Hive Is Not For Me
Today I'd like to write about something that I see happening on Hive every single day and it's not good at all. I'm not going to be popular with it, but this is not a popularity contest and I'm not here to get famous.
Hive is a developing platform and we have many new users joining every day, with high hopes and even higher expectations. The difference between Hive and the existing web2 social media platforms is huge, which is why some users are facing difficulties in adapting, as well as give up too early.
Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash
Hive Is Not For Me
The other week I saw some of the newbies saying they think this platform is not for them, all this after less than one month of experience on Hive. There's always a reason behind such a statement and I wanted to see what it is, so I checked the user's profile.
I saw an introduction post, that got more than ten welcoming comments, which is very nice as newcomers need welcoming, encouragement and guidance, but none of the comments got a reply from the newbie. This was not a unique case as I see this often but that doesn't mean it's right or that I can understand why.
Replying to comments is a way of appreciation for those who took the time to read your post and leave a comment, so the minimum you can do is reply to them. But that did not happen in the above mentioned case. Some may say that RC may have been the issue as without any stake RC can restrict you a lot, but when you see the user posting daily and still not replying to comments left to them, you know it's about something else.
It may be common practice on Twitter or Facebook, to not reply to comments, but that is not the case on Hive. Give me one good reason why those who commented on your fist post, trying to welcome you on the platform, should come back and comment again?
Engagement is key on Hive and as a newbie, your first priority should be to build up your followers, organically. This, in plain English language means try to attract followers without begging. How? One thing that you can do is post good content that people may be interested in and engage with like minded people. Commenting on other people's post is a way to make yourself noticed, but make sure those comments are meaningful as "nice post" and "thanks for sharing" has been abused so many times by now that no one takes these seriously.
Hive has millions of users, so getting noticed by others is not easy and no matter how painful it is, no one has time to scroll through new posts 24/7, to welcome every new user. This is why it is important to find your niche, post in appropriate communities where people are interested in what you're posting and can follow you to get more content from you.
High Expectations
The beauty of the blockchain is that you can't hide anything, all your moves, actions are visible and traceable. Everyone can read your posts, comments and can have a peek into your wallet.
Seeing other user's stake can be a huge incentive but it can also turn into disappointment as it happens in many cases. Some may think that Hive is a get rich fast platform and you can get a few thousands in no time, then when things go sideways, desperation kicks in.
New Mindset
As I've said before in my post, hive is not like the web2 platforms. An upvote here must be earned as votes are not like Likes. No one is obliged to upvote your post as to every upvote has a monetary value. You may be used to getting a bunch of likes from family and friends, as that is expected from them, regardless if they like what you're posting or not, but that does not work here.
The fact that you own your content and you hold the keys to your wallet is the new way forward. Consistency is the key to anything and that's not any different on Hive. Every beginning is difficult, but that doesn't mean you have to give up after a month.
Hive has changed many lives. This may sound like a cheap slogan but it's not. I can tell you from my own experience, in the four and a half years since I'm on Hive, I've learnt so much I can't even list it here. The power of the community is unbelievable. We have literally saved a few people who have been facing hard times and helped them get on with their lives.
Photo by Klim Musalimov on Unsplash
My Advice
Start building your Hive life, brick by brick. Learn how Hive is working and post what you like. Engage with like minded people and enjoy the journey.
For those who are looking for shortcuts, there are no shortcuts. Hive is to use, not to abuse and trying to abuse it is the fastest road to nowhere. I keep saying that the most precious thing you can have on Hive is your reputation and that doesn't mean the number next to your name.
Hive is only two years old on its own, but we have to consider the previous time as well as the community comes from another chain. We've been through a lot together and if you look at where we are now, you can't dismiss the results. Hive is the future and the sooner you realize that, the better for you.
You've said it all. It's not always easy as a newbie but it's all just part of the building process. When we take the shortcut, we might get what we want but one thing is certain, it won't last.
My journey has been a really beautiful one I'd say, though there were days when I felt like I was not getting what I should get but that didn't make me feel hive wasn't for me, no, it only made me learn more and I did that by engaging with other users.
@dreemport and @starstrings01 were the first to give a detailed explanation of how engaging with others is important and the way the explained it made me show so much interest in it and now it's paying off really well, I can't be less grateful to them.
I'm a living testimony of the benefits of engagement and I will want to encourage everyone to follow suit, don't see it as a waste of time because it's not.
Thank you so much for sharing this with us, I've again learned something new and I hope to put it to good use.
I'm glad to hear you you did the right the right thing and have learned from early days what's the right thing to do. Now you can also teach newbies about it, help them understand what's the right path to follow.
Growing together is important and we can only do that if we help those in need.
That's right, I will do well to share with them what I've learnt, thank you for the advice 🙏.
Wow. Y'all motivating me🥺
I'm so glad you feel motivated @silviafx 🥰.
At first i thought Something happened and you're leaving hive - Thank God I'm wrong.
Not Gonna lie, i spent years on Web 2.0 and have never commented or not even replied - never felt like doing so Made my bad habit
But from day one on the other platform I'm writing helped me to get out of web 2.0 and make quality engagement and when i joined hive since day 1 till now always trying to engage and exchange Good words with someone taking time to comment on my post or i always appreciated and felt so Good reading those comments.
Your advice's are Too Good. And to be honest, I've noticed it too when i welcomed some of newbies but never Got a reply.
I really hope people will adapt this whole new web 3.0 environment and won't act like it is web 2.0.
Have fun!
You're not alone and unfortunately I can say that this is the trend. Drop a gm or good night line, get 50 likes, you like the ones others are dropping and that's all. You can see that kind of behavior on Hive to, but not for long as they get tired of it. From there, they either adapt or quit as that kind of thinking is not popular here.
Indeed it's the trend they want to start on hive but unfortunately as you said will en up adapting (Good for them) or quite (Good for hive).
I look at the life of a content creator as something I will be doing until I no longer exist. Which means I have a whole lot of time to say and share and engage. In most cases on Web2 no single post will net me rewards. On Hive I at least have an opportunity to earn rewards IF those that engage with my content find it has value. No guarantee of rewards is promised. Just a possibility of rewards. Think a few pennies isn't worth your time? Go see what TW, FB, and IG are giving content creators. Zero. Nada. Zilch.
Once you begin to add up those pennies over time it could be that your account is worth dollars or perhaps hundreds of dollars. Is that a guarantee? Nope. Just a possibility. Maybe. Just maybe if you are a good community member who writes good content you may wake up one day and be surprised at how those pennies added up.
This is very important to understand as many are taking the earning possibility for granted, expect to earn more and more, which may or may not happen.
There are other earning possibilities, not just by posting as your stake can bring you nice curation rewards, as well as HBD interests, but those who are cashing out everything will never get any of it.
Expectations are what discourage most of us newbies. You should be here primarily to read, write, engage and have fun. The money should always be a plus. If you come to Hive with very high financial expectations, I’m sure you’re going to end up saying things just like what this month-old newbie said.
You're spot on. And I'm glad to see you thinking like that.
Many will leave early, then come back in a year or two and see those newbies that have started the same time already way ahead. This is a never ending story. We've seen it so many times.
Nice to see you doing so well!
Thank you! The advice about writing from my heart and not the generic shit I posted on my previous account helped:)
Generic shit is everywhere and that is what people need to understand. Why repeat what's been said and written millions of times.
Exactly. It took me a while to get that. What makes Hive outstanding is the fact that there are unique people here sharing on things you won’t find anywhere but Hive. It’s all fresh ideas served exclusively on Hive!
Unfortunately I noticed these cases too but the reason why so many give up so easily is either because the system is not so friendly and it takes a while to learn how things work (I still learn by myself too), while the other reason might be because they expect to get rich over the night and that's it. But when they see this is not happening, they just leave.
Which is sort of ironical considering that they join hive in 2022 and not 4-5 years ago when everything was a lot harder from the single thing of getting exposure because communities didn't exist, to the places from where you could learn how things work. Now the whole chain did advance and there are plenty of guides which teach them what to do step by step, but again, it depends a lot on what their real intentions are.
The system is indeed complex and takes time to learn but on the other hand this is the price to pay for owning your content and wallet. DIY is never easy, no matter if it's banking or crocheting. But once you learn it, you benefit from it.
Basically those who leave are not ready for the task and will be back later.
Indeed Hive is more organized and easier to navigate through if you take a little time to learn.
This. Brilliant. Should be pinned where every new member of our community will see it. Btw I find this habit of never (or hardly ever) replying to comments so disrespectful and annoying! When too busy, I better skip posting my own posts only to be able to reply to the comments that I got...
I know do and I respect you for that. I'm prioritizing comments now as life is a bit busy lately with new tasks but still. This is very important.
How many are there, who could not give a damn about replying to comments. That is disrespectful. Long term it's going to drive people away from those blogs.
