Review Dreamfall: The Longest Journey [ES/EN]



¡Hola amigos! Llevo un tiempo sin publicar por aquí. Hoy les quiero compartir un juego de PC que jugué en el 2020 que tiene una trama interesante, pero bastante desoladora, su nombre es Dreamfall: The Longest Journey.

Hello friends! I haven't posted here for a while. Today I want to share with you a PC game I played in 2020 that has an interesting plot, but quite bleak, its name is Dreamfall: The Longest Journey.

Me había llamado mucho la atención en aquel entonces, no reparé en que es la segunda parte de un juego que se llama Dreamfall y se estrenó 10 años antes, según averigüé después. Lo bueno es que no entorpece la trama porque la protagonista es otra. Este juego es del 2006 así que no esperen grandes gráficos.

It had caught my attention at the time, I did not notice that it is the second part of a game called Dreamfall and was released 10 years earlier, as I found out later. The good thing is that it does not hinder the plot because the protagonist is another one. This game is from 2006 so don't expect great graphics.

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Trama - Plot


Nuestra protagonista se llama Zoe Castillo, ella vive con su padre y está atravesando por un periodo depresivo, no encuentra rumbo en la vida, no trabaja, no estudia y terminó con su novio Reza, con el que siguen siendo amigos. Zoe empieza a tener unas visiones extrañas donde aparece una niña que le dice que tiene que salvar a una mujer llamada April. Ella piensa que está soñando y no le da importancia. Sin embargo, empieza a tener la misma visión una y otra vez en momentos donde está despierta y haciendo alguna actividad. Pero sigue sin comprender qué significa.

Our protagonist is called Zoe Castillo, she lives with her father and is going through a depressive period, she does not find direction in life, does not work, does not study and broke up with her boyfriend Reza, with whom they are still friends. Zoe begins to have strange visions where a girl appears and tells her that she has to save a woman named April. She thinks she is dreaming and doesn't think anything of it. However, she starts having the same vision over and over again at times when she is awake and doing some activity. But she still doesn't understand what it means.

Hasta que un día se encuentra con su ex novio, Reza, que le pide de favor ir a un laboratorio a hablar con una doctora para que le entregué unas muestras importantes que necesita y él debe irse cuanto antes del lugar. Zoe accede y al llegar al laboratorio se encuentra con que quieren matar a la persona con la que debía encontrarse y la termina salvando. Ella le da el paquete de Reza y se marcha, Zoe intenta comunicarse con él pero no responde, así que va a su casa y encuentra una mujer muerta. Al instante aparece una unidad especial de la policía que la termina apresando.

Until one day she meets her ex-boyfriend, Reza, who asks her as a favor to go to a lab to talk to a doctor to deliver some important samples that he needs and he must leave the place as soon as possible. Zoe agrees and when she arrives at the lab she finds that they want to kill the person she was supposed to meet and ends up saving her. She gives him Reza's package and leaves, Zoe tries to communicate with him but he doesn't respond, so she goes to his house and finds a dead woman. Instantly a special police unit appears and ends up apprehending her.


Pero este es solo el principio porque Zoe será transportada a un mundo diferente, más antiguo y primitivo. Donde tendrá que sobrevivir e intentar cumplir con su visión, salvar a la tal April, mientras intenta descubrir lo qué esta pasando en su presente.

But this is only the beginning because Zoe will be transported to a different, more ancient and primitive world. Where she will have to survive and try to fulfill her vision, to save April, while trying to discover what is happening in her present.

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Reseña - Review


El juego es una mezcla de aventura, misterio y escenas gráficas interesantes. Me pareció muy bueno que tocaran el tema de la depresión en un personaje porque hasta este momento nunca lo había visto. La primera parte es de exploración del entorno, podemos andar con la casa de Zoe y por el barrio, hablar con la gente de la ciudad y conocer a sus amigos. Zoe tiene una amiga que es hacker y ella nos dará un par de objetos interesantes que nos van a ir ayudando a lo largo del juego.

