What To Plant For Winter?
It's the first of December, and I've been thinking of what I should plant before the coldest parts of winter begin. In Florida, we benefit from having a small window of frost, and it's easy to avoid frost here.
I've got some potatoes, onions, and some garlic already ready, but is there anything else you guys can recommend? Typically, during this period, I would grow some herbs or bushy plants, but I didn't cook many of them. Mostly, I would use cilantro, culantro, basil, oregano, and parsley, but other than that, I don't use much. My sister bought some plants from the store, and they're doing alright in their container. Yet, my sister gets a bunch of stuff we don't use. Sometimes, she treats herself without even thinking of what she is purchasing. LOL
I don't have a list of what she bought, but what can you guys recommend for me? What would be a great plant to grow in this season as we lead up to winter? What are your thoughts? Are there any exotic plants you think I can grow?