Right. And sometimes, these ignorants who never bother to reply to comments even actually complain about the lack of support and engagement under their posts. Pathetic. Of course it takes time, effort, persistence and dedication to build something here, just like anywhere else...
Unfortunately I can't disagree with you on that. The truth is, no one is big enough to be able to afford not replying to comments.
Right ;)
I agree! Of course there are some of the users who think they interact with others posts just by spamming the common "wow my friend, so cool post!" which honestly they don't deserve any reply back but maybe a warning or even a downvote if they don't learn anything. But even to those I take time to reply and in a few months I'll celebrate my 5th year here!
Yeah. I actually get these quite often as well, probably because I usually upvote the comments with some smaller % to reward the engagement. But it´s pretty easy to tell which comments are real and which are these copy & paste farming comments ;)
Haha very true. Once you've been here for awhile, you get one of those comments and can’t help but to go 🙄😏. You can definitely tell when a comment is genuine compared to someone just commenting for the sake of it.
I’ve actually reached out to a few people on this and since then they have put more effort in them. I warned that eventually those type of comments will be seen as spam.
Awesome :) Thanks for your contribution towards the improvement of our little cryptoworld :)
For sure ;)
Excellent! I don't want to be seen as harsh, but, I am always disappointed when someone makes a comment for a quick upvote and doesn't even read the post.
Now, I don't care if you read my post, but, to pretend to read my post? That is insulting.
I give up posting so that I can answer all of my comments. Some days I get a fair amount, but, if someone spends the time to read my post and comment, they deserve the same courtesy.
Besides which, I do like the interaction. People are fascinating!
I'm right there with you Denise! It is insulting to lie and say you read someone's post when it's clearly evident by the irrelevant comment that they didn't.
Right on! I figured others were doing this as well. It’s much easier this way to help avoid getting too far backed up on replying.
I really enjoy the interaction too :)
The interaction is the best. :)
Yes, I was up until 4 am playing catch up from a week of little to no wifi at the island I was at. I caught up for the most part and early to bed tonight. :)
Thank you for all you do for people and the platform! Have a wonderful night!
I’m glad you got caught up and ooooh I hope you enjoyed yourself on that island :D
Aww of course. I appreciate all you do here as well.
Enjoy the rest of your week ~
I kind of do the same as you. I've gotten into the habit of making sure all my comments have been replied to before I even post a new post. I do it because making sure everyone gets answered is one of my priorities here. I feel if they can take the time to stop by and leave their input then I can at least respond back letting them know I acknowledge and appreciate it.
Exactly :) Glad to know there are more Hivers like this.
I Should adopt this. Makes sense.
It helps me keep up with comments preventing me from getting too far behind on them. I hope it works for you too ;)
Yeahhhh.Hopefully, it'll work for me.
You have got some nice and healthy engagement here with more than 100 comments, wow, very inspiring :)
@tipu curate
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 33/43) Liquid rewards.
Thank you for the tip. I'm trying to reply to every comment since the post was published and I'm not done yet :)
Yup, replying to comments is crucial, and not something I’m always good at, but I’m definitely getting better.
Glad to hear that. You'll see the difference soon 🙂
Yep, sometimes I tend to think that we should "alert" newcomers about the meaning of engagement and how it can be used for success in the long term.
Those who understand how this platform works are the ones that prevail.
I'm advising those I see not replying to any comments but the truth is, they should understand the importance on their own, without being told. This is common sense, politeness that you learn at home, basically.
Common sense is not as common as the phrase implies. 😅
Seems like it 🙂
A race of effort and perseverance, as well as improving your content by listening to your readers' advice, never give up and give your best.
That sums it up nicely.
When I saw the title of this, I was worried 😲 I'm glad you are just helping new Bees 🙌 I think we could make things easier by "adopting" a newbie each week. There must be at least a few hundred of us who use Hive daily? If we each help even one person per week truly set down roots, and they do the same, we can grow exponentially.
@wrestlingdesires(3/4) gave you LUV.
tools | wallet | discord | community | <>< NFT for Peace
That is actually a very good idea, that will benefit us long term. I'm doing that on a daily bases, advising newbies every single day and writing guides to help them start their journey.
I actually had a rather detailed plan on how we could organize it much easier, but unfortunately the person who I thought was right to put it into action wasn't a good fit.
Don't give up on the idea as there must be someone fit for it.
I know plenty of people who are fit, and would like the idea - but they are already busy making Hive awesome in their own ways 😂 ! The trick is finding someone with the ability, interest, and time...
@erikah! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @wrestlingdesires. (2/10)
The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.
I woke every two hours and cried.
Credit: reddit
@erikah, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @wrestlingdesires
Are You Ready for some $FUN? Learn about LOLZ's new FUN tribe!
Good luck and thanks for the tokens 🙂
Daily basis? Wow. I'll look out for them. I'm very much interested in learning and exploring hive. As a newbie, I've accepted it won't be easy but I'm ready for the ride🙂
I think peoples expectations of 'reward' are built up in whatsapp and telegram groups which encourage sign ups and from YT videos that extol the earning potential. When riches dont instantly arrive, theres no interest.
I do think this is sadly an issue from poorer parts of the world where rewards are all that matters to them although if people actually took a little time and made a genuine effort to be authentic and original as well as engage, the rewards would be forthcoming a lot quicker. How dumb are so many people who turn up and post a spun '5 benefits of Mango' post and then wonder why they get no engagement or reward.
The truth is many are advertising hive as a good way to earn as they think money is the best incentive and the only one. Then reality does not match expectations.
About what to post, that's another interesting topic. After all these years we know there is a certain category that wants to look smart and because they can't come up with something new, repeating what is common knowledge or spinning content seems to be a good idea.
The other thing I see very common is trying to teach others about what to do, what is right and so on, because elders are teaching them too. There are cultural differences and there may be a certain audience for this type of topic, but maybe not as they are expecting.
In any case people change over the years and some may adapt and actually find the place interesting.
Last paragraph is a key point. Those that do stick around seem to mould themselves into their own niche and style sooner or later and that authenticity is what brings them the success.
Very true. I only know a few people who are still doing the same stupid sh*t after five years and expecting a different outcome. The rest has recognized the importance of changing and has adapted.
When I first joined Hive, I read dozens of content about comments and engagement. I think I have seen the benefits of each of them. I am still new and learning, hive really provides access to all kinds of information and has an answer to every question sought.
Those who are saying engagement is key are saying that out of existence. Over the years we've seen so many cases and trust me, time spent engaging is never waste of time.
Definitely, I'll be busy with the hive. My time here is not only about account development or rewards, but I also value it for my personal development. Thanks for your informative content and comment in the progress.
I'm glad you found it valuable and good luck!
Thanks for sharing this amazing content, it will help a lot that want to adapt on this chain. Thanks once again for your guildline it always useful to me.
You're welcome.
I am one of them. I was able to financially go through the previous winter because of the help and support from the Hive community. And I am very grateful and very happy. I also bought my current smartphone (Samsung Galaxy A12) with my Hive income.
I'm speachless about reading this. Yes, it is not easy keep on with Hive, specially because is not likee facebook or anothers social medias. This got stook on my mind "Consistency is the key to anything" to be consistent is a thing! Thank you for bring so honest and make clear what is our real porpouse here. These post are really usefull. I'm learning to be consistent and of course I felt already inlove with this plataform and I am willing to be better in it, even that I dessapear for moments.
It is sad seeing this happening, so much potential gone to waste. HIVE will never be your centralized social media. This is a community effort, so to be successful in here you have to become a crucial part of the community. We all know the best examples of success on HIVE @jongolson @edicted @taskmaster4450 @theycallmedan to name a few and of course @erikah. It took them 5 years to reach success. By the way here is a great post talking about reaching success on HIVE
Well, I'm not sure we think the same way. Define success. You have tagged a few people here, saying they have reached success. That's your assessment and I am not sure what is your set of criteria to determine who's successful but I don't think it matters.
I believe each individual can evaluate their journey on hive and see if they are satisfied with their achievements or not. These achievements can be various, that's why I wouldn't name anyone successful.
I know I had a great time on this platform, have met a lot of interesting and good people, have learnt a lot and that's enough for me.
My criteria is based on your post talking about been noticed on the chain and interacting with the communitty and not giving up.
Well, I get as recently I have had a lot of newbies come to hive through me.
To be very honest, the hive ecosystem is not so friendly at the start.
The user interface is quite complex and only the patient ones can get through.
I recently talked about hive in one of my classes and a lot of people joined but most of them are finding it difficult to continue so I decided to pick a few of them to teach them the ropes.
I have taught a few people how to stand on hive in the past and I think I will be doing it more frequently.
@jaydr @khaleesii, @akubillionnaire were amongst the first set of hiveans I taught and they are doing pretty well.
I am raising a new set now and I think it will be a monthly task for me.
@etemitee, @silviafx and @alidickson are the newest of the people I will teaching.
The hive platform really needs guidance and I do not blame them
It's nice of you to guide newbies and help them start their journey.
