Twitter's buildinpublic Should be on Hive


Twitter is full of startup owners, indiehackers and the creators who are always in motion and doing something on and off the web. A lot of them build things and then document on the web. This gives them motivation as well as the early community for their work.

This method of the content journaling of your creator activity is called as - "Build in Public". There are many podcasts, video shows on YouTube and also the twitter hashtags that track the content in this space. A lot of interesting projects and the information can be extracted through this.

Now that twitter's intellectual people are spreading out, it's reasonable for us Hivers to promote our platform to such people.


Let's talk about Build in Public and indiehacking space.

If you google the build in Public, you'd find the search result for the twitter hashtag too. This is where you can see how other people are making something and doing some progress which can be tracked through this hashtag.


Hive is a good Place to Build Early Followers

Those creators, startup owners and the makers who are in the process to make the followers community on twitter can benefit from hive. You can find many tribes here which you can use to journal the progress. As you log more entries for your startups and the creation, you would have a permanent place on the web through hive blockchain.

You will also find some really good followers here. They can be your early adopter too. They can even blog and review further and that domino effect also adds up for your product journey. You benefit from the Hive's social signals for your growth too.

Initial Funding for Build in Public

We don't have shark tank or say producthunt to sell your creation. However this is a place where you can get people to upvote your content and as you document the progress it can earn upvotes too. So the initial funding for those creators with limited funds would benefit from the Hive community too.

There is no assurance for getting the upvote but if you can make some difference through your content, you would get eyes of the whales and who knows they can even approach you for their own product development or for any other lead reasons.

Twitter has a lot of interesting communities build up through the hashtag. And build in public hashtag happens to be just one of them. If you are a creator, writer and the product developer in general then this hashtag should be of your interest on twitter.

And those twitter outcasts who want to be on the safe blockchain would find the Hive a new home. Though it may not be that quick like Twitter but it can be a good blog alternative for you which can open up new doors for you.

What do you think?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I follow the buildinpublic hashtag on Twitter... this is actually a good idea to bring it to Hive. The buildinpublic posts could be full length blog posts, threads on Leo or

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
