At The IPA Exhibition


Many of you will think of beer, when reading IPA, or about International Phonetic Alphabet, or Institute of Public Accountants, or Indian Pharmacist Association, or Infrastructure and Projects Authority, or Independent Pilots Association. However, in this case IPA refers to International Police Association.


The municipal museum of Mediaș has this exhibition, which presents a collection of items related to police work. I've never seen anything like that before, so I was interested to see what they came up with.


The most obvious thing you expect at such an exhibition is uniforms and they had plenty. This is a typical Romanian police uniform. I'm not sure if it's till in use, if they have something more upgraded now. Yeah, I know, shame on me as I should know these, but honestly, I'm not looking after policemen or policewomen. Most likely this type of uniform is not in use anymore as they won't let a perfectly usable one in the museum, but this is just a guess. Lol, I really need to pay more attention to detail.



There were hats displayed from all over the world. From Hungary, Austria, France, Portugal, Germany, Canada, Serbia, Romania, Poland, Italy, the Netherlands, Moldova, Grece and so on.


There were some interesting ones on the top shelf, a bobby helmet and I think an Italian police helmet.


There was this bottle of a shape of a rifle, specially designed for an IPA event. I could not catch the most important part, but after some investigation, I think it says Győr on the bottle, which is the main city of northwest Hungary.



Judging by the badge on the arm, it seemed like an Italian uniform.


Next there were all kinds of objects related to police activity and not only.



There were some mysterious things on the top shelf. I recognized the gas mask, I had a similar one once. The other one was a mystery. The problem was, the shelf was above my head, so I could not see the top if the object and I'm not in the business of touching displayed objects. So your guess is good as mine, please feel free to let me know what you think it could be.


This was a bit more clearer, or at least I have that impression. I think the box on the right was for food, the other on the left was a metal flask and a metal can in the middle, with the crest of Hungary.


Photo cameras, badges of all kinds and ranks. Don't ask me what ranks are those as I have no clue. I was wondering if we have policemen and policewomen on Hive. I only know one ex policeman from the US. So if you're one, let me know :) We have a bunch of ex army guys, but police people?


A certificate of appreciation for Sibiu region, badges and ranks. In the back, on the wall, there's that paper, with the ranks in the Italian police. Would have been nice to take a decent photo, but whoever set up this exhibition, did not think about those taking photos at all.


Yeah, no matter how strange it seems now, there was a time, when everything was written at a typewriter.Imagine typing each report on such a typewriter.



When I got here, I started to smile. Don't get me wrong, I meant no disrespect.


This was the hat that made me smile. This is the type of hats you see in the old French movies, like with Louis de Funès.




It says Ministry of Justice on this one, so I suppose it has to do with the Military Court. Most likely it has a proper name, but I'm quire ignorant here.

All in all, there were interesting things on display, but he room was small, the items were not displayed properly, there was no space to take decent photos and the light was also terrible.

Looks like today is not my day. There would be a couple of photos to post, but images are not loading, again, so this is it for no. I hope you could find something interesting in this post.


Ok, I was able to edit the post an continue to upload the remaining photos. Based on the embroidery on the uniform, this is a German one. However, the lady looks rather poorly dressed and skinny too.



My nephew would kill for this polizei car for sure :) Looks great though.


Sport trophies.


Have you ever seen such a remote control? I haven't. If you can tell me what kind of remote control it is, I'd be glad. It seems like a keyboard too.

If you're a newbie, you may want to check out these guides:



What will always impress me about learning about the history of any job (in this case police work) is to see the evolution of either the uniform or the way the work is done and the clothing used. A really interesting publication!


You're right, seeing the evolution of uniforms or equipment is fascinating. They have come a long way and tested a lot of things to get where they are now. I'm glad you liked it.