I guess I grew up with hive, so I may see things differently. But I think if we help them, we can get good results.
Yeaj.. In the past oneyear, I have been busy with doctor duties and so it was difficult keeping up.
I might just intensify the teaching now
Thank you so much @bhoa for the selfless act. Thank you for being a source of motivation to me since I joined hive. I hope to give my best and be a good example to a newbie someday.
Thank you so much boss for your guidance and assistance. I am so very grateful. Truly the Hive journey is not an easy one at the beginning, but with your help, it's a smooth sail.
Chiefdaddy of the most high 🔥…. Billionaire Doctor 😎..
Thank you for showing me the way @bhoa
You are too hyper dear
This is the kind of comment @erikah talked about 😂
Good evening dear @erikah !
I have never read anything more accurate than your publication.
When one starts, with few exceptions, the results take time to come because of the simple fact of visibility.
Those who join #hive often do so thinking that 10 posts will change their lives and it doesn't work that way.
You have to be consistent, be creative and most importantly know how to socialize, make yourself known and make life on the platform.
There is a saying that I like a lot and it says:
Glory was never a reward for the aragans.
So guys to work hard, to exploit all that creativity that we all have.
In the long run, perseverance and hard work will pay off.
Big hug
Thank you @pablo1601! I'm glad you find it helpful.
This sentence says it all. Money does not grow on trees and even though it can be earned, one has to work for it.
To add to your well thought and humbly presented ideas and/post, I think another one very important and key trait of all successful hivers is their commitment.
Commitment here combines consistency, more effort and dedication to Hive. Only just being consistent in posting wouldn’t cut it much.
It takes some amount of effort to stay back after dropping your post to engage with people on your post and also on their posts too.
It takes dedication to be consistent. Dedication to hive. This is what will make you wake up everyday and think about what good content you’ll be putting on here.
You're right, commitment is also important. There are a lot of ingredients that are needed for one to get where they want. I'm glad you see it that way as once you've identified what is needed, you're on the right track.
You are right though🤣 because seeing some people getting upvotes of almost a 100 dollars is fun... Especially if you are indeed interactive and all that jazzies.. I geuss it is what it is though... Like im not even a new comer 😂.. Ive had good posts that got good votes. But some people consistently get those votes
The thing is, you can't control the votes you're getting.
Yeah.. I know its just a little frustrating from time to time... But one shouldnt be doing it for the upvotes.. Its all about the story I geuss
I think anyone here who has had a success how big or small, we all can say it it took time and work, loads of work. Even the best informational posts will die out if replies are never read and done. Its the fuel for society, it is why you want to go back to someones post
I couldn't agree more.
I see. No use raising people's expectations anymore. I used to work it out on video calls and shared screens teaching people with enthusiasm only to find them give up not even minding my devotion to teaching.. I m glad I kept my cool and really just glad they atleast have an account cooling off.
I ve often compared hive to tik-tok and how people flock on there. Well differences abound but, a lot of then only get tiny little pennies and they just believe it's worth it.
Really I think henceforth I won't even tell them of any financial benefit first. Just the community and its dapps.
I'm not familiar with Tik-Tok as I've never been there but from what I've heard, it's not the place for me.
It was nice of you to teach newbies, but you know how it is, you can't teach them if they don't want to. Hive is not a simple place, there are a lot of things to learn and if they are not willing to, there's nothing you can do.
In absolute fact.. there is are social media platforms that are not for me too. One must know where to go. I have even paid for some hustles and found out it wasn't meant for me.
Hive demands some form of desire to embrace the uncommon. I tell most noobs, you don't know anything as it were . Ask me first. Lol.
A very well written post and to the point. It does indeed take a while to settle in here. I'm two years now on @Actifit and enjoying every single post of it! Newbies just need to choose a community, get involved and give it a chance, the potential of this Hive blogging platform is huge!
That is the key point to note. Hive is not a short term project and we're still at the very beginning. There's no much development all the time that you can't see that on other chains.
As about communities, there are plenty and anyone can create and crow a niche community, that can be incubated by OCD, which mean support for good content. Possibilities are endless.
Nice post !LOL
No, seriously, straight lines. I don't know why they would NOT make you popular?... You're telling the truth and I don't think anyone with some experience on Hive would tell the opposite. It's a very long explanation though, I hope that the newbies who you're mentioning are going to read everything as well.
What could help as well to stay motivated, are the tipping tokens, like !PIZZA
You're not mentioning them. Is there a specific reason for that?
Because he Neverlands
Credit: reddit
@erikah, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @svanbo
Are You Ready for some $FUN? Learn about LOLZ's new FUN tribe!
I'm not a fan of those tokens, have never used them, but I have seen them around and I know others are using them. It's an incentive for sure.
In that case I won't five you any more hahaha. Any particular reason you don't like them? It's just an extra benefit and if you don't want they don't cost you anything, You need only 10 LUV tips or 16 LOLZ tips to be able to tip other people yourself without loosing anything. I took a look in your hive.engine and it seems like you've got 3 from each. If you want to try it, I'll hook you up with 7 more LUV in the next days and after that you'll be able to tip 1 LUV every day. Just let me know.
It's not that I don't like them but have never used them. A couple of years ago there was the engagement token, that worked the same way, but I was always forgetting to drop the command in my comment. I don't know what's happened to it as I haven't seen it and have even forgotten about it till now.
Thank you for the offer, but I think it would be best to help a newbie as it would mean a lot to them. I can upvote comments with my stake and distribute Hive, they can't as the threshold of the comment payout is $0.02. It's better to give them a little push with this, if you can :)
That's very kind of you, I'll do. I know how it is to be a newbie, since I'm still in my first Hive-year. And I really appreciate the upvotes, good advice, and tokens people are giving me...
I'm glad you understand. It would be selfish of me to take it when I know it would mean the world to those who are at the very beginning of their journey. God bless you :)
On the other hand, I've got enough to give by now...
It's not that you would be taking it from someone else and it's neither so that they mean the world.... Anyway thanks for your reply and for thinking about the others...
I'm truly grateful that I found this meaningful post while I was scrolling through my feed. Honestly, I love the thoughts that you shared. Looking back when I was still new here, about one month ago, I was still having a hard time how this space works. I even thought of giving up. I was also having a hard time because of my low resource credits. But I was thankful that I was given a free delegation from giftgiver. From that, I took that opportunity to learn the platform further and understand every bit of it. As I continue my journey, I realized that finding the right community is a must. It's not a space wherein you could just share stuff without minding the community. Communities are made to share post that interests the people so what we post must be related to what the community rules. Aside from that, I also believe that interaction is the key around here. As I met a lot of friends, I realized that Hive is such a fun platform. I realized that there are a lot of friendly people. With that, I could say that Hive is worth staying for.
Again, thank you so much for sharing these helpful tips. I appreciate it ❤❤❤
You're welcome and I'm really glad to hear it's helpful.
I see you have figured out everything. If you already know this after one month, you're on the right track! You see the meaning and know what to do! That's what counts.
Web2 social media really fucked how people interact on the internet. It made them have short attention spans and everything is so superficial. Everyone wants clout and likes so most of them don’t really care about genuine engagement. Since Hive is a different platform that demands the user to change its old web2 habits, they don’t like it lol. Maybe someday they’ll learn that things need some effort but atm there’s still a lot of them who want to achieve their goals in an instant - which is something you could get on web2 if you create some drama or whatever.
Your advice is also what I give to people who I have invited in the past but old habits die hard so they mostly return or get active on Facebook and their excuse is not having enough comments or votes on Hive. :D
Unfortunately that is very true, that's why I don't use those for ages. Web2 users are still stuck in the like collector mentality, that is what makes then happy and they can't see how meaningless and empty the whole thing is. They are going to be forced to change and when they realize that, it'll be late.
Remember the users who quit years ago because Hive was sh*t? A good part of them is back and regretting deeply that they left back then. Coming back to Hive after a year or two is like waking up from a coma.
All very well said, what a newbie needs to know.
Seeing cases of abuse, I sometimes wonder, how much time and energy they put in a wrong way, wich always one day will be found and stopped.
They dont see, puting time and effort in doing their own writeups, photos and just learning brings a lot more at the end, at least friends and new skills.
Can I steal this sentence for the ecency discord please? ;-) no, just a joke
The truth is, there's plenty of abuse as people think it's decentralized, therefore no one is watching. They can't see the future, they only see the few cents they can scalp. They won't last for long, no worries.
Price is another factor that attracts and chases people away. When the Hive price is low, they quit as working for a few cents is not worth it. Then when Hive shoots up, they come back.
