Weekend-Engagement: WEEK 156 - Three Meaningful Words


Three meaningful words (topic two)
Pick any three of the following words (only three) and explain what they mean to you and how they fit into your life in a post of at least 300 words and use photos you took if possible.


I would say friendship is a relationship or bond between two persons, and for one to be friends with someone, it means, both have decided to be enduring, trusting, selfless, and respectful to each other.

I am not one with a lot of friends, because I love my peace of mind and I have been hurt by someone I called a friend as such, I am very careful with whom I walk and tag, "My friend". When I see you as my friend, I can and will always be ready to go all out for such a friend.

I am very careful of how I treat my friends because I believe in the word "Do unto people what you would want them to do to you". I may not be the kind of friend that expect from a friend but I believe that before you tag someone as a friend, you are willing to be selfless around them.

More reason why it hurts badly when someone I call a friend hurt me or does something I wouldn't do to them. I have got flaws but notwithstanding, I will never intentionally hurt someone I am friends with.

Responsibility: It's not a new thing that as long as you are the first child of a family, you are born with responsibility, right from when you start walking. Once you are given a sibling, your parents start drumming into your ears that you expected to walk in the right paths so your siblings can walk the same path, From taking care of your siblings, teaching them how to crawl, walk, sit, eat, and take them to school.

I am the first child and the first daughter and I have been, I live in responsibilities because if I don't do it, nobody would. I have worn the shoes and sometimes, I get tired of them but, there is nothing I can do about it because responsibility comes with being selfless and sympathetic, most times, I wish I could just live like I don't care but the sympathetic side of won't let me.

Love: I define love as a deep affection for someone. It is one of the most sacred words I use because those four words mean a lot to me and I do not take them for granted. I do not tell someone I love them when I don't mean it, I am always intentional about it and to whom I profess it.

I believe that when you love someone, it means you are ready to be responsible for them, ready to make sacrifices, be international about them and be selfless around them.

It means you are ready to make and see them happy, intentional about not hurting them, ready to be their shoulder when they need a shoulder to lean on, and ready to encourage them.

This is my entry to this week Weekend-Engagement: WEEK 156 - Third anniversary week!

Happy Anniversary to us all!
