Microcuento: La señora Oro / Mrs. Oro (ENG/ESP)


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La señora Oro:

Sentada en la cama matrimonial, frente a una hermosa bandeja de desayuno, la señora Oro pensaba en la cara de su madre cuando dio el “si” en la iglesia. ¡La amargura cubría su rostro! Y su padre ni hablar. Era para matarse de risa. ¡Había triunfado al fin! Todos odiaban a su esposo y su madre la quiso convencer que se casaba solo por dinero. Pero ella había visto la verdad desde el principio. José no pertenecía a su clase social, no era miembro de su club exclusivo y no tenía parientes “de apellido”. El desprecio infinito que había provocado en la familia no tenía fin. Sin embargo, ella se había reído de todos. Había amado a su esposo con locura y, estaba segura, él la amaba a ella y no le importaba nada más. ¡Pero si había hecho todo por ella! Era muy guapo y la había elegido por sobre varias amigas que lo perseguían por todos lados. Incluso una joven había intentado frustrar sus sueños, le dijo que él le había pegado. ¡Violento, José! ¡Qué risa le había dado! Su prometido tan bueno, tan educado, tan romántico. No conocía a su familia y se sorprendió de que no fueran a la boda, pero él se lo explicó todo. No les gustaban los ricachones. A Paola no le había importado entonces. Que todo el mundo pensara de ellos lo que quisiera. Miró el desayuno y sonrió. Su esposo se lo había preparado con esmero. Las tortitas estaban calientes pero no tostadas, como le gustaban a ella. La manteca y el dulce acompañaban a esos panecillos ricos pero caros que le gustaban tanto, y el café… mmmm… delicioso, con la cantidad de azúcar perfecta. Tenía un leve olor a almendras amargas, que terminó por abrirle el apetito. La señora Oro miraba el futuro bajo la cortina de amor, que había creado para ella su esposo.

Mrs. Oro:

Sitting on the marriage bed, in front of a beautiful breakfast tray, Mrs. Oro thought of her mother's face when she said “yes” in church. Bitterness covered her face! And her father, to say nothing of it. She had triumphed at last! Everyone hated her husband and her mother wanted to convince her that she was only marrying for money. But she had seen the truth from the beginning. Joseph did not belong to her social class, was not a member of her exclusive club and had no “family name” relatives. There was no end to the endless contempt he had provoked in the family. However, she had laughed at everyone. She had loved her husband madly and, she was sure, he loved her and cared for nothing else. But he had done everything for her! He was very handsome and had chosen her over several girlfriends who chased him everywhere. Even a young girl had tried to frustrate his dreams, she had told him that he had beaten her. Violent, José! How she had laughed! Her fiancé so good, so polite, so romantic. She didn't know his family and was surprised they weren't coming to the wedding, but he explained it all to her. They didn't like rich people. Paola hadn't minded then. Let everyone think of them what they wanted. She looked at her breakfast and smiled. Her husband had prepared it with care. The pancakes were hot but not toasted, the way she liked them. Butter and sweetness accompanied those rich but expensive muffins she loved so much, and the coffee...mmmm...delicious, with just the right amount of sugar. It had a faint smell of bitter almonds, which ended up whetting her appetite. Mrs. Oro looked at the future under the curtain of love that her husband had created for her.



Creditos: El banner es mi diseño y lo hice con el editor Canva. Utilicé el traductor: https://www.deepl.com/es/translator.

Credits: The banner is my design and I made it with the Canva editor. I used the translator: https://www.deepl.com/es/translator.


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