I'm sure they joined Hive because of the $$,, so you can be sure they will be disappointed in less than two days.
so i think, whoever is promoting hive not because of the $$, so someone who is invited will be disappointed because they don't get the $$.
actually i just want to tell that i really like your post on hive, which i read to the end yours & @tarazkp, nice day to you guys ❤️❤️
Thank you for the nice words, I'm trying to bring something new and interesting but the audience is the one judging :)
Ironically, even though Hive is a social content plantform, the idea of social media where people actually engage and are social with each other (beyond the stereotypical "nice pic!" comment) is out of the ordinary.
In many ways, Hive is a throwback to the days of "social blogging" as it was between 1998 and Facebook taking over the world (2008-ish).
The very thing that appealed to me when I got here was precisely that it was not mindless and dumb social media... but I also honor that that's not for everyone, and thus Hive is likely to always remain more of a niche venue than a broad-based one.
I see these various issues faced by newcomers being discussed and it makes me think that these concerns are what need to be gathered and collated and put together into a comprehensive "Newcomer's Guide to Using Hive," that goes above and beyond just the obvious "connect A to B" instructions.
Maybe you're not familiar with the different communities working on welcoming newbies. I see them leaving comments as long as my arm, with links to different newbie guides, all in vain as they don't even bother to reply, although there's always a note for them, saying what to do if they need help. The truth is, you can't force anyone.
Oh, I know there are quite a few groups doing the newcomer welcome thing... of course most are (understandably) bot messages, which people are mostly trained to ignore.
I'm more thinking along the lines of guidelines/FAQ being popped in people's faces before they even get to posting. As part of the account creation process, even. Along with "have you REALLY backed u your keys?" you get a "if you want ANY chance of succeeding, read this!" Maybe even having "annoying popups" before someone tries to post.
I've tried to talk a number of people into joining Hive (as has my wife) and the issues always seem fairly consistent: The learning curve is "too long," and people arrive with false expectations.
The other "problem" we have is that there's only a very tenuous connection between someone who "recommends" Hive and the person actually taking them up on the offer.
The referral system might let me know that someone joined as a result of my linking from somewhere, but I have no means of DIRECTLY sending them a "Hi Erika, how cool that you joined Hive! Here let me offer you some help and suggestions! from the very beginning. I've been saying for 5+ years that we need an integrated internal message system — Facebook messenger style — in this ecosystem. I can cost resource credits, but doesn't reward, and to facilitate newcomer integration, there should be an option for the original conversation starter to "fund all resource credits for thread/conversation."
Or something like that.
Mind you, as a long time admin/sysop in web groups for 20+ years, even 5% of signups becoming active would be a MAJOR success!
This really encouraged me..I'm new here,thanks for sharing
Good luck and enjoy the journey!
All you've said here is spot on. I think another thing that makes people say hive is not for them is comparing themselves with others. They see those with great rewards and wonder why they aren't getting the same not knowing the effort that person has put to get to where they are.
Spot on. You see things right. My next post will be about that.
Nice. Can't wait to read it :)
Too bad the people that left will probably not read this post to highlight where they have gone wrong.
As I said in one of my earlier comments, you can't force anyone.
This is really a great post that of course many newbies will not read because they are more interested in posting than in commenting.
I started a 30day writing challenge for my countrymates here as a way to revive the Ugandan community. I have tasked each person to post daily 1 post and 10 comments.
I have stressed in our WhatsApp group and the Google meetings I have organized for them why commenting is key as you mentioned below.
Let me even share this post with them and hope they will read and maybe even comment hehe.
Yeah, I see newbies posting multiple times, focusing on quantity, rather than quality.
The writing challenge is a very good idea as they learn to be consistent and also engage. At first, making 10 comments may seem like a task, but when you find a lot of interesting people, you will be dropping more comments without knowing it.
Congrats on the initiative and keep up the good work as helping newbies is very important. You can drop the link to my post, of course. If you think it helps, why not, after all the purpose of the post is to help.
I did drop the link of this your post to the group but I haven't yet received a reply or feedback from them hehe, maybe they are busy hahaha.
Thank you so much @erikah I'm a newbie here and I'm just happy I came across this early. I've actually found your posts interesting of recent. Though most of the things you said have been told to me before by my mentor @bhoa. Thank you for emphasizing engagement. I hope to see more of your posts, especially those for newbies like me😊
Thank you! I've been focusing on guiding newbies lately as I see it is needed. I'm trying to figure out what would be important to explain.
Yes it is needed. Thank you so much. I'll stay tuned to your posts.
This is so true. I used to have this mindset when I started initially ’Hive is not for me’. But this was rather about fear, but I just learnt to take it one step at a time, find my niche, engage with other authors and post quality content. Rome wasn’t built in a day, I don’t expect to get where I want to be in less than two month. It all takes hard work. Those at a higher level have obviously worked for it so I’m working for mine now.
Wise words my friend. On Hive you have to build and build. It's difficult at the beginning but it's the future and definitely worth it.
My next post is going to be about what your last sentence covers.
Sure I can’t wait to read it 😇
Fasten your seat belt 😂
Aye aye captain 😂
I agree. This thought can also be applied anywhere. This is also the thing that I keep on building since I'm also a newbie in the platform. I don't worry about how much token I can earn but what matters more is the feedbacks that I can get. I greatly appreciate seeing other people taking time to read my posts and dropping a comment. That's whyvif my resource credits permits me, I'll try my best to give back the favor to them.
Worrying about rewards is the fastest road to nowhere. The truth is you can learn so much on Hive, make new friendships, develop new skills and so on. If you focus only on rewards, life will be difficult here.
Click bait, nice though, but it's easier for old forks on hive most of these newbees get misconceptions by who invited them too the hive Blockchain tell them they would earn alot of money.
I suppose some of the onboarders use the strategy of promosing high earnings, thinking it may be more attractive but it can easily backfire.
It always back fire when hive watch catches up with them
Que interesante tu publicación, te confieso que estaba explorando las comunidades busco una para publicar acerca de tecnologías, cuando trabajo un tema nuevo no me voy de buenas a primera a colgar una publicar simplemente por publicar, primero busco una comunidad, leo sus reglas, interactivo en ella, comento y voto para conocer y compartir con usuarios, porque entiendo que esto es una plataforma social, dónde compartirnos ideas, pero para no no fue fácil, fíjate inicie en enero, y por cierto tiempo me dedique a leer y aprender, menos mal me tropecé con un grupo de hispanohablantes que hacen programas de curación en vivo donde aprendí mucho, aunque estoy en contante aprendizaje, pero Pienso que fui perseverante, testaruda, es como un reto, tratar de hacerlo mejor cada día.
En estos días me preguntaron que from usaba y les dije un poquito de cada ecency y peakd y no los domino.
He visto publicaciones muteadas y noto que no siguen las instrucciones, por ejemplo solo se escribe en inglés y siguen publicando en otro idioma, bueno en fin son tantas cosas por aprender que a lo mejor abruman a los nuevos.
Yo insisto en aprender, insisto en crecer, insisto en buscar oportunidades, insisto en que no solo se trata de apoyo económico, es un mundo de reto, de aprendizaje, de crecimiento, y dónde puedo le comento a cualquier usuario para que no pase por lo mismo que yo.
Para finalizar me gustó tu publicación te felicito, a lo mejor suena trillado pero eso me anima a seguir siendo persistente.
How interesting your publication, I confess that I was exploring the communities I look for one to publish about technologies, when I work a new topic I do not go from good to first to hang a post just to publish, first I look for a community, I read its rules, interactive in it, I comment and vote to meet and share with users, because I understand that this is a social platform, where to share ideas, but it was not easy, I started in January, and for some time I dedicated myself to read and learn, luckily I stumbled upon a group of Spanish speakers who do live curation programs where I learned a lot, although I am in constant learning, but I think I was perseverant, stubborn, it's like a challenge, try to do better every day.
These days they asked me what from I used and I told them a little bit of each ecency and peakd and I don't master them.
I have seen muted publications and I notice that they do not follow the instructions, for example they only write in English and continue publishing in another language, well, there are so many things to learn that maybe they overwhelm the new ones.
I insist on learning, I insist on growing, I insist on looking for opportunities, I insist that it is not only about economic support, it is a world of challenge, of learning, of growth, and where I can I comment to any user so that they do not go through the same as me.
Finally, I liked your publication, I congratulate you, maybe it sounds trite but it encourages me to continue being persistent.
You're right, Hive is not like any other platform out there, there's a lot to learn here and unfortunately learning is a must. Otherwise things can get worse for you in no time.
Looks like you're on the right track then and I'm glad to hear that. Keep up the good work!
My mom says that the sun shines for everyone and that's how I think of hive, there are spaces for everyone, we just have to focus on being ourselves and many more things with layout, image source, answer comments, publish, read the rules, participate in initiatives, in short there are so many things that I could not stop counting, thank you, I liked the community and your publication you are great, but I'm just one more little girl
This is a brilliant and straightforward piece of writing that discusses certain truths that need to be discussed. Thank you for this.
I almost gave up as a beginner too. At some point, I actually did. Before I got motivated to continue again, and didn't stop since then.