The game is a mix of adventure, mystery and interesting graphic scenes. I thought it was very good that they touched the theme of depression in a character because until this moment I had never seen it. The first part is about exploring the environment, we can walk around Zoe's house and the neighborhood, talk to people in the city and meet her friends. Zoe has a friend who is a hacker and she will give us a couple of interesting objects that will help us throughout the game.

No podemos disparar, ni matar a nadie. Las escenas de acción se basan en escondernos y resolver algunos puzzles mientras tratamos de que no nos maten. También habrá algunos momentos donde tendremos que correr de enemigos que nos persigan, unos van a ser más difíciles que otros. Recuerdo que tuve que hacer varias veces algunas misiones porque me atrapaban.

We can't shoot or kill anyone. The action scenes are based on hiding and solving some puzzles while trying not to get killed. There will also be some moments where we will have to run from enemies chasing us, some are going to be more difficult than others. I remember that I had to do some missions several times because they were trapping me.


Cuando somos transportados a la nueva dimensión, vemos criaturas muy raras que hablan su propio idioma. En un momento nos encontramos con la tal April, que supuestamente fue la protagonista de la primera parte del juego, y podremos jugar con ella en algunas ocasiones. Además de que aparecen otros personajes interesantes con ella con los que también podremos jugar, eso es lo interesante, vemos varios puntos de vista.

When we are transported to the new dimension, we see very strange creatures that speak their own language. At one point we meet April, who was supposedly the protagonist of the first part of the game, and we will be able to play with her on some occasions. Besides that other interesting characters appear with her with whom we can also play, that's what's interesting, we see several points of view.

La trama esta envuelta en conspiraciones, intrigas y engaños. La empresa con la que estamos lidiando es una que se dedica a la genética e hizo varios inventos cuestionables que ponen en peligro a la humanidad. Además de que crearon sus propias aberraciones.

The plot is wrapped in conspiracies, intrigues and deceptions. The company we are dealing with is one that is dedicated to genetics and made several questionable inventions that endanger humanity. Plus they created their own aberrations.


El juego es bastante bueno, tuvo escenas que me pusieron los pelos de punta. En algunos momentos me daba cierto miedo, sobre todo cuando me perseguían criaturas, ya que me causa nervios estar corriendo y escondiéndome. Pero siento que se quedó estancado en cierto punto. Tuvo un final abrupto y no fue de mi agrado. De hecho, creo que ese final reflejaba muy bien el vacío con el que arrancamos jugando con la protagonista, me sentí rara cuando lo termine. Pero no me gustó porque se quedo corto, pienso que la historia daba para más y no la supieron aprovechar.

The game is pretty good, it had scenes that made my hair stand on end. At some points it was kind of scary, especially when I was being chased by creatures, since it makes me nervous to be running and hiding. But I feel like it stalled at a certain point. It had an abrupt ending and it wasn't to my liking. In fact, I think that ending reflected very well the emptiness we started with playing with the protagonist, I felt weird when I finished it. But I didn't like it because it fell short, I think the story had more potential and they didn't know how to take advantage of it.


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Bueno amigos, está fue mi impresión sobre este juego. Recuerden que es algo subjetivo. Si alguien lo jugó o lo conoce me gustaría que me cuenten qué les pareció. Tengo entendido que fueron saliendo más entregas de este juego, pero no las jugué todavía. Quizá ahí se expliqué mejor todo lo sucedido con el final de este.

Gracias por llegar hasta acá y leer.
¡Hasta la próxima!

Well friends, this was my impression of this game. Remember that it is subjective. If anyone played it or knows it, I would like you to tell me what you thought about it. I understand that more installments of this game were coming out, but I haven't played them yet. Maybe there is a better explanation of what happened with the end of this one.

Thanks for coming this far and reading.
See you next time!

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Separador de texto hecho en Canva - Text separator made in Canva

Traductor - Translation

9.942 NEOXAG


I think they could have made a better game from this story and in the future another company might consider remaking the game. I would say the graphics are average for the year the game was made. The price is not cheap at all.

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I hope so, the story seemed good to me, but they did not know how to exploit it well in my opinion.
I have to see the new installments, but yes, it is not cheap. So good, for now it will stay there.
Thanks for stopping by!

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