, and I don't have that kind of time now.

I've honestly never felt better a a content creator than I do today, and remain bullish about the LONG TERM future of Hive. Those that are here for short-term gain may or may not find that, but I'm more interested in those willing to pitch in and stay awhile.

We need long-term builders with the vision to imagine the possible, and the willingness to grind it out in order to get there. Those that are like me with a challenging situation outside of Hive; don't worry if you can't post every single day, pitch in when you can.

It's the intent that matters...

Another encouragement to those who are new to Hive is to find your own authentic voice as a writer. Don't copy anyone else. Be yourself,. because anything else will come off reading as if it were copied, forced, and inauthentic.

IRL, I've been so busy lately, I'm not even sure I'll remember to write a 6th anniversary post on the 25th. But the intent is there. So if you don't see one, that's why. Along with my other duties, I now have a little "informal" part-time job, which is actually a good thing, so there's that.

My writing is getting better, as well as faster too. That old adage of "the more you write, the better you get" is indeed true. Outside writing projects are keeping me sharp, and making me happy as a content creator. I'm so glad we have this little space to create in, as my journey on Hive is a 'Working Title' in itself. Cheers!

If you found this post informative or inspiring, you know what to do... :)

Please check out my recent posts:

Image credit: 1


And, don't use AI to write your content - my biggest bug bear. I'm seeing them on my posts now too - they plug my blog into chat gpt and ask it to write a response or comment. Grr.


Had to be careful the way I read this part:

And, don't use AI to write your content

As it almost reads as if you were directing that at me! But I know you're not, it's just a quirk of the way you wrote it. :)

Yeah, I knew they were using Chat GPT to cheat and write their posts, but was surprised when I caught myself responding to an AI generated comment from a few months ago left on one of my posts!

It suddendly dawned on me what they were doing, and now I ignore them (many of them are from "The Land of Scammers" ). It seems that they pass good writers like us around from person to person, you know, as if they're "Learners" (cough, cough)...

They show up out of nowhere, begin chatting on your posts, and after awhile, it seems they "graduate" then they leave, and another takes their place. Almost like a travelling con-man who goes door-to-door scamming the elderly out of their money. Once he's perfected his wicked craft and milked the cow dry, he sells his list to the next con-man, and moves on. That's what we're seeing here.

The question is; are the Whales and the big upvoters noticing? Apparantly not, as they're still propping these copyists up and helping them live on trending...

I thought I was the only one who noticed that these people went from posting in very broken English just a year ago, to now writing as if they're Ernest Hemingway...

Meanwhile, I'll keep plugging away writing naturally-created content, and building Hive the right way. GO HIVE! :)