So I can relate to what's being said here a lot.
You're not alone unfortunately. High hopes, false expectations, entitlement, all work against you. But I'm glad you're back and see where the problem was. Good luck on your Hive journey.
I'm also very glad I didn't give up on the platform.
Thanks so much for the well wishes
Goodluck to you too.
Thank you!
You're welcome
I have tried to get many people to know this wonderful platform that HIVE is, however they give up very quickly, only come for "easy money" I can understand that people get discouraged quickly, but if you arrive at a place where you pretend to be welcome without being you who gives the example, you are already wrong, responding to a comment does not take more than just minutes, I really agree with you, some people who take the time to read your content and also reply to yor content is really nice, i love to read those positive comments and of course reply them.
Definitely i heard this phrase a lot "Hive is not for me"
Unfortunately there's no easy money on Hive. And getting 10 welcoming comment is really a privilege as not all the newbies get as many. So they should really appreciate it, but this is something you should learn at home, at a very young age.
I think you captured it perfectly.
Could be presented as a newbie guide. If people adjust their expectations to this when joining, more would endure and raise their own quality control and stay on Hive.
Good job!
This is just my opinion, but judging from the comments I got, many think the same way. However, you can't force anyone. Those who come here to get rich quickly will leave anyway.
This content is very educative for me as A Newbie. Before I would engaged, I must also engage, work harder and influence the Hive Blockchain. It comes with much effort and zeal to win great victory: commenting, feedbacks, consistency, working wholeheartedly without anticipating any rewards.
That says it all. You're on the right track.
Honestly it's not easy as a new bie to find my way around.sometime I just want to stop.but then thanks to friends who's always willing to push me up again..
And initially I use to find it difficult commenting and engaging, bit I'm doing a lot better..
Honestly this is helpful thanks for sharing.
Every beginning is difficult and Hive is also a complex place, but if you have faith and really want to be here, you'll find a way. And there's always help.
Your right thank you .I appreciate this!!
Hello @erikah
What I think happens with a lot of new members, is that they join HIVE whith the promise of easy money. I myself entered to see how the money was earned.
Many people still don't see the value of honest connection to the community, but that's changing.
Soon there will be more people creating content to connect with, and enjoying the ride on these tokenized networks.
Good Post!
Thanks for sharing.
Let's hope you're right.
You are so right. I have been on this platform for 6 years now and I find it important to answer every comment. Even if that reply comment only comes after 2 weeks because my life has gotten so busy over the past 2 years.
But like you said, people taking the time to read your post and interact with you deserve as much. Even if it is just a little "thank you".
And for the getting rich part.... After 6 years I am still not rich thanks to hive 😂 even though my posts are always appreciated. But hive definitely has enriched my life. I've met so many lovely people here who I like interacting with when I find the time. Some I have even met in real life and others I hope to meet one day!
Also, I have learned so much through what other people are posting. For me these riches coming from hive are good enough. Though I must admit that it is nice to be rewarded for the effort I put into posts and have this little spare money to treat myself or someone else on something nice once I a while.
Have a beautiful day!
That is exactly what I've been saying repeatedly, that thanks to Hive I've learnt so much, picked up so many new skills that I wouldn't have otherwise. I've met a lot of interesting people online, we've helped a lot of people, literally saved them, because the power of the community. So looking at rewards solely is not the right thing to do.
I responded to every comment, even from my 1st post, I still do unless its some bullshit comment, or comment vote beggar. It did me well.., what can I say?
Looks like we have the same policy then :) It's the only way in my opinion.
Hehe this is funny
Yeah, it is funny indeed :)
It's clickbait, lol
Not exactly as I quoted what the newbies said 😜
Thank you for writing this. It's good to hear the truth. Otherwise, how will anybody learn? This is such good advice and the new people are lucky! Can this be pinned somewhere?
I have to say that it is a little friendlier to start now as opposed to when we started on the legacy chain. The huge improvement was the communities, making it much easier to find your audience. One of the biggest problems is the abuse of tagging a community that has nothing to do with what you are writing about. This tells me that you haven't even looked at the rules of the community. I don't like to downvote new people, but, I am not sure what it will take to make some not do that.
I never worried about making money here because there wasn't a real paying platform at the time. When I got my first money, it was like a gift, and it still is. They are paying me for posting. I still marvel at it.
Everyone who says that commenting is important is so spot on. Although I miss some, I try not to! That is more important than posting most days. Some days, I get a LOT of comments, and instead of moaning about it, I am grateful I have people commenting.
Thank you! I could only pin it to my profile, but I have another one pinned, about communities, as it's important to guide newbies.
I was thinking if it was easier for us on the legacy chain or not, but from community point of view, now it's much more easier as you can get more exposure for a niche community, rather than get lost in the crowd.
It's a drastic move, but sometimes much needed. Seeing their rep lowered may wake them to reality.
You're right, commenting is the most important hing. The number of comment I got on this post is huge, it's been two days and new comments are still coming and I'm still replying, because that's the right thing to do. I'm glad to see my post has reached so many people and at least I see many agree with what I've written here.
I believe HIVE is not for everyone. Or better said, HIVE is more for niche crowds than anything else. Most people in our world don't want to take quality time to create interesting content, read content created by others and get into the engagement mode more than push out posts. However, many may try HIVE when they see the $ values on posts. I suppose we'll see newbees come and go for a long time to come.
That said, I've seen so many good content creators come and go much faster than those that try to take the easy approach. The whole $ thing is something that is cool, however, it makes things very hard as well for HIVE to properly grow.
Those who are used to web2 platforms,are having a hard time to adapt and many will leave as they don't want to adapt. As I said before, you can't force anyone to adapt.
Hive is a journey and not a race. A lot of newbies always have unrealistic expectations when they register, they see people earning a lot on their articles and they expect theirs to be that way as well. They aren't patient enough to grow and they don't even put in much effort to engage with others but they expect to earn as much as someone who has been here for years and is very active. They aren't consistent, neither are they utilizing hive the proper way, they are just looking for means to gain a lot from the system with minimal efforts and in a very short time without giving anything back
That is very true and should be the motto of everyone.
You've summed it up very well and if you can see that, it means you're on the right track. Keep it up!
However, I hope these newbies will realize sooner, rather than later, that the path they are walking on is not the right one.
Some eventually do and change their ways after adopting the right mindset, but many others give up after failing to exploit the system and they end up saying things like "hive is biased" or "hive isn't for me".
We've seen this behavior over the years, repeating itself over and over again. People come and go. The dollar equivalent of Hive token is also an influencing factor. Those who understand that this is a long term game and start accumulating are the winners.
@erikah This your post met me well. I've struggled to motivate myself to get started since I created my account. I haven't made posts and each time I log in using my Ecency app, I just swoon away with my everyday troubles. Yet I know I need hive to improve my lot.
And I stumbled over hive while searching for something novel to do and make ends meet, so I don't have anyone to guide me with the initial steps. I'm still trying to get used to discord, generally I'm not a social media person. So the whole experience is just overwhelming. But this your posts has convinced me I can make it. I'm looking forward to my next efforts. Thanks for the post. Hope we follow each other for more motivation.
Well done!
I know it can be overwhelming and staying motivated is pretty difficult but this should also be a journey, not a race. Don't make it a job, do it as a hobby and you'll enjoy it. Uf your primary focus is money, then you'll have a hard time adapting here.
Problem is that some people are used to instant reward. That doesn't happen on Hive. It takes time, a lot of work, a genuine effort to be part of a community, an intrinsic interest in a theme/subject. The content around here is different than on a regular social-media; it's more about finding a niche. In the end, some people just don't give it enough time to find where they fit, and a minor part of those who give enough time might discover it's just not for them anyways. It's all good.
I agree with all that you've said above. It's true that Hive is not for everyone as those who prefer the type or interaction they have on web2, will hardly change. It's ok though as you can't force anyone.
Hive is not for me. I must say that I have heard this over and over again from countless number of people that I invited to Hive and I keep asking them if Hive is not for them, so what's for them?
The problem is most people are not ready to do the work. They want everything to come easy and I would always ask them after they drop just a few lines of post with a picture (not poetry) if they would also be interested in reading such a post if someone else posted it?
It's disappointing because I sometimes go through the length of explaining things to them, help them the little way that I can and after a week, they give up saying it's not for them. They just think the moment they post, they would wake up to see $100 on the post. Things don't work that way. No one would part away with what they have without seeing the value for it.
I have always stressed the importance of engagement and I love how you did absolute justice to this. Everyone needs to read this and I would gladly copy the link and share to people going forward because this is what they need to read.
I also find it insulting to take time to comment on the post of others only to never get a reply. It's insulting to say the least. If it's about RC, I would understand but like you said, they keep posting. It's more like they are just dumping the post and zooming off. They are not for building but just to reap the reward and move on. That explains why they don't use up to a week to say "Hive is not for me". I wonder if they would say the same after they start a business for a week or a job for just a week without any grit and desire to push the boundaries.
Thank you for this excellent post. You touched every aspect and I felt it deeply too because of the same response I got from a lot of them regarding this.
This is a never ending story as there will always be someone who is not satisfied with how things are going here. Those who come with high expectations are leaving super fast.
You are right, not replying to comments is insulting and users should know this from home as it is politeness, not a rule on Hive. Just as you reply to those who are speaking to you, you reply to comments as well on Hive.
Imagine running a business and not replying to emails or letters, if they still exist, but expecting high profit. Hive is not any different.
I love how you related this to real life. Exactly, having a business without attending to "customers". It's true, no one would even come back again because customer service is important. I hope they get to read this detailed post of yours and also learn because learning and being ready to stay consistent no matter what, would make the difference.
I'm guilty of not replying some comments on my Introductory post, mainly because of RC but after i got some delegated some hp to me, i never went back to reply, though I've been replying comments on other post.
Truly, engagement is key. This is something i've learnt first hand from the other platforms where i write. Thanks for this wonderful piece, I've read some Comments (and it's helpful) and will take time to go through more comments on the post. This is a most read for a newbies and even old users. Thanks once again.
My pleasure. Let me know if you need any help and happy blogging :)
Thanks 🙏, I'll surely reach out to you whenever I'm confuse and in need of answers.
This is absolutely true, you nailed it.
Thank you! I'm glad you agree.
Well said and so true! Hope many newbies will read this 🤓
Reading is one thing, understanding and doing is another, but sooner or later they will realize there's no other way.
Of course, it is the whole understanding part / and doing, even seeing what is possible when you just show up every day and engage. It is so worth it as I so know and luckily knew early on when I joined last December 😎
Have a wonderful day further @erikah 👋🏻
Thank you very much, I wish you the same 🙂
You are welcome, thanks 🤗
You joined last December?! Here I was thinking you've been here since the days of steem, lol
Really you thought I was here soooo long @b0s 🤓 nope not even 8 months old yet.
Have a look at my post from last Monday with the power up, you see my growth since I joined 😉 only if you fancy of course hehehe 🤭
Have an amazing day today! It’s midweek 😁👋🏻☀️💃🏻
Wow, your growth has been massive. Keep up the good work.
I will 😁. I wish you the same
Thanks so much @b0s 😁😎 I’m so proud of it… beyond proud 🤓🤩
Thanks 🙏🏻 enjoy yours…
I used ticks as no words could have said it better. I wasn't going to use any words of my own at all, but I thought I'd better clarify with several.
Now lastly I'd like to say...
Nice post.
Lol, you just highlighted the key points. Thank you!
Wise words that needed to be said. I'm linking this post in my next post actually. Mine is about something different, but was inspired by thoughts generated by reading this post of yours.
Thank you for this seasoned article I hope that newbies like me would make out time to read this post and adhere to the piece of advice you dropped above
The truth I have noticed about many newcomers is that they want to be celebrated immediately they are here but life in general isn't that simple growth and development look alike but has a good difference. Getting on board on hive is one thing and growing your audience is another and sustaining those audience is another. I am just about 24 days old on hive I can't compete with someone who is from the start or who had spent a year etc. I have learned the power of reading and commenting on other people's post it really works. Thank you once again for this encouraging post .
hive isn't for meHive is for everyone.I remember you as you had some good posts and you said some very important things here. I wish more newbies could see things like you do. Keep up the good work, focus on long term and your journey will be valuable and nice.
Thank you for the encouragement.
You're welcome.
Thanks ☺️☺️
Some great advice here and once they understand when they see our progress that we were also once newbies, the realization should dawn that they should do the same. That first year of mine and even half of the second one was terrible as even a hard as I tried, I continued to hit a brick wall. But then the brick wall was dismantled brick by brick as understanding settled in due to engagement and listening to advice and the rest is history.
Sadly if the mindset is wrong about quick riches and little work then it's all for nothing.
I am currently babysitting a few newbies with advice and have also lost a few, but I don't let it trouble me, as some are allergic to hard work.
Perseverance, Patience and effort is what it's all about, oh and also fun.
This post deserves a !PIZZA
Looks like I'm the exception here as my journey has been without any problems. The truth is I joined Hive or Steemit as that was back then, to practice my English and had no expectations at all. I said if I can learn to write, it'll be like a jackpot for me. Then I started seeing my stake growing but my stake has always been like a long term investment.
Not focusing on rewards and learning how to put my stake to good use helped me get this far.
After all these years Hive is still a fun game. Consistency is never easy but you can get used to it.
It's all about motives I think. I started off with pictures of our charity work, as I also had the intent to establish a long term investment. Then I switched photos to my other love, which is nature and it continues to this day. The rewards were always seen as a means to secure the future of Papillon, as I am not going to live forever and the work needs to continue after I am gone.
Hive is indeed a fun game and I wish that more of the newbies will see this instead of wanting to go the get rich quick road.
I joined Hive less than a year ago and if there's anything I've learned, it's this; with quality engagement comes increased visibility. I remember how I gave up after my articles flopped because my unrealistic expectations were not met. Thanks to my friend @onwugbenuvictor, I came back to the blockchain to put in the required effort.
That is very true. It's kind of disappointing to see those meaningless comments that users leave just to say something.
I'm glad you came back and found the right path.
Tell me about it.
I am equally excited. Thank you.
You are an amazing writer and just needed a little push, so I'm glad I could help.
Thanks gee @onwugbenuvictor
Like me initially, the major reason for discouragement is the time to build rewards. A lot of newbie come here thinking hive is a ponzi scheme where you can withdraw your rewards immediately. If engagement is your priority on hive without even thinking of the reward you'll get, you'll really enjoy hive.
I suppose it's not nice to realize you won't get rich overnight.
That's another topic I'm going to write about soon.
Oh heavens!!!! This has to be the best post I have seen in a while! To be honest, I'll just share this as much as I can because... OMG!! You literally took the words out of my mouth. And just to think i made a post about something like this. I saw the link of this post on Galenkp's post and I'm so glad i clicked on it. I love this so much! It's the message I've been trying to send but had no idea how! And i just can't begin to say how much engagement means! Oh lord!!! How do I frame this and pin it on Hive so that all Newbies can see it? I mean, I'm just 11 months here and I'm glad I understood from the onset what's required of me. And thanks to Dreemport and some other Communities, I've made connections. I've built friendships. I've been able to overcome struggles thanks to the people here and I love being there for others too.
P.S Would you mind if I shared this on Dreemport? I don't know if you've heard of it before but it is platform with which Hivers and none hivers can get more eyes on their content and also curate and enagage with others. How it works is, you curate five post as presented by the platform before you submit yours for others to see and curate as well😁. I wanted to ask your permission before I go ahead and share as this is very great content and deserves to be shared with as many as possible. Dreemport is explained better in this Post:How do I use Dreemport? It's easy
If you understood from the beginning what Hive is about and how it works, then you're among the winners. It's the only way
If by sharing you mean copy paste my post, then that is plagiarism. You can share the link to my post, but not the content. The content is mine.
Yes. the link to your post is what i meant.
Yes, the link can be shared, there's nothing wrong with it.
Thank you for your thoughts on this. I've been struggling to learn something new. I'm fortunate to have others here who are willing to help me find my way, but it is still difficult. Maybe the old saying that nothing worthwhile is easy may fit.
But I am learning and moving along, though.
I understand it's difficult, but there are so many users willing to help. We have Discord servers, where you can get help and not only. I'm also here, so you can ask me anything.
Thanks, I do have some people helping, but it can still be a bit confusing and frustrating. But I'm determined and will continue on.
That's the spirit.
@erikah! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @adysscheryl. (2/10)
The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

Thank you!
Great post and your welcome
I agree with you (as a newer member), but comparing your account to someone who has been active for more than three years is completely insane. Everything is individual; I've seen accounts created later than mine with much higher ratings, but the most important is to follow your own rhythm, not rush into anything and not be a greedy mouse.
The first introduction post is important, unfortunately, I also experienced skipping all the comments I've got from the very start, but scrolling to it a few months later corrected the mistake, response is a response even if it comes a bit late.
I'm not sure what do you mean here, what you are referring to.
Speaking in general, you can't really compare accounts, or better said I see no reason as each individual has a different activity on the chain and we're all rewarded differently. What many can't see is how much fiat each individual has invested.
As about skipping the comments on the introduction post, I don't know why people do that, can't figure it out honestly 🙂
To me it happend, not done on purpose, probably bunch of notifications that arrive at the same moment.
What I meant with about comparing accounts is that's likely the most of us sniff into other accounts, seeing someone's feed basically empty but still with huge wallet is confusing for the new ones.
(you know how much it takes, I know, plenty around here also, but not the newbies)
We all want good money, right?
Shortly, numbers are what catches the human eye and if that's the only thing that keeps you around, soon you will be frustrated.
Well written! By reading the title I thought you are leaving Hive or something. But I am so relieved thats not the case that I don't care about the clickbate
The truth is I had no idea what title to use and I don't like clickbate titles but somehow this is what came out.
That's right, yesterday I gave a greeting to a newcomer, and I made a few comments, but he didn't reply anything, in four days he still didn't reply,I can't say his name, because I'm afraid that I will be hostile to him, let his name be private, and there will be other people who respect me, when I come to a Introduction.
No worries, at least you've tried and that is good. You did what you could and maybe he's going to reply.
right, thanks a lot.
Thank you for sharing this, I am a newbie on hive and I find this very encouraging.
I sure will be taking your advice and be more consistent. Thank you again
Hive has millions of accounts, actual users is less than 2k.
I've not been on Hive for long (I did have another account a couple of years back for which I lost my pass key - lesson learned there). To me, its just common courtesy to reply to somebody when they have commented on your post so I couldn't agree more. A few people I know have given up with Hive, I think expecting rewards for not doing anything other than posting. I've still more to learn and it's articles like this that help. So a big thank you from me
Exactly, just like in real life. You should learn that at home, at a young age.
The funny thing is those who leave are going back to web2, where you can't arn anything.
Oh my goodness!! Seems I have fallen victim of not replying to all the comments in my Introduction post. I will do that immediately. When you said their is no shot cut in Hive, I believe you because generally, their is no short cuts in life. Am a newbie, and am not ready to quit but learn the platform and grow here. Just like hive has changed many life's, I will change mine too
This is a big help to me, I once feel to abandon the hive due to no reward received but I told myself, it's normal for newbies then I continue posting and commenting on other people's posts until I received a decent reward for my post. I'm also not that interactive on discord however I read a lot here on Hive, is it necessary to become active on discord?
It is not necessary to become active on Discord. Some are spending more time on discord, engaging with others as you can chat about anything there, but it's a matter of choice.
I'd say be consistent in commenting on other people's post on Hive and you'll be fine.
sheesh I really thought i need to become active on discord, thanks for the tips and guides.
My pleasure.
I simply like the title; it made me read the whole post. And the way you put forward your ideas about this platform is simultaneously amazing. About engagement, I must say that I've made some amazing friends here on Hive. Though my journey here is not that much longer. I like it here.
Best wishes!
If you've made amazing friends here, that means you're a rich man.
Yes, you're right but I must say the riches I got; made me more enthusiastic and obliged and having a good feeling at the same time.
Many people come to this blockchain thinking is easy to make money without putting too much effort, not putting your time, and energy. Blockchain is all about community in the first place and, as you have mentioned, is a mandatory process to build your presence, choose your niche wisely, and have an interest in the subject.
Not answering the comments will not get far on Hive!
Nice post.
= }
Had to do it. That and I want a seat in this 275 comment theater section. I've assisted 3 onboards the past 24 hours and, each are excited in a hurry-hurry earn-earn mentality, I can't stress consistency and engage enough. Hopefully they figure it out.
"Thanks for sharing!"
Let's hope the people you have onboarded are going to understand that the hurry-hurry earn-earn mentality is the fastest road to nowhere.
This is the same thing I said to myself when I first got on here, hive is fun and not for the lazy one though.
It is if you don't have expectations. If you have, then you need to put in some effort as nothing is for free. Which sounds funny, because you don't need to invest in order to be able to post but you'll need to earn some HP to get rid of the RC problems.
Apt! Many of us come with high expectations and end up burning our fingers in the process. It takes time to build anything that will last💯
Thank you @erikah for this timely post. I hope a lot of newbies get to see this.
Sooner or later every newbie will understand that Rome wasn't built in a day.
I believe you have said most of the key points on how to maintain a consistent stay in the blockchain without giving up. Success is a journey and not a destination and I believe when embarking on such mission obstacles and challenges will occur but when deriving the mindset to achieve success it will definitely pave way someday.
I could not have said it nicer. Let's hope some of the newbies can take note of this and make their journey easier by changing focus.
I had no excuses to continue on it while I enjoyed the technology evolution since keyhotee->protoshares (birth of dan crypto invictus innovations) times. It felt right, even when it didn't give any financial reason to stay on it.
But to be honest, when the fork happened, I said to myself... "damn... I am just on history, along with so MANY other cool people" (and that thought got stuck in my brain for a long time)... since then it has become something I want as much as I can to, improve, help, participate, protect, enjoy, have fun, entertain, decentralize! It means it's not just money or investment... it's so much more!
And if one has been on open source long enough, "that person" would understand what I mean, even more.
I have to admit that a lot of people have high expectations especially when they come from the mindset that they just want to make money. This is what affects their engagement. This is what affects their commitment. This is what affects their attitude when they don't earn as much as they hoped. I don't know what they expect, to earn $1,000 with just a week or a month of experience?
There is a need for consistency, resilience and having the right attitude because it's the same with life; nothing good comes easy. You have to fight for what you want. You have to always give your best. I've seen a lot of people quit because they didn't earn in the first day they posted. I always laugh because they must have had unrealistic expectations. This isn't a get rich quick scheme. This is about selling yourself, building your audience, putting yourself our there, learning and developing too.
Most of these problems can be fixed with the right attitude when joining. I really hope we can have a meet up for Hive where I stay.
Yes, if possible and even more 🙂
Jokes aside, you have some very good points there. People need to be realistic here. You can't get rich in a week, not here, not anywhere in the world.
😂 Not anywhere in the world. True. They are out of touch with reality and I agree.
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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:
Give is for everyone willing to dedicate themself to work. When one comments with the mind of building friendship but receives no reply that does not make good sense at all. It is necessary to build friendships with the people we meet here then the earnings come gradually.
I believe that the popular saying "hive changing lives" is beyond just a saying but a reality and I have every point to prove that too.
Thanks for sharing and I hope so many newbies and oldies will learn from this post.
The community has changed lives, literally. We've helped users escape war, we've helped those left in the war zone stay alive, look at the borehole in Ghana and this is just a few examples. How many are making ends meet using Hive.
That is it senior, in the past month a woman was helped by us in Nigerian school who was not able to pay her children school fees. She was left with tears after that scenario.
We are planning on reaching more student coming session which starts in a month time
Wow, it's so good to see this post again, dreemport brought me here.
Glad to hear that.
Smiles 😊😊❤️❤️.
This part touched my heart, i have to say thank you so much @erikah, you really took your time to make this post. It will serve so many lives here on Hive. I wish all newbies will come across this and learn as i am learning now. I have seen big different from legacy web and web3. Am really grateful. Am lucky to read this tonight.
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Please contribute to the community by upvoting this comment and posts made by @indiaunited.
Thank you!
After see the name of your article I thought you are leaving this platform but i misunderstood 😂.
I personally think that making comments and reply is more important than making post because comments and reply are the best way to communicate with everyone.
There is manything to learn from your article. At least and you we can get some directions after reading it.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge.
Yeah, the title can be misleading indeed.
No worries, I'm not leaving as Hive is part of my life now and coul not imagine life without it. It's nice to be part of the community and you can only do that by engaging with others, replying to comments included 😊
I also think that Hive platform became a part of our life and it's very hard to think about it. In my case I check notification several times in a minute. I think I am addicted in hive😂.
Engagement is key, hive is built block by block.... I'm still building..
Thank you..
Good luck in building 👍
I'm a newbie, seeing as I haven't even written a post yet. However, I'm thankful you wrote this, and i was able to come across this. In just 3 minutes, I was able to learn a few things to expect when I finally write my first post. For that, thank you.
You're welcome. If you haven't started your journey yet, this can help you a lot.
I remember when I was new on hive blockchain, most of my posts only got less than 1$ reward but thankful to my friend who always remind me that consistency is the key so I kept posting despite the low rewards. I read a lot of blogs and studied how they presented theirs until few months after I was able to improve mine, luckily someone who has a high vote value upvoted my post. The secret is never give up and continue to write and engage. Thank you to whales, curators and hive users.
Yes that's true it can be really frustrating, especially for those who have big eyes and impatience. They will think it's an overnight trip, but we hope for the best and we'll keep grinding for the future ... I'm taking my time to digest your contents and I swear I've gotten triple value, thank you very much @erikah you did justice in All
Yes you are absolutely right 👍👍i'm here for a year but i can't get reach on my post
Huge encouragement and a lot of things to learn here.
I'll definitely put the advices here to action. Thanks so much.
You're welcome and good luck as this is neither easy, not a fast thing.
Resilience is sure needed here, thanks for the enlightenment.
Yes, being a newbie is not easy but with the help of communities and consistence, not forgetting the advice I have gotten from this platform, I have still stand strong. Things have also been going smoothly. Thank you so much
Hello erikah
This is the best article I have ever seen on hive.
This is an actual encouragement for the new people.It must help us to work more hard.
The most direct reason for the issue you mentioned here is confidence and belief on hive.You can take my example I am very new to hive trying my best engaging to the people but had doubt in my mind what will be the future of my hard work.Your post answer me everything and it will also resolve questions of Many.
Thanks you so much for sharing bright sight of hive.
There are users who've been on Hive since the beginning, which was six years ago. If they have not lost hope, then neither should newbies. The community is the strongest of all as we've survived a hardfork and moved to Hive from the legacy chain and we're thriving.
So if anyone has any doubt about Hive, should think again.
As about ourselves, that is an individual matter but I'd say anyone can adapt.
Yeah true
Thanks man for your advice.
Thanks for this very informative and inspiring post. Informative because as a newbie myself who just had my first monthsary here on Hive, I'm still in the process of learning. Reading more blogs to get some tips and engaging myself with other hivers by dropping comments to posts I found interesting and catchy! Inspiring, because your tenure here on this platform is worth-emulating!
A lot of emotions that we can experience here especially that in writing articles putting our mind and heart into it.
But what I get to learn here in less than two months, maybe is just to enjoy writing and not to expect too much so that there would be less disappointments!
To be very honest, I’ve been a newbie over and over again here on Hive because I start off and somehow find myself ending by the way.. I’m not proud of it but I’m determined to put in effort this time. This post is really detailed and encouraging. I’m grateful that I came across your blog.
I’ve found a lot of value here and not just in terms of what you can earn. I feel that is almost secondary here. Curating is often more important than posting because that engages you with other people. It goes well beyond quick comments such as “nice post “, “lol” though sometimes they’re appropriate. If I’ve found something particularly interesting I may ask the author some questions about it or share my similar experiences with them. Hive is the long game, not the instant gratification pill found in other places!
Imagine someone saying hello how are you and then me just standing there saying nothing... "How to get a conversation started 101". 😆
Maybe people are just used to getting likes for sharing other people's stuff and not having to make much effort still... it will come.... it will come...
I'm still amazed at how responsive and interactive the community is around here... and Im still unraveling some actual trauma from the lack of humanity and connection on mainstream media.
Hive has all my upvotes every which way 👍
There are people (on Hive included), who don't know what politeness is. Not long ago I wished someone Happy (I have no idea what holiday it was) and the person said nothing. Needless to say I won't ever bother to wish them anything.
Like collectors are fine on web2 as those empty likes are worth more than anything to them.
Wow, this is indeed food for thought for both newbie and old users. I can't neglect any comment on my post , it doesn't speak well of me. Building our account bricks by bricks us the best way to go. A building is not made in a day .👍
I wish others would think the same.
Survive the first two months and create your own signature content. If you stick with it, Hive can and will change your life for the good!
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I chanced upon this entry from one of @galenkp's post - and I fully agree with what you have written. Great advice at the end as well.
I joined Hive about one year ago, and it has changed my life too! From my little room, I was able to connect with so many people through writing, and it was very valuable to me at that point in time because I could hardly go out due to the pandemic and couldn't really meet my friends so often.
And time flies, I didn't expect myself to be writing almost every single day after so many months, but the community here is great so here I am! I also think I re-discovered my interest for reading and writing so it's been a fun journey so far!
You're right, we have the best community. We've been through a lot and are still here. This is much more than just dropping a post and that's all. The community is keeping us here and the endless possibilities.
Thank you for this. It helps a lot. I usually try to engage and comment back on my posts as much as possible. I was losing a bit of confidence but this helps. Thank you
Hive is not a short term project, so there's no need to lose confidence. Keep building and you'll see results :)
I'm noob here and I'm discovering lots of new things in hive, it's really hard to make others notice you but I'm trying my best to stay in this great community and enjoy it while I'm here.
Thank you for all your advices❤️
It was a thought you live in my heart to know what am going through. Many of us are having so many challenges that sometimes it tends us to give up or even relent effort.
But as I went through this post, I have able to discover what I am supposed to do and how to get it right. Thanks so kindly for this extraordinary knowledge.
I have a strong belief that anyone who abide by everything entails here, will surely do well in this wonderful platform.
Good advice!
Carry on!
Thank you, you too.
I'm trying, hahaha!
Loved that @erikah and it meant a lot on quite a few levels.
I am a newbie here and a few of those points mentioned hit home in a positive & uplifting way after going through a couple of unwarrented thoughts during my short time which was appreciated. I joined with the full knowledge that hive and the various platforms affiliated are definately not "get quick rich quick" schemes/ scams as are the bain of my life and around every dam corner to take Joe's life hard money in a second without an ounce of guilt (excuse the language but f#ck that type of person that starts those).
At this point I have to mention @nickydee via @julianhorack that introduced me to this great world and so many that already helped me & made me feel welcome so far.....thanks so much to all of you always.
What I have enjoyed is the feeling of so many trying to encourage & uplift each other on their journey opposed to down trodding others for self gain and the "way of life" feeling I have had since I was a youngster of "put in the hard yards and you will be rewarded with a meal out on so many levels".
Thanks again for your straight talk blog that hit the nail on the head for me :)
Sorry for the late rely. I've never thought I would ever get so many comments on a post, I'm still behind with the replies.
You're still at the beginning, but you'll see the power of the community. These are not empty words, we've proved it countless times.
I'm glad you liked the post. Thank you for the comment and happy blogging.
Thanks so much and all I have experienced so far is community help which creates a good feeling :)
Well said. I consider myself mostly a newbie, too, after having spent just 3 months on Hive, but I must say I'm in love with it. Replying to others' comments is the least one can do. It's a way of showing respect to the person who dedicated their precious time not only to reading but also to writing something.
And as a newbie, I've made more earnings than I would have expected for 3 months. I might not be rich, but no other platform has given that to me.
I found your post on Dreemport, by the way.
That is something you should learn at home as it wasn't invented on Hive. It's common sense, rule of politeness.
Someone said they are going to share my link on Dreemport, so maybe that's why.
Anyway, I'm glad you've found it and more glad to hear you've made more earnings than you've expected. Keep up the good work!
hehehe yes that's why :)
our dreemers log in and get 5 random posts to curate before they can drop theirs in for the next day.
So it looks like @taimen logged in and got yours!!! Our dreemers do love to engage! hehehe so I'm glad that happened
You must have had an ambassador find your post and drop it in! I'm glad!!! If more people keep sharing out what you have shared in the post... more newbies will be realistic in their expectations
I have heard that over and over "How do I earn more in Hive?" And I tell them always - BUILD YOUR FOLLOWING first.
How?? By supporting OTHERS consistently!
but so many just don't want to listen. They think they have to "make a name" for themselves by writing. hmmmm well. the ones who listen are the ones who grow!! :)
Nice job on this post @erikah!!!
Thank you!
'A whale leaving hive and then what about me' was my first reaction.The title scared me a lot.
But after reading it I got you.
This is the only post I have seen which is meant for newbie.It will definately help the new comer like me.Thak you very much for sharing it.
Sorry to disappoint you buy I'm nit a whale, I'm just an orca, a small one.
Okay Let me check then🤣
ahem... It's more like about 30-40k active users, the others are basically dead accounts from the Steem 2016 craziness years
Well, I'm not sure about the numbers, the data guys could lighten us but whatever the number is, not many are scrolling through new posts to see who's registered.
don't forget blogging in general is something 99% quit.
And hive has no other social part.
Only if you have some people to have fun with. Otherwise boring.
People are here for various reasons, blogging is one of them.
true but 99% of the social part.
We have seen many people who came and left HIVE in a short time because being on HIVE requires a long-term patient as well as effort. I can understand that this could not be suitable for everybody, but not replying any comments under a post by the author somewhat awkard.
thank you very much erikah for everything, as a beginner I really feel what you said and now I will improve it little by little, I will be patient and chase my dreams.thanks a lot erika
You're welcome. You'll see the benefits of hard work long term. Good luck!
Hard work won't betray results, right?
When I was a newbie I have this kind of minds but as I continue my journey here I learned how engagement and interaction us really important to Hive. Find your niche so that in your passion in writing is more fulfilling that the expectations. As for me I find my niche in motherhood as I am a first time mom. I love to share my journey as a mother to all my fellow mom's here and I also love to read their journey.
Looks like you've already figured out what and how on Hive. Finding your niche is critical because that's where you can get followers. Users interested in what you're posting will follow you.
Good luck and have fun 🙂
This is the post we all need.
When I started, about 7 months ago, I thought that just by publishing "I should receive votes". Big mistake.
I'm in several Telegram groups, and I asked what was going on. The answer was: You have to make community.
I was reading your post, because I was curious, and it seems excellent that you place it among the posts of interest in each article. I'll take that idea.
This. Brilliant. Should be pinned where every new member of our community will see it. Btw I find this habit of never (or hardly ever) replying to comments so disrespectful and annoying! When too busy, I better skip posting my own posts only to be able to reply to the comments that I got...
Does this look familiar? What were you thinking? Do you think this is the right behavior on Hive?